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Discussion on Married Gay Men (有妇之夫) Whom Hv Gay Sex + An Open Letter to Married Men + Married men's stress & struggles (compiled)

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Come to think of this topic on husband and wife relationship, lets take a step backwards and think :

"What if our wives found out that we are PLUs and they feel cheated or short-changed, can they do likewise the same like what we did and we hubbies accept as they are?"

Looks complicated hor? But I believe it happens in real life... All married BW forumers, what's your view?

I think deep down we don't want to hurt our families.

We love our families and we don't want to cheat.

It's probably safe to say we aren't here to look for someone to replace our partners.

We are probably here just seeking understanding, a listening ear. Maybe someone who would look at us without judgement.

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I have a few things I'm curious to know. If anyone can answer, I'll appreciate it. Firstly, I'm personally not sexually attracted at all to gals, 100% gay. So if you're married and gay, how do you "stand" and consumate the marriage? Even if you manage to do it once, twice, I guess its natural that you're not interested in being sexually active with your wife. Do you think your wife sense something is amiss? Do you have to give excuses? I guess if you're a bi, you won't have a problem. But I'm sure some of you are gay, not bi. Or maybe, most married guys here are bi, not totally gay.

Also, what made you guys decide to get married in the first place? Was it simply that its time to settle down, raise a family?

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for me .. I really love my family... Playing around.is just playing around.. No strings attached.. And the frequency of having sex with the same sex is not that high... Joining this thread is meeting and knowing individuals... If something will happen.. It wi be between us.. Just for fun hehhe

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Like most here, I am happily married, love my wife and kids. It's just that there is this lusty side...

Frankly, I like BJ's but my other half is not good at it though she tried. In addition, I don't want to force it on her as she doesn't enjoy it.

Yeah, I look at this as having fun with no emotional attachment, like playing a game of football with the boys.

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I have a few things I'm curious to know. If anyone can answer, I'll appreciate it. Firstly, I'm personally not sexually attracted at all to gals, 100% gay. So if you're married and gay, how do you "stand" and consumate the marriage? Even if you manage to do it once, twice, I guess its natural that you're not interested in being sexually active with your wife. Do you think your wife sense something is amiss? Do you have to give excuses? I guess if you're a bi, you won't have a problem. But I'm sure some of you are gay, not bi. Or maybe, most married guys here are bi, not totally

well, most of married guys here I think are bi and we can have sex with both genders. just that we (at least for myself) are not sexually driven by female... but when the "need" arises, we can still give them a good one on bed...

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Like most here, I am happily married, love my wife and kids. It's just that there is this lusty side...

Frankly, I like BJ's but my other half is not good at it though she tried. In addition, I don't want to force it on her as she doesn't enjoy it.

Yeah, I look at this as having fun with no emotional attachment, like playing a game of football with the boys.

like a game of football? hahahaha. what an analogy but that's quite funny... I'm not sure abt the emotional part coz I do find myself liking other guys but there's just so much strings pulling me behind...

and yes, ladies just can't do the same kinda BJ... not that mine dun enjoy sucking me but it's that I'm not quite enjoying to "that high" when she gives me a BJ...

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I like guys with good bods. I even get turned on when I look at naked Greek statues. I know it's superficial but that's the lusty side of me wanting to make out with another guy. I guess to each his own.

seriously? hahahahaha. did Sir Stamford Raffles turn u on too? he is quite yandao ya! hahaha.

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I have a few things I'm curious to know. If anyone can answer, I'll appreciate it. Firstly, I'm personally not sexually attracted at all to gals, 100% gay. So if you're married and gay, how do you "stand" and consumate the marriage? Even if you manage to do it once, twice, I guess its natural that you're not interested in being sexually active with your wife. Do you think your wife sense something is amiss? Do you have to give excuses? I guess if you're a bi, you won't have a problem. But I'm sure some of you are gay, not bi. Or maybe, most married guys here are bi, not totally gay.

Also, what made you guys decide to get married in the first place? Was it simply that its time to settle down, raise a family?

I guessed you may be quite confused and emotionally struggling like us.

I speak on my own experience - when I decided to get a lady to be married, I was still asking myself even on my marriage night if I really want to go through that. My army friends and family all suspected that I am gay when I only mixed around with only male friends and even brought them home for meals and some overnights. I was denial to all these thoughts even they would not say these words in front of me. But due to social pressure, I start to lose friend after friend when one by one got married and soon left me alone - lonely. I became a gay (not that I really want) after much encounters during my army days which I ever brought up my story into BW forum long long time ago but nobody believes me. Those encounters really made very bad side effects to my present life actually. I really yearn for more, alot more but suppressed all these thoughts through self gratification - masturbate.

Well, I could say if I never give myself a chance to perform as a man in front of a lady, I will always remain as a gay forever. So, I got married and my wife thought that I am shy on sex and she made the first move instead. Of course, when lights are off, everything is the same, well at least, almost! In the beginning, I would imagine I am making love with another man but soon, I could feel the difference between an anal and a vagina. Now I am classified as a bi. Hooray! I never regret it!

Nowadays, my wife and me have less activities after 2 kids. One of my ex-associate male called me one month ago after a long disappearance, we had a fling in a remote toilet just a quickie and that's it! Before going off, he asked me if I do this on my child, of course NOT! Why not? I do not want to ruin my child's life just like I ruined my life.

I hope I answered CKSon's doubt, if not, I believe all married BW forumers are willing to relate their side of their story too. Ciao...

Edited by rockexcel
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I have this married gay friend asking me to get a gf so next time we can all go out together.... the ladies will have their own time doing the lady's things and the guys.... you know what !?!? :whistle:

Edited by ThinkTank
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Can be male or female... Quickie would be jiust between u and the friend

female wldnt interest me man... unless she is good damn eff-Ing hot and totally hungry... else, unlikely...

male... gotta be able to catch my eyes la... the feel must be right... my "car" only parks in the right "carpark". hahaha!

then again, it's a risky move. nvr know how the quickie news can spread. so, I'll prolly not take the chance. if the guy friend is really really interested, then "contact" secretly...

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Hi guys, I am happily bi! Married with kids, loves ladies and guys, though I have to say I am rather selective when it comes to guys. A bit of cross dressing if there are opportunities, some exhibitionist traits. I am a btm bi, btw. Hugging, heavy petting, mutual JO the limit for the now.

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guys, how good or bad have ur body shape changed after wedding?

though I gym regularly, my wife is telling me "3mths" to get out of shape... :(

Not necessary, there are still some super hot hubby and dad around with nice bod and face. Of course, there is a higher chance to become out of shape when your wife and kids cannot finish all the food and always the man of the house has to show not to waste. <hsiao liow...> :o

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As a AsAs a married man myself, perhaps due to HSD, and having a LSD wife, I do explore fun. But, the interest in another dick was something which I didn't believe myself to be keen on. So far, I've met a few gentlemen, (1 bad Eurasian experience but with an enormous size) for some clean experience. However, its pretty strange for me now that I lust for thick long dicks and see cums. But ain't got the courage to meet anymore, cos the feeling is kinda weird perhaps. Its like "wat am I doing?" Strange but truth.

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hello, i have been here for a while, and quietly reading all the posts. so i thought i should say hi to everyone here. thanks for creating this topic. i really enjoyed reading all the posts. i'm 42yo and married with 2 kids and i can definitely identify with almost everyone here. :)

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Not necessary, there are still some super hot hubby and dad around with nice bod and face. Of course, there is a higher chance to become out of shape when your wife and kids cannot finish all the food and always the man of the house has to show not to waste. <hsiao liow...> :o

that's my worry... becoming the food "dustbin" for the family!!! need to work out more to burn off that extra calories!!! and it's not quite helping when I get fat rather easily... :(

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hi guys,

Sorry being quite silent lately due to work... being super busy... :)

A big welcome to all the newbies! Please feel free to share... so that we can all learnt from each other's life lessons. :)

I just realised we have reached PAGE 10... yeah!

ok... got to get back to work. :)

Am here for sincere friends... 

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hi guys,

Sorry being quite silent lately due to work... being super busy... :)

A big welcome to all the newbies! Please feel free to share... so that we can all learnt from each other's life lessons. :)

I just realised we have reached PAGE 10... yeah!

ok... got to get back to work. :)

yo welcome back!!!! jiayou ya.

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hopefully I will keep in shape (but then again, round is a shape). hahaha

I'm doing a few long distance runs as well... coming one in this month!

Well, on Sunday, 2 December 2012, there's another big yearly event - Standard Chartered Marathon Run. Hope this year will be clean as a whistle, no mishaps...

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