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Do You Walk Around Naked In Gym Changing Room?

Guest Curious

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My observation, straight men really think it is no big deal and don't really feel anything when they bare it all.


However, gays tend to pretend that it is no big deal, but in actual fact, the exposure gives them great pleasure and they are way too self conscious when doing it.

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When I was in my young teens I would think nothing of taking off all my clothes and walking to the showers. I did not feel like people would bother to stare or what, until one day I tell you I was  so cb unlucky and popped a huge erection walking to the shower area. Anyway nvm, I was quite close already so I thought ok I will just quickly rush into one so I mentally picked out the nearest cubicle to rush into and just at that point this super old uncle got out of that cubicle and almost walked into my erection. damn dulan. Plus he stared at it for a little too long also.


I do not recommend walking around naked in gym changing rooms. At one area, changing out of gym attire, ok maybe. But no walking or parading..

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That's the thing about society, we are taught to be ashamed of natural bodily reactions like erections even though half the world gets it in a daily basis. It's not like you were doing anything obscene gosh:

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I tried to listen to the advise that you guys gave me. I thought about other thoughts, work, etc, but once i came out of the shower room and into the changing room, i still got hard. I did try to ignore the presence of others though..


How hard did you get? Like 90 degrees hard? I think if it's just a bit, no one would notice!

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Seriously.i ever saw a teenage boy abt 13yo got erection n cum flow out at paya lebar sc a couple of years back.The boy.quickly wear his shorts. Another chn guy who was there saw that n looked shocked too.lol

Edited by cutejack
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It was more than 90 degree hard. My cock was like 170 degree pointing up


I've seen that happen in my gym before and then I got hard too hahah. People saw but then they just act as if nothing happened and look away.

I think in an all male environment, there's an unspoken rule not to look to long even though everyone is getting naked.

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Acid tongue is damn proud of his bushy mane ok. Dun pray pray.

As he should be - there are a few things manlier looking than a thick plush bush framing a nice cock and pair of balls . I bet it emanates a strong virile musk mixed with the odour of crotch sweat after a good hard .workout. I can imagine the sexy pungent musk wafting through the sauna or steam room acting like an aphrodisiac to other men in there ; makes my cock drool thinking about it. Oh man I could totally pig out with my nose buried in that man's crotch, inhaling his delicous, masculine aromas.

God I'm such a perverse bitch :-*

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Big prick or small cock, I think it is just a matter of courtesy to wrap yourself up as much as possible (not all the time, of course) in the locker room, instead of swinging your dick around in the faces of everyone. If civilization requires us to cover ourselves up in the public, why should civilization stop at the doors into the locker rooms? Why should we let voyeurs and exhibitionists rule the locker room world just because they want to show off their prick? For those who claim that they are comfortable nude, then tell them to do it outside of the locker room too.

Hmm unless you are bending over at the showers and locker rm with your face at crotch level the dicks won't be swinging in your face. Besides your idea of civilization seems very western centric. Do you mean to say the Japs and Koreans are from lesser civilizations cos they have culture of going around in the buff at onsens and bathhouses?

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Guest Harharr

Like what some people said, it's a matter of manners, and not so much about how confident you are of yourself. One of the basic things my parents taught me when I was young was that the private parts are a sacred and personal part of a person's body that is not meant to be exposed casually to others, and that revealing yourself unnecessarily and blatantly to others is a reflection of a lack of respect to self and others. There's a fine line between being confident of yourself and having a lack of shame. Yes, in Japan or whatever people have a culture of openness, but different societies have different rules, and Singapore is not japan. Most people are not brought up to openly expose their privates to others except for their family members or close ones. At least for those who were brought up properly.

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Most people are not brought up to openly expose their privates to others except for their family members or close ones. At least for those who were brought up properly.


This is classic body policing. What people choose to do with their bodies is their business and theirs alone as long as it doesn't break the law. These people's parents are not your parents. What is "proper upbringing" is subjective, it doesn't make yours superior, and it certainly doesn't make you or your belief system superior.

Notice how people who have accepting attitudes towards their own physical bodies don't tend to lecture people on what to do and what not to do.


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Big prick or small cock, I think it is just a matter of courtesy to wrap yourself up as much as possible (not all the time, of course) in the locker room, instead of swinging your dick around in the faces of everyone. If civilization requires us to cover ourselves up in the public, why should civilization stop at the doors into the locker rooms? Why should we let voyeurs and exhibitionists rule the locker room world just because they want to show off their prick? For those who claim that they are comfortable nude, then tell them to do it outside of the locker room too.


How is walking from the locker to the shower room, a distance of just a few metres "swinging your dick around in the faces of everyone" and "ruling the locker room world just to show off their prick"?

Your own hyperbole is creating your own reaction to people who are just doing so out of convenience and not wanting to dirty clean towels with sweat.

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Was at the gym locker rm earlier..saw this guy who just came out of the shower with a towel around his waist..his locker positioned him with his back towards me. Then he dropped his towel and proceeded to get dressed..he was not in a hurry nor was he purposely staying nude. I was enjoying the sight of his beautiful bum and later had a very slight glimpse of his hole and hanging balls when he bent forward to put on his underwear. I was thinking that he was one of the few guys around who was not shy abt being naked. Later when i went to the urinal..he was there too abt 2 spaces away from me.i took a casual glance at his dick and omg!..he had a very beautiful long uncut cock! I could not help glancing over repeatedly. It was at least 5 inches when flaccid..wow..no wonder he was confident being nude earlier.

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I'm surprised at how victorian some people here in a gay forum sound. If you are offended by others' penises you probably have a small or ugly one.


I am surprised why toweling up can be deemed as Victorian just because this is a gay forum. LOL. If you are offended by others' post, you probably have a small and ugly mind too.


This is classic body policing. What people choose to do with their bodies is their business and theirs alone as long as it doesn't break the law. These people's parents are not your parents. What is "proper upbringing" is subjective, it doesn't make yours superior, and it certainly doesn't make you or your belief system superior.

Notice how people who have accepting attitudes towards their own physical bodies don't tend to lecture people on what to do and what not to do.


It is indeed their businesses provided they don't infringe on the common space. If a person wants to walk around nude in his own home, that's none of my business. But if it is a common practice to towel up in a common place shared by others, it becomes everybody's business then. This is not even about your parents or my parents. This is about the use of a common facility governed by the local culture. Or else, what's next? Smoking should be allowed in the toilet otherwise it is "body policing"? And like the other guest (Harharr) had mentioned, we are not in Japan, and I think Singapore still have this habit of toweling up when necessary.

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It is indeed their businesses provided they don't infringe on the common space. If a person wants to walk around nude in his own home, that's none of my business. But if it is a common practice to towel up in a common place shared by others, it becomes everybody's business then. This is not even about your parents or my parents. This is about the use of a common facility governed by the local culture. Or else, what's next? Smoking should be allowed in the toilet otherwise it is "body policing"? And like the other guest (Harharr) had mentioned, we are not in Japan, and I think Singapore still have this habit of toweling up when necessary.


Okay noted. Next time I'm changing, I will wear my underwear over my towel because some people don't like being around guys who are naked for like, 5 seconds. *rolls eyes*


You must be bottom.

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Okay noted. Next time I'm changing, I will wear my underwear over my towel because some people don't like being around guys who are naked for like, 5 seconds. *rolls eyes*


You must be bottom.


Some people simply cannot think without their bottom head seeing the light of day.

No wonder they need to whip it out at the very first opportunity they see. That explains a lot.

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I am surprised why toweling up can be deemed as Victorian just because this is a gay forum. LOL. If you are offended by others' post, you probably have a small and ugly mind too.

ohhh yesssss... you have such a bigggg mind... but also such a smallllllllll penis..... hahahahahaha
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There's a guy in my gym who always walks naked from his locker to the shower. Is this common across other gyms? What do you guys think? And since there's a fairly active thread on open showers/establishments that allow nudity, should we follow suit so more people will feel less shy about their naked bodies around other guys?

*raise hand* I do that, but this is because there isn't much hooks in the shower room for my gym, and to reduce the amount of clothes lying on the top of the shower cubicle door, I just go topless. But yea, it's could be an issue of self esteem, the more confident you are about your body, the more you are willing to bare?

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The problem is not even that I don't like seeing people's naked body in public, there's definitely no issue with being naked as you are towelling or changing (and hence expose a couple of seconds of your dick), what I'm seeing as a problem is people who feel that it's okay to "walk around naked", as the title of this thread emphasizes, to the point of parading themselves to everyone. The key word is "walk around" naked, not simply being naked.

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At most SAFRA gyms, the standard practice is to walk to the showers and back with a towel.  

I have yet to see any user walking around in his birthday suit, underwear yes (plenty, always)


Even inside the steam room, most are modest.  Very few dare to bare all..

The only place to see penises is the jacuzzi... even that is for a brief 3 seconds...


Personally, I think it is just not in our culture to parade around in the buff... 

Having said that, you can still find a lot of guys wearing thongs and g-strings at Tanjung Beach, Sentosa.

And for those penis-luver, the open showers can be a sight to behold.

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Guest Weights

Weigh with towel I have seen many. Weigh naked only once. Lol.


Wah you guy guys will be surprised at how much weight a wet towel is, can be more than 1kg sometimes. 

Maybe weigh the towel after you get changed if you're that self-conscious haha. For me, I do it at home naked.

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Wah you guy guys will be surprised at how much weight a wet towel is, can be more than 1kg sometimes. 

Maybe weigh the towel after you get changed if you're that self-conscious haha. For me, I do it at home naked.


I used to do it buck naked exactly because I want to take out that extra weight of a wet towel.

Nowadays I weigh myself in my underwear.

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Guest Weights

What I realised: Only gay guys stop other guys from being naked if they want to. Why? Because we sexualise nudity. For straight guys, they are either shy, or they don't care, hence the openness. But what they won't do is tell other guys to cover up because even the shy ones won't look your way much less talk to you.

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What I realised: Only gay guys stop other guys from being naked if they want to. Why? Because we sexualise nudity. For straight guys, they are either shy, or they don't care, hence the openness. But what they won't do is tell other guys to cover up because even the shy ones won't look your way much less talk to you.

bingo! some gay guys are simply over reacting and getting their panties in a knot over something as harmless as walking 4 meters to shower naked

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Why look at something if you know you don't like it and will be offended? That behaviour is hypocritical, childish and virginal, just like those displayed by old sexless unwanted spinster hags. Very laughable!

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Excuse me, I think the ENTIRE WORLD sexualized nudity, not just gays alone, OK? :wacko: What talking you?

Only gay guys sexualise nudity of other guys, straight guys won't. Hence it's a non-issue to them.

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Nobody is stopping anyone from doing anything. People are weighing in on the issue by giving their own personal experiences and perspectives. Yea, I may feel it's not right to walk around naked and thus I don't do it, but by saying so doesn't mean I'm telling people to be like me and stop doing whatever they are comfortable with. The idea is we all all have a right to do what we want, but we don't have to try to make others like us. The whole point of this thread seems to be to encourage people to be naked, and people who don't agree are deemed "stopping" others from doing what they do? Like who started asking people to be naked first. Don't use lame excuse like what comfortable in your own skin or whatever to justify being naked and asking others to be naked, when the real reason is to encourage more people to feed your perverse eyes. Straight guys don't care that they are naked, because they are genuinely comfortable, but that don't seem to me to be the case for certain gay people, who seem more interested to show off themselves or invite other people to look at them. If that's what being comfortable being naked means, I certainly don't wish to do that.

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Nobody is stopping anyone from doing anything. People are weighing in on the issue by giving their own personal experiences and perspectives. Yea, I may feel it's not right to walk around naked and thus I don't do it, but by saying so doesn't mean I'm telling people to be like me and stop doing whatever they are comfortable with. The idea is we all all have a right to do what we want, but we don't have to try to make others like us.


You could've stopped here and everyone would've breathed a sigh of relief that a voice of moderation has emerged.


And then it became another didactic lecture.

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Guest Seriously.

This is starting to sound like the LGBT vs the conservatives debate in singapore...


Exactly! Oh look guys, acidtongue is naked in his display pic. Omg quick cover our eyes! I can see his pubes and dick help help we're all going to burn in hell! 

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Exactly! Oh look guys, acidtongue is naked in his display pic. Omg quick cover our eyes! I can see his pubes and dick help help we're all going to burn in hell! 


You go walk like that down Orchard Road lor. Omg quick everybody come! We can see his pubes and dick help help we're now all in heaven!  


ohhh yesssss... you have such a bigggg mind... but also such a smallllllllll penis..... hahahahahaha


Point proven about your small and ugly mind. Case closed. Thank you......... hahahahahaha

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The whole point of this thread seems to be to encourage people to be naked, and people who don't agree are deemed "stopping" others from doing what they do? Like who started asking people to be naked first. Don't use lame excuse like what comfortable in your own skin or whatever to justify being naked and asking others to be naked, when the real reason is to encourage more people to feed your perverse eyes. Straight guys don't care that they are naked, because they are genuinely comfortable, but that don't seem to me to be the case for certain gay people, who seem more interested to show off themselves or invite other people to look at them. If that's what being comfortable being naked means, I certainly don't wish to do that.


I agree. There seems to a few people who wants to encourage all the locker room glory here.


I recall many years ago, there was one guy who joined the gym just so to eyeball nude hunks. He'd even go around and sit himself just next to people who are changing in the locker room, even though his own locker is a few rows away. And on the gym floor, he never lift weights or do any form of exercise, but he will position himself in some place to ogle as many people as possible. And subsequently, on this very same Blowing Wind room forum, I recall there was a thread started by someone who feels that it was "wrong" for anyone to change his underwear with the towel wrapped around his waist. Whether or not this was the same person, I don't know.


I really wonder if all these guys are here on this thread too, calling people names just to incite them to go nude in the locker room.   

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aiyoh such simple topic/qyestion can lead to a big.commotion.stop it la.its individual point of view.


An individual point of view must still be moderated by the bigger scope of the social culture too. If this is Japan where nudity is the norm in a locker room, that's fine. But this is not Japan. While I don't think there is a need to towel up every single second in the locker room, I don't think there is a need to show more than what is necessary too. And I think "Walk Around Naked In Gym Changing Room" as what the title says is "more than necessary".

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