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What should I do?

Guest anonymous123

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Guest anonymous123

I knew a guy for a year now. Ever since the first weekend we met, we have been texting each other on a daily basis. We will meet every weekend for meals and movies.


I didn't know he was bisexual. He didn't know I am bicurious until a couple of months back when I confessed my feeling to him. He said he likes our interaction now and would like to keep it that way because he doesn't like me to the extend to date.


He is attached all the while we are friends.


Yesterday we had sex after a few drinks. He made it clear before having sex it's only biological needs and means nothing and I agreed to not hold it against him in the future.


I like him a lot and wanted to be together badly. I tried cutting him off once but it was heart-breaking. I resume our relationship after one phone call from him.


What should I do?

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1 hour ago, Guest anonymous123 said:

I knew a guy for a year now. Ever since the first weekend we met, we have been texting each other on a daily basis. We will meet every weekend for meals and movies.


I didn't know he was bisexual. He didn't know I am bicurious until a couple of months back when I confessed my feeling to him. He said he likes our interaction now and would like to keep it that way because he doesn't like me to the extend to date.


He is attached all the while we are friends.


Yesterday we had sex after a few drinks. He made it clear before having sex it's only biological needs and means nothing and I agreed to not hold it against him in the future.


I like him a lot and wanted to be together badly. I tried cutting him off once but it was heart-breaking. I resume our relationship after one phone call from him.


What should I do?


breaking away is probably the most difficult thing to do. looks like it's spiraling into an abyss and there's no way you can stop it :<


apologies before hand first, cuz what you'll read next is basically a breakdown of what i think, which could be seen as judging. but whatever la, it's my 2 cents and i hope it'll be of help:


1. he likes you obviously.

2. he is in total control of the relationship.

3. he wants both his bf / gf and you at the same time, because he likes you (refer to point 1), a lot.

4. he probably likes you more than his bf / gf because:

a. there's no baggage since he stated it clearly in the beginning and

b. he finally bedded you. 

5. reiteration of point 2: he is in TOTAL control of the relationship. this is downright cruel just because he knows he has control over you and that if it's anyone who would die for him, it's probably you. it MAY be because he doesn't want to hurt you hence he clarified that he only wishes to maintain as friends, but how i see it is, he doesn't want to lose his status quo wrt his existing relationship with his 正宫 and being greedy he doesn't want to lose you too. Well... it could also be because he likes you just that he's not saying it for fear of complications, and this is where both you and him are at RIGHT now, or rather, the beginning of it.


what's going to happen is:


1. it'll end up him cutting off everything with you for the sake of keeping his main relationship and

2. you losing your sanity and with your heart in pieces.


what i'm going to suggest is:


1. be brave, and see this wayward relationship through the end. get it over and done with, and it may be a few months to even years. heck, it took me 10 years. or, you could

2. learn mindfulness meditation. it will do you wonders, and it'll save you from massive heartache and disappointment. if you do and learn it right, it'll help you recover and move on faster.


the above 2 are the only possible options. yes, you always have a choice, but i don't think breaking away helps. people come together regardless of reason and regardless if it's good or bad. if you are into the notion of past lives, it's probably not the first (nor the last) time you guys have met and something happened. it almost always is a continuation and hence that's why i think cold turkey isn't going to help. you just have to see to the finish of this.


be brave!

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Whats the difference between bisexual n bicurious?



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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On 1/13/2018 at 12:03 AM, fab said:

Whats the difference between bisexual n bicurious?


From so much on line, looks like bisexual is top, bicurious bottom.


Guess it's just bad English.

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Just my 2 cents to chip in:


Just be careful with your heart. You know from the start what you're getting yourself into and the more you try to avoid it, the more you yearn for him. Go mingle with others in the community. Keep yourself occupied with whatever that interests you, apart from him that is. If you guys want it to be an 'FB' kinda way, it's entirely up to you... It will hurt if he says, 'That's it and goodbye'  but make sure you're not gonna go all cray cray and think 'Life is not worth living'.  Just be prepared like what member 'fourth' suggested and said ok love.. 

“We must not allow other people’s limited perceptions to define us.” -Virginia Satir

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Guest bonfire

Don't give in to his needs. He can always find others to fulfill his "biological needs". Even if you do, he would get bored of you someday and find someone else. Worse still, he might be nice to you just to have fun with you. Just steer clear from him.

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加油吧,明天的太阳依然会升起 :)

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