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Movie Recommendations / Reviews (Str8, Non-Pxxn) (Compiled)

Guest IslandMan

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I just hope that someone will make this into a gay movie. The part where Edward, Bella and Jacob were inside the Tent and outside was snowing heavily on the mountain top. Jacob threw the damn bloody irritating Bella out to freeze to death while he and Edward kissed and do the doggy. Howling ~~~~~~~~

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  • 3 weeks later...

Anyone who hasn't seen this should give it a try. If you haven't, I recommend you to be both early to watch the full movie and fully attentive to the whole flim. Compared to other summer flicks this year (like vampire-werewolf round 3, carrie & abu dhabi, american kungfu boy), I think Christopher Nolan have made another mega-blockbuster after 'The Dark Night'. I am so keen to watch this flim again! All the details that the main characters say or do are important to make you understand how's the plot going like convergence, libido (not the sexual desire!)

So, do you think that the whole movie is just another dream (if you have watched it?) of Cobb's?

Edited by amitie
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I enjoyed the beginning of the movie and was excepting more. But i was disappointed by the script. I found the Leonardo and his wife's affairs was a bit too much for the entire movie, instead i would prefer Christopher to develop the wild possibilties of what could take place in a dream. The movie is above average but definitely not 5 pop-corn.

learn to see the sparkle in others. not just the flaw.

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While I had movies that tell audiences what to think, this movie leaves you trying to figure out what it is all about for the first half an hour. And after you have more or less an idea of what it is all about , the many layers in the storyline leaves your brain like a clump of jello. While film critics may rate it highly just because of the success of Nolan's "The Dark Knoght", I feel that it's way too confusing for entertainment. One just do not need that stress while watching a movie!

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Guest conception

one question here...at the end of the show, when leo reunites with his 'real family, the camera zoom into the spinning totem. If i recall correctly, the totem is supposed to signal to the owner whether he is in a dream or in reality. So what does the spinnig at the end show? Is the ending part 'real'? or is it as one of you mentioned in an earlier post, a dream? If the latter, it will be truly an ironic twist, giving the same kind of feeling i remember i had after watching that movie by Bruce Willis (was it 'sixth sense") where he turned out to be the ghost and not real! Another similar one is the one by Nicole kidman "The Watchers" where she turned out to be the ghost haunting the house instead of the other way round....

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one question here...at the end of the show, when leo reunites with his 'real family, the camera zoom into the spinning totem. If i recall correctly, the totem is supposed to signal to the owner whether he is in a dream or in reality. So what does the spinnig at the end show? Is the ending part 'real'? or is it as one of you mentioned in an earlier post, a dream? If the latter, it will be truly an ironic twist, giving the same kind of feeling i remember i had after watching that movie by Bruce Willis (was it 'sixth sense") where he turned out to be the ghost and not real! Another similar one is the one by Nicole kidman "The Watchers" where she turned out to be the ghost haunting the house instead of the other way round....

it was mentioned by Leondardo during the flim that if you are in a dream, you couldn't remember the start of the dream e.g. how you make it to this place or the totem acts in a way that you don't expect it to be. in a way, the director even wants your last attention during the last minute of the flim. i pretty agree that whole movie is stressing in a point but, overall, it's captivating in a way that you would make yourself attentive, learn and remember all the events, words and characters in the movie. also, it's really rare that when i watched it at GV Max that, there's simply "virtually" (i may have missed some) no one who left their seats to go the toilet! HAHA.

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I'm puzzled by the ending too. Was it real or is he still in dream? And also, who is that stewardess helping them at the beginning of the flight? Where is she after they woke up? Aren't there suppose to be someone keeping watch over them while they dream?

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Finally caught Inception. Maybe with all that hype, I have a very high expectation on the movie, while it was a good movie, I don't think it wow me like "The Dark Knight" did.

The concept was new but not the most original, i could recall J.Lo's "The Cell" being one that dealt with entering others' dream for a purpose. In Inception, the idea was refresh with the major plot of industrial espionage. The "dream within a dream" trick was confusing at first but once you catch the concept, following the story became easy.

in my opinion, one of the major flaws would be how lucky those guys were, from the Chemist to the Arthur seemed to be very well adapted in gun shooting and fighting, which allowed them unscathed from the waves and waves of enemies' fire. That's no small feat as considering the enemies were mercenaries and bodyguards.

The zero gravity fight scene was easily one of the best fighting sequence ever choreographed.

I find Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Arthur was cute, and very suitable for the role. Apparently his performance granted him a chance to fight with his Inception main lead, Leonardo, to vie for the Riddler role for the third Christopher Nolan-directed "Batman" installment.

:thumb: When I Think It, I Do It, I Win It! :thumb:

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The psychological aspect was portrayed very well in this film, especially how we have little or no control over sub-consciousness. hence Cobb's wife Mal was constantly appearing sabotaging his plan.

So the question is, did Cobb escape his sub-conscious and got his desired ending or his sub-conscious got the better of him. Nonetheless to him, the difference may not be important.

:thumb: When I Think It, I Do It, I Win It! :thumb:

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Guest iz_ariays

Actually the ending was reality. Towards the end of the credits, I think you can hear the sound of the top hitting the table, means that it stopped spinning.

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the more you think about it, the more flaws you can find with the movie (by no means it is bad as there are many movies that are not even worth remembering or pondered about after the credits rolled)

For example, the biggest motivation for Cobb was to reunite with his kids. But why can't he asked his father-in-law (Michael Caine) to bring the kids along to France?

:thumb: When I Think It, I Do It, I Win It! :thumb:

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the more you think about it, the more flaws you can find with the movie (by no means it is bad as there are many movies that are not even worth remembering or pondered about after the credits rolled)

For example, the biggest motivation for Cobb was to reunite with his kids. But why can't he asked his father-in-law (Michael Caine) to bring the kids along to France?

Because he is a fugitive....the authorities suspected that he is the murderer of his wife and he is also under pursuit by his own company. Nobody is supposed to know where he is hiding.

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yeah one of his regrets was not seeing the faces of his kids, hence all the illusion he saw in his dream didnt feature the faces. BUT this is the Internet age, cant he just be a video conference call (well he did call home) or facetime or whatever?

:thumb: When I Think It, I Do It, I Win It! :thumb:

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yeah one of his regrets was not seeing the faces of his kids, hence all the illusion he saw in his dream didnt feature the faces. BUT this is the Internet age, cant he just be a video conference call (well he did call home) or facetime or whatever?

:thumb: When I Think It, I Do It, I Win It! :thumb:

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Personally I find the chinese title 唐山大地震 very misleading as the actual quake took place in the first 15min, the main bulk of the movie was on how the siblings going through their lives and eventually forgiving one another. Hence I prefer the English title "Aftershock" or the original book title 余震.

From this made in China movie, you can see the clear differences between eastern and western movie style, a Hollywood movie would take the first 30 minutes doing characters and relationship building so that when the disaster strikes, the audiences would care for the characters. The remaining half would be how the characters survived the disaster and celebrating the human spirit over natural disaster. Nope not in this film, it worked on how the characters (namely the mother and the twin siblings) life being affected by that decision the mother had to made.

During the quake in 1976, the mother had to make the decision to save the brother or the sister, she chose her son but her daughter miraculous survived and was adopted by another family. It took another earthquake in 2008 to reunite the siblings and their mother.

Was the movie touching? in my opinion, there were 3 scenes that were good, the scene when the foster dad shouted at his daughter, who was missing for few years, that he worried about her every single day, then it would be the 2008 quake where the mother calmingly asked to saw off her daughter's leg so that the rescue team would not be harmed by the next aftershock, finally it would be the part when the mother kneel down and asked for forgiveness.

However the director was too ambitions, too many subplots and their respective emotions were tackled and that diluted the main focus of how the family of three coping with the guilt and anger. For example that part when the foster mother was jealous when she thought her husband was in love with the adopted daughter. Those emotions seemed to be handed to the audiences and took back just as sudden so that the audience could be dealt with the next set of subplots and emotions.

The editing was rather sudden and the in movie product placement was laughable (driving a BMW into quake zone? which insurance to buy?) The final part of showing an actual survivor of the 76 quake was rather abrupt and made not sense just to have one survivor

:thumb: When I Think It, I Do It, I Win It! :thumb:

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Another part that i found very touching was when the boy alight from the bus and ran to his mum. Got me sobbing like a cute baby...

The product placement is quite obvious. the Philips phone, Kappa jacket, some wine etc. Guess its a new trend of funding in China movie.

The scene where the step father and daughter that made his wife not comfortable reminds me of Jasmine Lady by Zhangziyi and Joan Chen.

No complain as why they didnt show the scene when the daughter identified with her brother. Guess they wanna save the climax for the mum.

Not to say i dislike the movie, my only complain is that everyone seems to led a happy and successful lifestyle after the quake. The mum got suitor from a nice neighbor, the boy became rich and successful with a perfect wife that gets along with the mum, the daughter got married to a rich angmo. If not for the earthquake they will still get stuck in the kampung all their lifes. It almost feel like the earthquake makes their life better.

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Another part that i found very touching was when the boy alight from the bus and ran to his mum. Got me sobbing like a cute baby...

The product placement is quite obvious. the Philips phone, Kappa jacket, some wine etc. Guess its a new trend of funding in China movie.

The scene where the step father and daughter that made his wife not comfortable reminds me of Jasmine Lady by Zhangziyi and Joan Chen.

No complain as why they didnt show the scene when the daughter identified with her brother. Guess they wanna save the climax for the mum.

Not to say i dislike the movie, my only complain is that everyone seems to led a happy and successful lifestyle after the quake. The mum got suitor from a nice neighbor, the boy became rich and successful with a perfect wife that gets along with the mum, the daughter got married to a rich angmo. If not for the earthquake they will still get stuck in the kampung all their lifes. It almost feel like the earthquake makes their life better.

You really think earthquake makes their life better???

Just imagine you lost your arm(brother), you live with hatred(sister) and guilt(mother)? YOu really think is a better life??

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You really think earthquake makes their life better???

Just imagine you lost your arm(brother), you live with hatred(sister) and guilt(mother)? YOu really think is a better life??

What im saying was i wished their life could be more dramatic and sad: ex bro became a brat and unfilial, mum regret wished she chosen the daughter, daughter got abused by step parents etc....

Just my opinion....

Volunteering for the underwear association for third world countries. Please donate your used underwear to me.

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What im saying was i wished their life could be more dramatic and sad: ex bro became a brat and unfilial, mum regret wished she chosen the daughter, daughter got abused by step parents etc....

Just my opinion....

oh, so you prefer this type of movie, i see...



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last yr it was 'departure', tis yr is 'aftershock'..the difference is in the latter, i cried mostly within the first 45 min. Also go watch 'precious'..i think its based on harsh realities in harlem somewhere. Go see it.

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Guest Centrino

"After Shock", I was pretty impressed by the special effects. I had read the reviews and therefore primed myself to cry during the movie. Perhaps my expectations were high, and I was a little disappointed. Did I cry? Yes, but only a little... in a number of scenes... the boy running back to his mum from the bus, mum kneeling asking daughter for forgiveness, and the text books and school bag that the mother prepared and buried in the grave after she thought the daughter died. I agree that the director tried to do too much with each character, so much so that it got convoluted.

In contrast, tears were practically flowing down my face during the movies "Departures" and "Nada Sou Sou".... These stories were focused on one thing, telling the story of the main character(s)...no superfluous subplots...just a very compact storyline.

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In contrast, tears were practically flowing down my face during the movies "Departures" and "Nada Sou Sou".... These stories were focused on one thing, telling the story of the main character(s)...no superfluous subplots...just a very compact storyline.

Yeah indeed "Departures" movie is very touching .. the main character is also cute .. pity he is straight .. haha :)

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Was the movie touching? in my opinion, there were 3 scenes that were good, the scene when the foster dad shouted at his daughter, who was missing for few years, that he worried about her every single day, then it would be the 2008 quake where the mother calmingly asked to saw off her daughter's leg so that the rescue team would not be harmed by the next aftershock, finally it would be the part when the mother kneel down and asked for forgiveness.

actually the very first scene that got me 'into the mood' was when mother shouted to heavenly god above - 天啊你王八蛋 - BRAVO. Couldn't be better. (dun't we all feel that way sometimes?)

However the director was too ambitions, too many subplots and their respective emotions were tackled and that diluted the main focus...

whatever the objective of the director was, I totally agree w you. Overly ambitious. It was like a roller coaster ride - u went up n went down n at the end of the ride u dunt really remember what u saw during the ride.

For example that part when the foster mother was jealous when she thought her husband was in love with the adopted daughter. Those emotions seemed to be handed to the audiences and took back just as sudden

GOSH. SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN TO ME THE RELEVANCE OF THAT SCENE TO THE MOVIE... Yes, there are hundreds of possibilities as to why that scene was deemed necessary to have made the final cut but seriously, had it not been there it would not have obstruct any flow of the movie. Spot on OralB.

The editing was rather sudden ...

I can't help but to compare this movie to The Sister's Keeper. I personally think (we) chinese are just too greedy sometimes, when u try to wana show too much and cover too many, you simply rushes through everything - you lost focus. Less is more.

I love this movie, cried buckets but I think it is about time we strive to do better, much much better.

3/5 for me.

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GOSH. SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN TO ME THE RELEVANCE OF THAT SCENE TO THE MOVIE... Yes, there are hundreds of possibilities as to why that scene was deemed necessary to have made the final cut but seriously, had it not been there it would not have obstruct any flow of the movie. Spot on OralB.

After some thoughts, gee I am over analyzing movie again, the scene could explain why the daughter went missing for a few years, deep inside she might really have love for her foster father and afraid of that true emotion be shown. Also she was ashamed to face her dying foster mother esp when in the mother's death bed, the mother wanted the daughter to take care of her husband, in a way accepting their relationship which could potentially be incestuous. The daughter might also have tendency for going after father figure, hence in the end, she chose another older man as partner.

:thumb: When I Think It, I Do It, I Win It! :thumb:

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One of the biggest flaw would be that critical scene when the mother was asked to choose between the son or the daughter. In my opinion, that could have been extended a while longer to highlight the tough decision she had to make and the catch 22 situation she was in. Whatever decision she made, she was gonna regret it.

instead the choppy edit suddenly moved to the helper needed to move on to save others and the mother had to make the choice.

Compared that to the 2nd quake when another mother requested to saw off her daughter's leg. There was a moment of pause and silence while that mother watched one helper being injured by the aftershock. Her words was calm and yet no less painful.

To me that 5 minute was much more powerful than the previous one.

:thumb: When I Think It, I Do It, I Win It! :thumb:

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After some thoughts, gee I am over analyzing movie again, the scene could explain why the daughter went missing for a few years, deep inside she might really have love for her foster father and afraid of that true emotion be shown. Also she was ashamed to face her dying foster mother esp when in the mother's death bed, the mother wanted the daughter to take care of her husband, in a way accepting their relationship which could potentially be incestuous. The daughter might also have tendency for going after father figure, hence in the end, she chose another older man as partner.


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In a way, this movie was a very real human drama, over the course of 32 years, there were plentiful happening, some important, some minor. It chronically recorded down the lives of the 3 person (mother and twin children)

However as a movie presentation, too many unimportant stuffs were mentioned, dragging the movie and dilute the main theme (guilt of the mother vs hatred from the daughter)

for example the scene of the mother and the repair man suitor should be remove.

:thumb: When I Think It, I Do It, I Win It! :thumb:

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hehe... it may not be sex in nature, but a genuine feeling from the daughter to the foster dad. She lost her real dad in the quake and felt betrayed by her real mother, in come a fatherly figure who not only accept her into his life, and willing to respect her (sidetrack, the foster father would be one of the best dad in the world, very understanding and forgiving)

then again, the father actor is cute and I sure dont mind seeing more of him in his boxer shorts :P

:thumb: When I Think It, I Do It, I Win It! :thumb:

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but to me that's Cobb's biggest motivation, why he would willing to do it while knowing the chances of success wasnt high. It was almost like a suicidal mission, with him heading to the US with the bounty on his head. Also that motivation had to be strong enough for him to overcome the guilt from his first ever successful inception.

:thumb: When I Think It, I Do It, I Win It! :thumb:

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OOOOoooooooo BEEEEeeeeeeeeeee!!! :P :P :P

The son brought his gf back to tangshan to visit his mum, and they were at a resturant. Talking abt asking his mum to find a partner... His mum mentioned that her hubby, his father used his life to exchanged for hers...So touched.... i think that explains abt my cutie repair man's role :P

Most emotional part for me is when Fang Deng saw those tomatoes in the basin.... ( is it tomatoes? ) And her mum told her "我没骗你啊登,我说了明天卖给你呗“ i flashback to the very first part on how the small girl felt when her mum gave the one and only tomatoe to her little bro...

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oh that repair man part had a big bug - since when telephone depends on batteries to work? The product placement telephone uses batteries to support other function such as LCD screen and memory, without the batteries, she could still use the phone.

It would seemed like she purposely seduce the repair man to her house, but when the time came for the actual flirt, she chickened out :P

:thumb: When I Think It, I Do It, I Win It! :thumb:

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i found this from a China site, it would seem that in the original book, the foster father really did had intention on the daughter.





:thumb: When I Think It, I Do It, I Win It! :thumb:

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Guest guest

I can't help but to compare this movie to The Sister's Keeper. I personally think (we) chinese are just too greedy sometimes, when u try to wana show too much and cover too many, you simply rushes through everything - you lost focus. Less is more.

I love this movie, cried buckets but I think it is about time we strive to do better, much much better.

3/5 for me.

Well, before we bash this movie and comparing it with the western production standards, why don't we look at our local productions? I personally think they are an embarassment! Very LC !

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any reviews about the movie inception, i wanna watch it, i saw the trailer and it looks like an enigma

http://www.mtjunkie.org/inception-2010-07-13/ ?? looks like a typical Nolan film

Inception is worth watching! But its definitely not the sit back relax show, you kinda have to focus on plot and new concept of dreams

line id: ask with a dp at least

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I do agree, "Inception" is so much worth watching. I watched it first time and still alittle bit confused, have some doubt so I do want to watch it again or better buy the DVD to watch it again and again. :clap:

For 2010, it is one of the best movie I have been waiting for ...


Edited by castaway

Sometimes, the greatest journey is the distance between two people

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> oral b

1. seeing his kids again being cobb's biggest motivation.

i disagree. his biggest motivation is much more: being extricated from the charges and being able to live with his kids in a normal life again.

2. why couldnt cobb have done video conference calls?

this is an excellent question. i have a lame solution to that: the kids were being controlled by their grandmother - the phonecall they made to cobb might have been done in secret, until the kids' grandma cut off the teleconversation. but even i am not very convinced by my own suggestion.

3. how lucky everyone was.

agree. but their success was also visibly achieved by hair's breadth, after encountering so many precarious complications.

of course, then you have the school of thought that says the ending is a dream of cobb.

oralb, any more plot holes you can think of? :)

the biggest one that i can't reconcile is: cobb's daughter evidently sounds like a teenager when the kids called him while he was in kyoto. yet at the end, the kids were still... kids. although, of course, one can argue that it's a case of bad audio design.

> castaway

some films (even the cerebral ones) work better with, or even require generous suspension of logic in order for enjoyment of the film to take place (see Hirokazu Koreeda's AIR DOLL). INCEPTION is the opposite. i feel that my appreciation of the film's ingenuity grew every time i further question and dissect its nooks and crannies.

having said that, i'm curious how exactly is multiple characters entering a single dream achieved (multiple wires/cables connecting to a device, yeah, that's convenient), although not knowing doesnt hinder my understanding of the ensuing plot.

> tholhc

the stewardess is just a random someone who is part of their team helping to execute the operation. remember, saito bought over the entire airline.

> questions about the ending:

it is deliberately designed to be ambiguous. Like someone said in the article in yesterday's sunday times: "it's not about figuring (the ending) out. it's about choosing a theory that suits your beliefs most." Many fans *like* ambiguous ending, because there can be various interpretations of the ending, and they all work well.

> some trivia about the movie that i enjoyed reading.


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If you already read the plot summary and comments on IMDB about this movie and then combines with what you watched, you will find it interesting and more understanding by your own way ... especially when you watch it 2nd time ... or third ???

There are some small details as when Leo wears wedding ring, when not, you can find his reaction, conversation, attitude ... changes when he wakes up everytimes ... Nolan "focus" every detail of the movie so watching it second time really worths.

A spinning top in this movie acts like Joker in The Dark Knight, it just participated in the movie but did not decide anything, may be just interfere your thoughts. You should ask yourself : If the spinning top stops, it will be real or if it keeps spinning, then will it be dream ? - it is truth or just somethings they want to "inception" into your mind - Inception. If we are confused, it means Nolan is successful and he really is.

Leo is a skilled thief, the $!^*( best in the dangerous art of extraction, stealing valuable secrets from deep within the subconscious during the dream state, when the mind is at its most vulnerable. In general, it looks like that but in fact, the movie is the extraction process of Leo's obsession then "inception" it back into his mind to delete the "mistake" in his own brain.

Do you find it is strange that his kids look same in his dream and end of the movie ?

The ending is dream or real ? There are still 2 sides arguing about this.

For me, I am still confused alittle bit in the last dream when he decided to stay with his wife then wake up on the beach ... I will need to watch it again this weekend

Sometimes, the greatest journey is the distance between two people

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oralb, any more plot holes you can think of? :)

how about this, the really convenient character of the new Architect. I understand her role in this movie is a "narrator" through a newbie, the whole dream concept, everyone's role were explained to the audiences. But she seemed to catch the whole idea so quick and able to even diagnosed Cobb character's mental issue. As a newbie she could even offer suggestion on how to tackle the situation.

We could think of her as an genius, but overall her character was too convenient and lacked that character development (some struggle or even hiccups would be nice).

:thumb: When I Think It, I Do It, I Win It! :thumb:

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I joined the gang. Just caught it this afternoon.

I feel like Cobb was still in his dream as the children and house appear exactly like he remembered. The spinning top was spinning way over time even if it did stopped(Which it may have not. Afterall it was not shown).

The ending reminds me of "Silent Hill"... where the mom returned home still caught in the "Silent Hill Dimension".

The infinite dreams and depths of our sub-conscious and unconscious level. It may be hypothetical... but it can be very real. Just lock yourself up in total darkness and your days will turn into weeks and months and years and you will lost count and loose yourself... if you have nothing to hold on to or rely on. (From what I read... but I can imagine).

To contemplate eternity in a dream from a limited world perspective.

It is definitely a scary thought for some.

I am an optimist who believes that we are guided wherever we may be... thus never truly lost.

What if we are eternal beings in a dream of limited perspective.

We will loose ourselves if we do not learn how to cherish every moment when we return to eternity...

it is because we will see this limited life as meaningless and insignificant and followed by everything else.

To have eternity and yet cherish every moment... would you?

I imagine that I would be quite the sloth... hehe

until perhaps sloth expires...


Edited by Mandrake

It is what it is, it needn't be defined. It is absolute.

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Guest 0.02 worth

2 cents worth

I find the movie nice though draggy. Lots of *important* phrases were repeated by the cast. But the directing was fantastic and I kinda like the ending of this movie. Although people keep on focusing on whether it is a dream or reality, I feel that what is important is the main char got to see the faces of his kids again. I remember vividly in the middle of the movie he did mentioned why he was unable to see the faces of his children. Perhaps someone wanna jolt my memory? But in the end, be it a dream or reality it does not matter really. Because mainly, he got the courage to face his kids again. Also, he stood up to his 'wife', thus ending his guilt.



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saw inception yesterday cause i got nothing to do and airbender is too mshaymalanish for me, really boring story, i swear i slept throughout the story, Cobb is delusional and he was guilty of his wife's death, so he try to recreate all those delusional dreams in his head, those people in the plane, they are strangers to him and he happen to make them projections in his delusional dream to distract his mind of his wife, one weirdo, probably he won't have any of these dreams when he accepted the fact that it was not his fault for his wife's death and brave enough to face reality with his children, BORING can't even compare to minority report, waste of my money and time, can't wait to watch thor, green lantern and the avengers...

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