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Abercrombie & Fitch (A & F) News & Brickbats (Compiled)

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As the quintessential A&F wearer, i read with wild excitement about the impending opening of Abercrombie & Fitch's first ever store right here in Singapore. But only for maybe, half a minute. Glee turned into gloom when it suddenly dawned on me that most likely the prices would be way over-priced vs those sold in the good ol' U.S.A.

My second reason is even more lame, shallow and downright ridiculous. A&F's presence here would parlay into everybody and anybody wearing that muscled figure flattering apparel. Soooooo NOT good.

Anyway, 1st A&F. Then what's next?? Hollister ?? American Eagle ?? I sure hope not .....


Yay if you are below 30 years old, and Nay if you are above 30.

A&F as a brand has evolved here in the US as something you wear from your teens through late 20s. If you are above 30, and caught wearing an A&F apparel with the logo emblazon across your chest, it is consider age-inappropriate.


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Guest slinkYcaT

more like so 5 seasons ago. way 2 late A&F.

It may be 5 seasons wwwaaaayyyyy too late. Maybe, even 10. I might even be stuck in a perpetual time-warp. But then, who the hell cares? In my book, A&F is the go-to apparel for those gunning for body-flattering muscled fit clothes. Period.


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Guest A&Fer

Nay if you are above 30.....If you are above 30, and caught wearing an A&F apparel with the logo emblazon across your chest, it is consider age-inappropriate.

have u all seen the late 30s-40s gay uncles wearing A&F

prancing around in town?

most of them not even in shape, even looks odd

cannot understand why they think that by splashing some words [A&F, etc] across their t-shirts = validating themselves as 'hip' & 'relevant'?

quite shallow leh, no?

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Guest guest

Actually with so many nice Ts available in singapore, why do we need A&F now. If they are interested in Singapore market, should have come long time ago, why now. Maybe not doing well now so no more "howlian". I dont think it is worth paying so much for their Ts. If you saw some uncles wearing, maybe it is made in china or their kids bought for them..hahaha... A Ts is a Ts, to some, they might not know most Gays wear them..

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  • 4 weeks later...


Can somebody tell me more about this brand?

Is this Yay or Nay?

Yes, was Yay 3 years ago but now it is nay. However, by the time it reaches Singapore and SE Asia, people will go yay yay yay!

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It may be 5 seasons wwwaaaayyyyy too late. Maybe, even 10. I might even be stuck in a perpetual time-warp. But then, who the hell cares? In my book, A&F is the go-to apparel for those gunning for body-flattering muscled fit clothes. Period.


I am still wearing A&F at 30 plus. Looks good and make the body shape look nicer. loves the cut.

Also, their material is pretty comfortable.

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Not sure how current is A&F nowadays. Everywhere I turn, I see lots of guys wearing Fred Perry shirts. Will it replace Fred Perry when it comes to Singapore?

Anyways I wonder if it will be priced like Fred Perry or cheaper.

Typically I don't usually wear polo shirts. Either a short sleeved button down shirt or a t-shirt. I'm lean so I prefer european cuttings / tailoring like A/X, CK, or Paul Smith.

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Guest Guest

A&F ...

i kinda given up on them ...

ordered them online and they actually sent me a shirt with the sensor tag on it.

and it took them 2 weeks to get back to me having to :

1. go to customer service

2. check shipping dept and warehouse

3. go thru business team

etc etc etc before they can even come back to me on why there is a sensor on my shirt. The point they fail to realise is, I DON'T FREAKING CARE ...... i dun wanna know the process or protocol etc. i just want a replacement ...

and in the beginning, they did not believe me. Asked me for photos which I took and emailed them ...

I am not about to go to a store and ask them to remove the sensor for me .. like I "took" them ?

and finally, they resent one replacement ..... only to send me the wrong one .... which I already have .. i mean come on ! I gave the photos, a shot of the SKU and barcode ... even different views of the shirt ... and still they sent me a wrong one ...

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  • 3 months later...

I always thought A&F is very gay brand. But realised that many of my straight collegues all love it.

All waiting for their new store to open in Singapore.

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How could it b gay?

name me another gay brand?

GAP!!! Did you know it stands for Gay And Proud?? Their original store started in San Francisco with their main customers being gay men, that's how they became so successful :) :) of course that's just what I heard from the Americans, I could be wrong.

Edited by Avecinfuser

Only to lie like this between the bombs, dreaming away and not alone, because time was very short.

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does GAP really stand for that ? cant believe it, it s nothing fanciful to me

though its stuff are q. affordable (overseas), in Spore, it s overpriced for that kind of qlty, really

GAP!!! Did you know it stands for Gay And Proud?? Their original store started in San Francisco with their main customers being gay men, that's how they became so successful :) :) of course that's just what I heard from the Americans, I could be wrong.

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D-Squared is a very gay brand. Rufskins. Birkenstocks (for the L-plates). Prius. To name a few.

Well Dsquared designers are a pair of gay twin brothers :) Rufskins are like leather gear right?? Birkenstocks gay meh??!!

Only to lie like this between the bombs, dreaming away and not alone, because time was very short.

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Be mindful that what you get is what you pay for.

Read the article in the link that many retailers are marking up prices for clothes of lower quality.

In particular, note this paragraph:

Teen retailer Abercrombie & Fitch is advertising "Redesigned 2012" jean collection in its stores and on its website, touting that the jeans are "softer, with the perfect amount of stretch." They're also mostly priced between $78 and $88, about $10 more than last year, according to Jennifer Black, who heads up research firm Jennifer Black & Associates.

Sozzi, the Wall Street Strategies retail analyst, examined the jeans and believes they are "thinner" and of "cheaper quality." That extra stretch, he says, simply could mean the retailer is saving costs by using less denim.

Eric Cerny, an Abercrombie & Fitch spokesman, declined to comment. But Cerny reiterated what executives told investors in recent months: the bulk of increases on items will start to happen in September and the chain will not sacrifice quality to achieve cost reductions.

Edited by starbright

Heal the Past, Live the Present, Dream the Future

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Guest slinkYcaT

I've been wearing A&F for years and of coz I am dismayed to learn that A&F is coming to Singapore. There goes the exclusivity ....


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  • 3 weeks later...

Extracted from a Taiwanese Blog http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/monju/post/1272660073

Abercrombie & Fitch 的迷思

最近台灣興起了一股 Jocky 風,陽光男孩在台灣大行其道,Abercrombie & Fitch 這個品牌在台灣也順勢而起,熱門得很。尤其台灣沒有代理商,更讓這個牌子因為「物以稀為貴」而使得許多人趨之若鶩。但是很多台灣人不知道,其實 Abercrombie & Fitch 是一個有種族歧視的品牌。

Abercrombie & Fitch 是一個相當保護白種人的牌子,以前還有內規:不會讓非高加索長相的員工出現在店面裡,以維持品牌的「格調」。現在雖然已經沒有這個規定了,但是可以參閱相關新聞 http://www.afjustice.com。在 2002 年時,Abercrombie & Fitch 推出一系列的 T-shirt,把歧視亞洲人標語印在 T-shirt 上。最經典的例子,便是他們在 T-shirt 上寫著“Wong Brothers Laundry Service -- Two Wongs Can Make It White.”(見下圖)。


“Wong Brothers Laundry Service -- Two Wongs Can Make It White.”主要是指當初華人移民美國時,很多教育程度不高的華人只能開洗衣店或是 Chinese food 來維持生計, Abercrombie & Fitch 以此為標語將之印在衣服上販售(當時有出好幾款,這只是其中一件)。“Wong Brothers Laundry Service -- Two Wongs Can Make It White.”就是在暗指黃種人(華人)都是在做洗衣店。試想,在美國如果如果店家敢在衣服上面印說黑人都是混幫派的,這家店大概很快就被砸、被放火了。同樣的,Abercrombie & Fitch 這系列衣服在 2002 年一推出來,馬上引起全美國亞裔人士群集抗議,告上法庭。Abercrombie & Fitch 被迫將這系列的衣服撤架,而且類似事件發生不止一次(第一次發生於 2002 年 4 月,而同樣事件於 2003 年 12 月又再度發生)。在此同時,有好幾個控告 Abercrombie & Fitch 不錄用非白人員工的案子正在進行,這代表出問題的不是單單一位設計師,而是整個企業以及企業形象的問題。一言以蔽之,這家店是徹徹底底充滿種族歧視意味的服飾店。美國的媒體(MAD tv)對 Abercrombie & Fitch 種族歧視的行徑以及其企業文化也是多所揶揄,在 youtube 尚可見到許多嘲諷的短片(http://youtube.com/watch?v=w3-WzqfbVHU)。

對我來說,Abercrombie & Fitch 的衣服質料普通、剪裁一般、也沒有特別的設計感,在我眼裡 Abercrombie & Fitch 沒有比 Gap、H&M 高到哪裡去,但是它的售價卻遠比其他兩家高出許多,衣服的售價與質感根本不成正比。如果要走 Jocky 風,還有很多其他品牌可以選擇,穿著歧視自己的服裝走在街上,很可笑也很可悲。

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love their store in manhattan... once you enter you are greeted by male models (looks to die for) dressed in nothing but yes abercrombie&fitch white tighties with hugh bulges. i visited the store everyday since my hotel was just round the corner.

Suck my tits and I'll lick your balls.

Lick my arse and I'll suck your cock.

All in sex is fair.


The only bad thing about sex is that it doesn't last long enough.


Read my blog - www.anasianjourney.blogspot.com

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Im too old for A&F, which is catered for those in their late teens and early 20s.

Dont want to look like mutton dressed as lamb.

Dont worry too much about your age. The T-shirt is worn by older guys too. Fashion is very subjective and it really depends on how you wear it to make it look good on you.

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  • 4 weeks later...


An Abercrombie & Fitch advertisement featuring a shirtless model outside an Orchard Road shopping mall has been suspended by the Advertising Standards Authority of Singapore (ASAS).

In a statement, the ASAS said that the U.S. casual wear retailer’s ad, announcing the launch of its first outlet in Singapore, was suspended “due to breach of the Singapore Code of Advertising Practice guidelines on decency”, reported AsiaOne.

According to the Code, advertisements should not contain anything that is offensive to the standards of decency prevailing among those who are likely to be exposed to them.

The ad, showing the chest and torso of the male model, draws attention to his hands pushing down his very low-slung jeans. It is displayed across the entire front window of the Abercrombie & Fitch store in Knightsbridge shopping centre, due to open on 15 December.

As early as in June, some readers on citizen journalism portal STOMP said that the ad was vulgar, while others described it as “indecent” and “lewd”.

Singaporeans whom Yahoo! Singapore spoke to, however, have mixed views about the ad.

Part-time marketing manager Marilyn Ong, 55, was more amused than offended by it.

“(It’s) a bit daring, but it doesn’t really bother me because I would just laugh at it,” said the mother of two, acknowledging at the same time that her friends would probably feel embarrassed if they were to see it.

“I suppose it is in our culture (to be conservative), though, because if my in-laws see this, they will peng san (faint),” she added.

54-year-old volunteer worker Gilbert Wong disagreed, saying that he felt it encouraged sexual activity.

“It’s quite awful,” he said, noting that as an Asian society, Singaporeans are not ready for such explicit images. “We are open, but I don’t think we’re ready for that extent of openness… perhaps two or three generations down the road might be fine with it, but not us,” he said.

Advertising industry professionals also noted the sensitivity of Singapore's community, citing the ad's inappropriateness here in particular.

"We must remember that outdoor advertising here rightly has historically been sensitive to the multi-cultural society that is Singapore; we are not a mono culture -- so partial nudity in advertising is generally not acceptable," said JCDecaux Singapore CEO Ashley Stewart, in a report by Marketing-Interactive.com.

"But what really surprised me was the speed of ASAS' response," he added. "The ad's suspension (came) many weeks after it was posted, so it had already achieved the desired effect. The job had been done."

Abercrombie & Fitch is no stranger to controversy. It made headlines in Singapore last month for its policy of hiring good-looking front-line workers.


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I am very surprised that the authority would have ban this advertisement! If you still remember some 10 years back when Virgin Mobile was launched in Spore... They have also used a naked man (PI from Cali I think ) with just a Virgin Mobile logo covering the private part of the model... And mind you it was openly published in the ST and BT!!!

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Lol how inefficient.

Imagine how many people would've already seen that ad by now. Taking it down produced a bit of news for it moreover...

Not that I'm against taking it down. I wasn't that big a fan of the dude's body.

Meh... not enough meat ^^

"One of the best things about a forum is that it's a place where you can find the most random and outrageous quotes on the internet." - Ghandi

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Ridiculous.... that ad has been up there for such a long time....

Can't escape my eyes whenever I go to the bank upstairs

I do admit that I wanna drool at it though.... :lol:

Cos this place is so near to where I currently work at.

But then, who are we kidding?

Access to information is so rampantly easy and convenient nowadays.

Even if you dun see this at Orchard Road, how about in those cinema films and on TV dramas?

Teach the kids not to simply let the imaginations overrun them is enough.

Dun blame others when you can't even restrain yourselves.

Edited by qedcwc

"You like who you like lah. Who cares if someone likes the other someone because of their race? It's when they hate them. That's the problem."

Orked (acted by Sharifah Amani) in SEPET (2004, directed by Yasmin Ahmad)

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Well all of you can thank this lady for getting the advertisement taken away! See, they are the pervs.




LOL~! :lol:

"You like who you like lah. Who cares if someone likes the other someone because of their race? It's when they hate them. That's the problem."

Orked (acted by Sharifah Amani) in SEPET (2004, directed by Yasmin Ahmad)

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They took so long to review it.

Some must have been enjoying the red tape involved so that they can oogle at the ad.

I like the ad too.

Whatever it is, A&F has indeed screamed its way into Orchard Road.

Edited by darkflame


I'm always running after you.

You are my ideal.

You are me.

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When I first heard the news, I thought how stupid our Advertising Standards Authority of Singapore is, and how idotic they can be as scantly dressed women had been flooding our media everyday.

After more reading, I am inclined to wonder whether they are hired by Abercrombie & Fitch. You see the ads been there since June this year and the complains by zealous parents started around then as well. By now the ads would have fulfilled its purpose, A&F would be opening soon (for Xmas season) This latest news just created free publicity for the company, NOW EVERYONE knows that A&F is coming and its location.

Way to go ASAS, you should change to ASS for short

:thumb: When I Think It, I Do It, I Win It! :thumb:

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