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Joke: Baseball bat


Years ago, I viciously beat up my high school bully with a baseball bat.


Both of his arms were broken.


Come to think of it, that’s probably why I felt brave enough to beat him up.

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Joke: Baseball


Some punk kids threw a baseball through the lower half of my window, and then jumped through an entire other window to get it!


Let me tell you, it was a pane and a half to replace.

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Joke: A replay of the game


Two guys are sitting at the bar watching a baseball game when the batter hits a high pop fly to center field.


The first guy says, “I’ll bet you $50 bucks he drops it.”

Second guy says, “You’re on. That’s an easy play.”


The centerfield proceeds to drop the ball and the second guy sheepishly hands over the $50.


A little while later, the first guy says, “Hey bud. I gotta come clean. This is actually a replay of the game. I saw him drop it earlier.”


The second guy says, “Yeah I know. I saw it too. I thought there was no way he’d drop it twice.”

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Joke: A teenage boy


A teenage boy is getting ready to take his girlfriend to the prom.

First, he goes to rent a tux, but there’s a long tux line at the shop and it takes forever.


Next, he has to get some flowers, so he heads over to the florist and there’s a huge flower line there. He waits forever but eventually gets the flowers.


Then he heads out to rent a limo. Unfortunately, there’s a large limo line at the rental office, but he’s patient and gets the job done.


Finally, the day of the prom comes. The two are dancing happily and his girlfriend is having a great time. When the song is over, she asks him to get her some punch, so he heads over to the punch table and there’s no punchline.

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Joke: Big nose


A very handsome man gets into a terrible car accident.

The doctors save his life, but he loses one eye. Before a nice glass one can be fitted, he is temporarily given a wooden eye.


The man becomes very depressed because of his eye loss and sits at home, moping around. Eventually his friends come over and drag him out to a bar to try and cheer him up. While at the bar, he’s still just sitting there looking depressed, not really talking. One of his friends suggests he tries to talk to a cute girl who seems alone at the bar.


“No, she’ll never go for a man with a wooden eye,” the man says.

“Okay, how about that girl over there?” His friend responds. “She has a really big nose”.


The man walks over to the girl and asks, “Would you like to dance?”

Very excited, and shocked, to be asked to dance by such an attractive man, the woman responds “Would, I?! Would I?!”


To which the man quickly responds “Big nose! Big nose!”

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Joke: Bubba & Earl


Bubba replies, “Yes, they are very beautiful. And look at the price!”

Earl says, with wide eyes, “Wow, they aren’t very expensive. At this price, I’m buying one.”


Bubba smiles and pats him on the back, “Good idea! Order one and if she’s as beautiful as she is in the catalogue, I’ll get one too.”


Three weeks later, Bubba asks his friend Earl, “Did you ever receive the girl you ordered from the Sears catalogue?”


Earl replies, “No, but it shouldn’t be long now. I got her clothes yesterday!”

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Joke: Redneck husband


A redneck husband, who has six children, begins to call his wife “mother of six” rather than by her first name. The wife, amused at first, chuckles.


A few years down the road, the wife has grown tired of this. “Mother of six,” the redneck would say, “what’s for dinner tonight? Get me a beer!” She gets very frustrated.


Finally, while attending a party with her husband, he jokingly yells out, “Mother of six, I think it’s time to go!” The wife immediately shouts back, “I’ll be right with you, father of four!”

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Joke: How old are you?


A woman walked up to a little old redneck rocking in a chair on his porch.


“I couldn’t help noticing how happy you look,” she said. “What’s your secret for a long happy life?”


“I smoke three packs of cigarettes a day,” he said. “I also drink a case of whiskey a week, eat fatty foods, and never exercise.”


“That’s amazing,” the woman said. “How old are you?

“Twenty-six,” he said.

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Joke: A redneck couple


A redneck couple gets married and are on their honeymoon. The woman changes into a sexy outfit and lies on the bed. She looks sheepishly up at her new hubby and whispers, “Please be gentle with me. I’m a virgin.”


The man gets up screaming, grabs his trousers and runs home to tell his father.


His father comforts him by saying, “Now, now. It’ll be okay, son. If she wasn’t good enough for her own family, then she isn’t good enough for ours.”

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Joke: How much for all night?


A woman seated herself in the psychiatrist’s clinic.

"What seems to be the problem?" the doctor asked.


"Well, I, uh," she stammered. "I think I, uh, might be a nymphomaniac."

"I see," he said. "I can help you, but I must advise you that my fee is $80 an hour."


"That's not bad," she replied. "How much for all night?"

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Joke: Vodka


A man walks into a pub and asks for 12 shots of vodka.

The barman says, "Wow, 12. Are you celebrating?"


The man replies, "I've just experienced my first blow job."

The barman says, "That's brilliant. Let me get you another one on the house."


The man replies, "No, that's okay. If the twelfth one doesn't get the taste out of my mouth nothing will."

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Joke: Erection difficulties


I’m about three years into my relationship now and I've started to have erection difficulties.


My girlfriend and I have different ideas as to what the problem is: she bought me some Viagra and I bought her a treadmill.

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Joke: At prison


A woman visits her husband in prison.


Before leaving, she tells a correction officer, “You shouldn’t make my husband work like that. He’s exhausted!”


The officer laughs, saying, “Are you kidding? He just eats and sleeps and stays in his own cell!”


“Rubbish! He just told me he’s been digging a tunnel for months!”

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Joke: My cellmate


On my first day in prison, my cellmate said to me, “If you ever come close to me, I’ll skin you alive. When we’re sleeping, you don’t touch me. You hear me? Don’t ever talk to me, either.”


“Great,” I thought. “First day in here and I’m already married.”

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Joke: Coroner & detective


Coroner Dad: He died at precisely 11-45 p.m.


Detective: Are you positive?


Coroner: It’s difficult with all the dead bodies around, but I’m hanging in there.

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Joke: Guess your weight


As the detective examined the crime scene at the carnival, he came upon the man working the “Guess your weight” booth.


The detective had the man arrested as an accomplice to the criminal.


He was charged with helping the criminal get a weigh

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Joke: Old rancher


Later, the old rancher hears loud screams and spies the agent running for his life and close behind is the rancher’s bull.


With every step the bull is gaining ground on the agent.

The agent is clearly terrified.


The old rancher immediately throws down his tools, runs to the fence and yells at the top of his lungs…


“Your badge! Show him your badge!”

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Joke: The citizens of the community


Several years ago, Andy was sentenced to prison.


During his stay, he got along well with the guards and all his fellow inmates.

The warden saw that deep down, Andy was a good person and made arrangements for Andy to learn a trade while doing his time.


After three years, Andy was recognized as one of the best carpenters in the local area.


Often, he would be given a weekend pass to do odd jobs for the citizens of the community and he always reported back to prison before Sunday night was over.


The warden was thinking of remodeling his kitchen and in fact had done much of the work himself.


But he lacked the skills to build a set of kitchen cupboards and a large counter top, which he had promised his wife.


So, he called Andy into his office and asked him to complete the job for him.

But, alas, Andy refused.


He told the warden, “Gosh, I’d really like to help you but counter fitting is what got me into prison in the first place.”

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Joke: A can of peaches


The judge asked the woman what she stole.

She replied, “I stole a can of peaches.”


The judge then asked, “How many peaches were in the can?”

“Six,” replied the woman.

After consideration, the judge decided to sentence her one night of prison for every peach she stole. Six nights total.


At this moment the woman felt helpless, bawling her eyes out, she didn’t know what to do.

And before the judge smacked the mallet down to make it final, her husband entered into the courtroom and yelled, “Your honor, wait!”


The judge froze and listened to what the husband wanted to say.

“She also stole a can of peas!”

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Joke: Locomotive


A detective is investigating a crime scene in Mexico.

A cop fills him in on what happened.


“Apparently the killer is riddled with dementia and considers the train his lover, so he killed the train operator out of jealousy.”


“Wow!” says the detective, looking up at the train in question.

“That’s some locomotive.”

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Joke: FBI


One of the best marksmen in the FBI was passing through a small town.

Everywhere he saw evidences of the most amazing shooting.


On trees, on walls, and on fences there were numerous bull’s-eyes with the bullet hole in dead center.


The FBI man asked one of the townsmen if he could meet the person responsible for this wonderful marksmanship.

The man turned out to be the village idiot.


“This is the best marksmanship I have ever seen,” said the FBI man. “How in the world do you do it?”


“Nothing to it,” said the idiot. “I shoot first and draw the circles afterward.”

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Joke: Traffic cop


I got pulled over by a traffic cop. He walked up to my window and said, “Papers.”


I said, “Scissors, I win…” and I drove off.


He must be desperate for a re-match because he’s been chasing me for ages.

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Joke: He was 80, she was 20. It was the stir …

He was 80, she was 20. It was the stir of the town when an 80 year old man married a 20 year old girl. After a year of marriage, she went into the hospital to give birth.


The nurse came out to congratulate the fellow saying, "This is amazing. How do you do it at your age?"
He answered, "You've got to keep that old motor running."

The following year the young bride gave birth again. The same nurse said, "You are truly amazing. How do you do it?"
Again he said, "You've got to keep the old motor running."

The same thing happened the next year. The nurse then said, "Well, well, well, you certainly are quite a man!"

He responded, "You've got to keep that old motor running."
The nurse then said: "Well, you better change the oil. This one's black."

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Joke: Don't Tell Me the Score

Prior to turning on the TV to watch a recorded soccer match, I said to my wife, “Don’t tell me the score!”

She replied, “ Don't worry, there wasn’t any.”

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Joke: Dinner Party

A man and his wife attended a dinner party at the home of their friends. Near the end of the meal, the wife reprimanded her husband.


"That's the third time you've gone for dessert," she scolded.


"The hostess must think you're selfish and an absolute pig."

"I don't think so," he said. "I've been telling her it's for you."

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Joke: There was a baby born in the hospital

There was a baby born in the hospital and he weighed ten pounds. The odd thing about him was his body weighed five pounds and his testicles weighed five pounds.

All the nurses and even the doctor didn't know what to do with him. Then, the chief surgeon walked in and asked what was wrong.

The head nurse replied, "We don't know what to do with this baby."
So the chief surgeon took one look and said, "You should put him into a mental institution."

"Why?" asked the head nurse.
"Well," replied the chief surgeon, "take a look at him. The boy is obviously half nuts."

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Joke: FBI


A man was brought to the FBI on suspicion of murder.


He argued that there was no way he could have done it, as he was in vacation in Prague for the week of the killing.


The FBI took note of his travel records and let him go because his alibi Czeched out.

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Joke: Murder case


Bubba was not a smart man by any stretch of the imagination, but he very much wanted to work for the FBI.


He took a trip up to Washington to take the admissions test, and after the test was scored, the agent in charge pulled Bubba aside.


He said, “Son, this may well be the worst I’ve ever seen anyone do on this test. I’m sorry, but it doesn’t look to me like you know a thing about criminology or history, which are critical to this line of work. You didn’t even spell FBI correctly! I mean, can you even tell me who killed Abraham Lincoln?”


Bubba thought for a moment, then shook his head.

The agent continued, “All right do this. Go home, study, and if you come back up here and can tell me who killed Abraham Lincoln, I’ll let you take the test again.”


Bubba agreed and took his return flight home.

When his friends asked, “How’d the FBI test go?” Bubba said “It went great! I’ve only been with the agency 12 hours and they’ve already got me on a murder case!”

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Joke: Traffic


A guy got pulled over by a cop for speeding.

The cop said, “Do you know how fast you were going, Sir?”


The guy replied, “I was just trying to keep up with the traffic.”

The cop said, “There is no traffic, Sir.”


The guy answered, “That’s how far behind I am.”

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Joke: Old rancher

An FBI agent tells a Montana rancher, “I need to inspect your ranch for illegal grown drugs.”


The old rancher says, “Okay, but don’t go in that field over there.”

The agent verbally explodes saying, “Mister, I have the authority of the Federal Government with me.”


Reaching into his rear pant pocket and removing his badge, the officer proudly displays it to the farmer.


“See this badge? This badge means I am allowed to go wherever I wish, on any land. No questions asked or answered given. Have I made myself clear? Do you understand?”


The old rancher nods politely and goes about his chores.

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Joke: Detective


A detective is staking out the entrance of a romantic restaurant and after a few hours of not seeing the criminals he’s looking for he gets hungry.


He calls his partner to fill in for five minutes while he grabs some dinner and tells him to “Take a picture of every single person that walks through the door.”


The partner waits for the detective to return and when he does the detective asks to see the photos that he took.


The partner replies, “I didn’t see any single people, I saw a lot of couples though.”

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Joke: Two detectives


Detective Johnson and detective Smith were investigating a murder that occurred next to a playground.


The only witnesses to the murder were four children, a brother age 3 and sister age 4, and a different brother (age 7) and sister (age 8).


The children all lived in a nearby apartment complex.

The younger siblings lived in apartment 8D and the older ones lived in apartment 9D.


Detective Johnson advised Detective Smith that she probably shouldn’t bother question 8D’s children about what they saw, since they’re too young to have a reliable memory.


He believed that Smith would have a better chance of getting good information from the older children, since only 9D’s kids will remember.

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Joke: New cellmates


Three new cellmates are contemplating their life sentences in prison.

The first guy pulls out a deck of playing cards and says, “Don’t worry, guys. I brought these cards with me so that we can play poker to pass the time.”


The second guy pulls out a harmonica and says, “I brought this harmonica so that I can play some music to cheer us up when we’re feeling down.”

The third guy pulls out a box of tampons.


“What the hell are we supposed to do with those!?” ask the first two.

“Well, it says on the back that I can ride, swim, ski, and play tennis with these.”

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Joke: Guess your weight

As the detective examined the crime scene at the carnival, he came upon the man working the “Guess your weight” booth.


The detective had the man arrested as an accomplice to the criminal.


He was charged with helping the criminal get a weigh.


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Joke: Detectives


Larry’s kindergarten class was on a field trip to their local police station where they saw pictures tacked to a bulletin board of the 10 most wanted criminals.


One of the youngsters pointed to a picture and asked if it really was the photo of a wanted person.


“Yes,” said the policeman. “The detectives want very badly to capture him.”


Larry asked, “Why didn’t you keep him when you took his picture?”

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Joke: Credit card


I went to the police and told them my credit card had been stolen six months earlier.


They asked me, why I hadn’t reported it earlier.


I said, “Because the thief was spending less than my wife.”


So, then they asked why I was reporting it now.


I said, “I think the thief’s wife has started using it.”

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Joke: Store Manager: I saw you arguing …

Store Manager: "I saw you arguing with that customer who just left. I told you before that the customer is always right. Do you understand me?"

Salesclerk: "Yes, sir. The customer is always right."
Store Manager: "That's better. Now what were you arguing with the customer about?"

Salesclerk: "Well, sir, he said you were an idiot."

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