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Discussion on Married Gay Men (有妇之夫) Whom Hv Gay Sex + An Open Letter to Married Men + Married men's stress & struggles (compiled)

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Guest DaveL

Marriage and Love is two different issue.


Marriage is a social contract. It can be revoked.


Love is a commitment. Till death do we part.


If Love is the bond, then marriage would fall in place nicely; actually, married or not is no issue at all.


If Marriage is the bond. People (man or woman) would look for Love else where.  It is that simple. 

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Yes, everyone could be busy in their routine stuff. Mine was quite down when I left my job because the boss abused me by adding more higher management responsibilities without increasing my position and pay. I had already tolerated for 2 consecutive years and finally decided to resign (maybe that was what he planned!).


Then, I got on a F & B job which I worked non-stop and standing for the whole 9 hours, again my legs could not take it and those petty colleagues nagging, so I left the job after 1 month tolerance.


Recently, got on a job in the hotel line as customer service but low pay. Hopefully, no more abusive boss or colleagues, yet to find out...


Life is full of ups and downs, blame it on the garmen, blame it on the society, blame it on my life... it never ends! Maybe by the time I see light at the end of the tunnel, it's the time I leave this world of suffering...

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Yes, everyone could be busy in their routine stuff. Mine was quite down when I left my job because the boss abused me by adding more higher management responsibilities without increasing my position and pay. I had already tolerated for 2 consecutive years and finally decided to resign (maybe that was what he planned!).

Then, I got on a F & B job which I worked non-stop and standing for the whole 9 hours, again my legs could not take it and those petty colleagues nagging, so I left the job after 1 month tolerance.

Recently, got on a job in the hotel line as customer service but low pay. Hopefully, no more abusive boss or colleagues, yet to find out...

Life is full of ups and downs, blame it on the garmen, blame it on the society, blame it on my life... it never ends! Maybe by the time I see light at the end of the tunnel, it's the time I leave this world of suffering...

oh dear... hope everything will turn out fine for u. don't give up hope! cheers!

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I'm just curious, rockexel, don't you think of your family when you switch jobs like that? I have some married colleagues(both guys and gers) who stayed on their jobs even if they don't like it becos of their family. The only time I hear a family man resign is to a better paying jobs or at least same paying jobs but better environment. You seem to switch jobs easily and even to a lower pay, so I'm just curious if you think about your family when you switch jobs like that or discuss with your family.

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Plenty - u have not seen the real world with unreasonable abuses, no one would want to forgo a bonus and keep quitting a job, it must be very painful...

I'm just curious, rockexel, don't you think of your family when you switch jobs like that? I have some married colleagues(both guys and gers) who stayed on their jobs even if they don't like it becos of their family. The only time I hear a family man resign is to a better paying jobs or at least same paying jobs but better environment. You seem to switch jobs easily and even to a lower pay, so I'm just curious if you think about your family when you switch jobs like that or discuss with your family.

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Hi Everyone... it has been a while... hope everyone is still doing good in their work, family and all. 


Hi Rockexel - Do be a little more positive. Life is as such, sometimes it seems to be a bed of roses... sometimes it is just so damn difficult. You need to try to see all the positive side of things.. yes even in the negative... because there will always be something possible that can come out of it.


I too just came out from a very depressive 9-10mths... it seems it was the end of the world.... I was in a situation whereby my hard fought 12years of reputation in my industry went down the drain overnight... I was almost to the brink of being declared a bankrupt... all these while... none of my friends knew about it only my wife and a very very close gay friend who stood by me and helping me to see all the positive among all the negative. So try to have someone to help you see the positive.


Have a great wkend ahead! :)

Am here for sincere friends... 

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Gymstock, is that u in the avatar? hv u been working out!? Look at the flat abs, big thigh! Great bod!


hi Lovechub... yes that is me in the avatar. :) Yes I have been working out and exercising. It actually helps me alot during the difficult times i was  or am facing. 

Am here for sincere friends... 

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Bi married. Experimented on my bi side before getting married. Always wanted a family and attracted to girls. Found the right one and love her. But still have this feel of neeed to belong. I don't seek sex necessaily but friendship, intimacy like hug and touch and companion, chat or drnk buddy. Usually straight guys are hard to get into intimacy. Unfortunately bi or gays hard to find those just seeking friendship and some fulfilling touch. This thread seems a rare one. Interested? Hit me in pm and let's talk. I'm willing to go for a small group meetup for chat :)

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Your exercising have obviously paid off! :) wish I hv that too

With your discipline and hard training (to get this bod), I'm sure you will rough it out through your difficult times

Thanks lovechub. The exercises did in a way help me out during my difficult times.


Generally people would not want to work out when you are facing a life crisis. However, when you realised that no matter how much you worry about how to handle the situation(s), they are still going to be around and staying inactive is not helping. If so, I chose to be active in my workouts, to clear my mind and not think about my situation for that 2hours of "me" time. It help me to be more focus when I am back in office to face the difficult times.

Am here for sincere friends... 

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Bi married. Experimented on my bi side before getting married. Always wanted a family and attracted to girls. Found the right one and love her. But still have this feel of neeed to belong. I don't seek sex necessaily but friendship, intimacy like hug and touch and companion, chat or drnk buddy. Usually straight guys are hard to get into intimacy. Unfortunately bi or gays hard to find those just seeking friendship and some fulfilling touch. This thread seems a rare one. Interested? Hit me in pm and let's talk. I'm willing to go for a small group meetup for chat :)

hi there,


I totally know what you mean. I think most of the married guys in here would be having the same feeling. However, just to know the need to be intimate with a guy like a hug or a touch (words from you) is almost seeking for sex because those actions does lead to it easily. Not here to judge but just a friendly reminder :) most of us has been there and done that. Just do quickly accept the fact that you need man sex so that the feeling will not drive you 'crazy'.


I seek sincere friendships first but whether or not are we having fun... that would depends on how things goes.


Whatever it is always remember to play safe. :) 

Am here for sincere friends... 

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hi there,

I totally know what you mean. I think most of the married guys in here would be having the same feeling. However, just to know the need to be intimate with a guy like a hug or a touch (words from you) is almost seeking for sex because those actions does lead to it easily. Not here to judge but just a friendly reminder :) most of us has been there and done that. Just do quickly accept the fact that you need man sex so that the feeling will not drive you 'crazy'.

I seek sincere friendships first but whether or not are we having fun... that would depends on how things goes.

Whatever it is always remember to play safe. :)

I'm perfectly with you buddy! I didn't say no sex. I said not necessarily sex. Been there, done that. It's true, a hug may end up elsewhere. :)

I am clearer with what I want and need. Used to have those ONS but in the end I wasn't happy. Now. With a family, I sure want some connection and friendship more than fun sex. BUT it's bonus to have fun. :)

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I know this may sound weird. I wish I had a "buddy" who I didn't have to hide from my family, who knows my family. I'd like to be able to say "hey honey, so-and-so's birthday today so it's boys night out.


I can relate to what you're saying.  That's also my what's in my mind.  Finding a buddy with whom I can introduce with my family.  I actually almost found one but he left SG.


You would not believe it but I came to a point where I was happy enough that I'd cuddle and hug a man and have no sex.  And it was personally 'fulfilling' not to end up into something- it's like me conquering myself without really suppressing. I found out that the reason was because in the first place the reason I yearn for men was because I did not have this close male friendships with those rough and tough activities.  And because of this, it becomes sexualized.  If you fulfill the need, you become de-sexualized and have less feelings for men.  I had that personal experience. I came to a point where that experience lead me to somehow unlearn my bi feelings.  It may sound weird to others, it may even lead to some judgement, sorry but I am sharing a personal experience.  


Hit me up if you want to discuss further ;)

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Hi all, i am new to the forum and so glad i have managed to find a thread that i can totally relate to.

A bit abt myself, 25 and just got married this year after 5 years of love with this wondeful gf of mine. Although i am still constantly attracted to guys and i dont think that desire will vanish anytime soon, I am still very happy with the decision made to tie the knot with her.

From what I read here and there, most ppl seem to have a judgement on how closet gay must force themselves into a straight marriage and have no guts to follow their heart. Well, my point is it's not always abt sex and lust, is it?

I just dont see how coming-out, chasing cute guys, getting all the wonderful M2M sex or daydreaming abt an everlasting love with an man who may or may not exist, could be deemed as follow my heart :-s

it may sound annoying to many fellows but that's just how I look at the situation (at least for now...)


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Ya, same here. But its really tough to find 1, without bordering on being suspected (by family and str8 friends) of a gayish relationship. I have a very close str8 friend, but dare not venture beyond anything that might spoil the relationship.

Although many of us feel the same, it's not like we can hook up with anyone here easily. Call me old fashion, but don't think we are into that wild ONS stuff...

I..... cuddle and hug a man and have no sex.  And it was personally 'fulfilling' not to end up into something- ..../quote]
Think most of us have the same wish too.
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I know this may sound weird. I wish I had a "buddy" who I didn't have to hide from my family, who knows my family. I'd like to be able to say "hey honey, so-and-so's birthday today so it's boys night out.

I dont understand this part... dont you guys have best frens from secondary school o wards, or army buddy frens? I have my drinking buddies from my platoon, and there was seldom any issue...except we drink, played poker or watched normal porn only...

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i believe that some people are just looking for someone ( same sex ) that can share interest and any topics include sensitive one, it may not just about sex or fuck, is about mutual understanding that deep fear hiding within, a simple hug can means more that thousand words and lust, not all married bi will tend to seek sex after married, they are hoping to seek someone same boat yet able to maintain clean strong brotherly friendship .

Edited by snowball
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i believe that some people are just looking for someone ( same sex ) that can share interest and any topics include sensitive one, it may not just about sex or fuck, is about mutual understanding that deep fear hiding within, a simple hug can means more that thousand words and lust, not all married bi will tend to seek sex after married, they are hoping to seek someone same boat yet able to maintain clean strong brotherly friendship .

Well said. We seem to be in the same page!

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May I raise this question: did you marry because u want to or due to pressure? If due to pressure, do u consider your marriage plain and simple big lie?

I read a lot from here that say their marriage is just a show.

I was fortunate to have a different direction but I respect those who got stuck in this way.

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May I raise this question: did you marry because u want to or due to pressure? If due to pressure, do u consider your marriage plain and simple big lie?

I read a lot from here that say their marriage is just a show.

I was fortunate to have a different direction but I respect those who got stuck in this way.

even is a show, may let it be a great show ever ...

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Hi, I'm in my 30s, married and love my wife.


I've blown a guy before when I was younger.  It was more out of curiosity.  I'd consider myself more of bi.  It's been about 15 years since I had any sexual connections with a guy, mainly because I didn't think it was easily accessible... Until I stumbled upon BW!


To the married men here, when you do something with any guy, have you felt as though you've cheated on your wife?  I'm keen to explore anal (receiving), but she would never peg me...


Also, how do you guys even arrange meetings and ensure those meetings are safe?  I'm like with my wife 24/7!  Haha...


I guess, it's been so long I've forgotten what it feels like to have something in my mouth  :P...


Also, for the casual chats, what do you guys talk about?

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I dont understand this part... dont you guys have best frens from secondary school o wards, or army buddy frens? I have my drinking buddies from my platoon, and there was seldom any issue...except we drink, played poker or watched normal porn only...

well unfortunately, not all guys share the same as u. many may probably lost that kinda freedom at dating stage... #truestory


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Yes I do share with you. I am 36 and am married for 2 years already. My wife been very attached to me and we know each other's circle of friends.

But one thing is that we have a mutual agreement to respect each other's circle of friends. Though we are married but we have our own personal life as well. We have agreed to give each other some breathing space. If we ever need to hang out with friends, we will let each other know in advance and carry on with our appointment. Mutual understanding and communication is important.


I won't say I've lost my freedom, but i hardly meet up with friends as often anymore... If I do, my wife will come along, we know each other's friends!

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i believe that some people are just looking for someone ( same sex ) that can share interest and any topics include sensitive one, it may not just about sex or fuck, is about mutual understanding that deep fear hiding within, a simple hug can means more that thousand words and lust, not all married bi will tend to seek sex after married, they are hoping to seek someone same boat yet able to maintain clean strong brotherly friendship .



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I can relate to what you're saying.  That's also my what's in my mind.  Finding a buddy with whom I can introduce with my family.  I actually almost found one but he left SG.


You would not believe it but I came to a point where I was happy enough that I'd cuddle and hug a man and have no sex.  And it was personally 'fulfilling' not to end up into something- it's like me conquering myself without really suppressing. I found out that the reason was because in the first place the reason I yearn for men was because I did not have this close male friendships with those rough and tough activities.  And because of this, it becomes sexualized.  If you fulfill the need, you become de-sexualized and have less feelings for men.  I had that personal experience. I came to a point where that experience lead me to somehow unlearn my bi feelings.  It may sound weird to others, it may even lead to some judgement, sorry but I am sharing a personal experience.  


Hit me up if you want to discuss further ;)


I understand what your saying. The yearning to have masculine bonds become sexualized.

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Hi all, i am new to the forum and so glad i have managed to find a thread that i can totally relate to.

A bit abt myself, 25 and just got married this year after 5 years of love with this wondeful gf of mine. Although i am still constantly attracted to guys and i dont think that desire will vanish anytime soon, I am still very happy with the decision made to tie the knot with her.

From what I read here and there, most ppl seem to have a judgement on how closet gay must force themselves into a straight marriage and have no guts to follow their heart. Well, my point is it's not always abt sex and lust, is it?

I just dont see how coming-out, chasing cute guys, getting all the wonderful M2M sex or daydreaming abt an everlasting love with an man who may or may not exist, could be deemed as follow my heart :-s

it may sound annoying to many fellows but that's just how I look at the situation (at least for now...)


You're right, It is not about sex and lust. Things are more complicated than that. There is no one correct way of what people with same sex attractions should do, or follow.

I hear a lot of talk saying that if u have attractions for men then you shouldn't get married since you'd be doing a disservice to the girl.


Who says you didn't follow your heart when u married your gf? To me it sounds like she's weightier to you than just some surface attraction to a guy. Even str8 guys continue to get attracted to other girls after marriage.

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Hi there everyone, am happy to see the thread alive again. haha.


Hi all, i am new to the forum and so glad i have managed to find a thread that i can totally relate to.

A bit abt myself, 25 and just got married this year after 5 years of love with this wondeful gf of mine. Although i am still constantly attracted to guys and i dont think that desire will vanish anytime soon, I am still very happy with the decision made to tie the knot with her.

From what I read here and there, most ppl seem to have a judgement on how closet gay must force themselves into a straight marriage and have no guts to follow their heart. Well, my point is it's not always abt sex and lust, is it?

I just dont see how coming-out, chasing cute guys, getting all the wonderful M2M sex or daydreaming abt an everlasting love with an man who may or may not exist, could be deemed as follow my heart :-s

it may sound annoying to many fellows but that's just how I look at the situation (at least for now...)



Welcome Daniel - Congrats on your marriage. :) Well there will also be 2 different camps about us who are either bi-married or gay-married. There are guys who are understanding of our situation and accept us. There are those who are totally against us. Sometimes, I wonder and if I have a chance to tell them... the circle itself is already facing so many discrimination why do you still need to "hate" or "judge" us. 


I dont understand this part... dont you guys have best frens from secondary school o wards, or army buddy frens? I have my drinking buddies from my platoon, and there was seldom any issue...except we drink, played poker or watched normal porn only...


Well - For this, most of our wives/gfs are somehow inducted into our circle of friends, so they tend to know every single one of our friends. And after years of courtship or getting married, our wives/gfs will get to know every them personally too. So if we were to say "honey, I am going out for a drink with so-so" she would either ask;


- Can I come along?

- Anyone else going?

- Are their wives / gfs going?

- Oh... I have not met them for so long... I'll come along...


You will notice you do not have a chance to say no to her. Even if you say it is a guy outings... they can simply text them and ask them. If you create a lie to to cover your actions, it is very likely you need to create more lies to cover it up. By then, too many lies had been said you forgot what you have said. That is where you are likely to be exposed.


So what I did, gladly was I have my sports buddies that I known and she doesn't. (since I work out and she dont). So I just said, it is our monthly drinking sessions or clubbing sessions... so this makes it easier for me. 


i believe that some people are just looking for someone ( same sex ) that can share interest and any topics include sensitive one, it may not just about sex or fuck, is about mutual understanding that deep fear hiding within, a simple hug can means more that thousand words and lust, not all married bi will tend to seek sex after married, they are hoping to seek someone same boat yet able to maintain clean strong brotherly friendship .


I do agree on the above. Cos I am seeking that too. But honestly, I think most (if not all) do somehow have a hidden desire to have a FWB whom they can satisfy each other's need for man-sex.


May I raise this question: did you marry because u want to or due to pressure? If due to pressure, do u consider your marriage plain and simple big lie?

I read a lot from here that say their marriage is just a show.

I was fortunate to have a different direction but I respect those who got stuck in this way.


I was not pressure to do it, but was misguided to think that it (lust or attractions to guys) will disappear after marriage. But still I love my wife for who she is and how she stood by me all these years.


Hi, I'm in my 30s, married and love my wife.


I've blown a guy before when I was younger.  It was more out of curiosity.  I'd consider myself more of bi.  It's been about 15 years since I had any sexual connections with a guy, mainly because I didn't think it was easily accessible... Until I stumbled upon BW!


To the married men here, when you do something with any guy, have you felt as though you've cheated on your wife?  I'm keen to explore anal (receiving), but she would never peg me...


Also, how do you guys even arrange meetings and ensure those meetings are safe?  I'm like with my wife 24/7!  Haha...


I guess, it's been so long I've forgotten what it feels like to have something in my mouth   :P...


Also, for the casual chats, what do you guys talk about?


Sensitive topics to talk about do we feel that we are cheating on our wives... guess most of us will... but the heathen desires for man-sex kind of override most of the guilty feelings...  


Yes I do share with you. I am 36 and am married for 2 years already. My wife been very attached to me and we know each other's circle of friends.

But one thing is that we have a mutual agreement to respect each other's circle of friends. Though we are married but we have our own personal life as well. We have agreed to give each other some breathing space. If we ever need to hang out with friends, we will let each other know in advance and carry on with our appointment. Mutual understanding and communication is important.



Totally agree with you on the private space thing. New couples should learn this. And if you can to pave the way for future outings that you wife will not poke or get too close or know your friends personally... keep a particular group away from her. 

Am here for sincere friends... 

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Excellent post! Well put in perspective.


I have had my sports buddies when I was much younger. But like most of us, we grew apart when we got married. I think it is a very Asian culture to focus solely on families.  That it is expected of us (both men & women) to give up our individual lives. It was fun to just sit at a coffee shop to talk about anything under the sun, without having to be mindful about language, topic, or even decorum for matter and have a few laughs. Spent 6 years in the USA and I have had many a guys' night out.  Some of the topics we shared could make your toes curl, if you are conservative.  But it was always an absolute blast.  Definitely a stress reliever.


I just think from what I have read here, some of us here are not really bi.  Just open enough to get what we seek. We are just seeking some "bromance". Someone to share our struggles with. Or maybe a beer or two and to let off some steam.  To able to cuss...a "fxxx" word or two without the family around to frown. 


As Mesmerized said, maybe a small group meeting over coffee would be good to start. Spread out the burden of keeping the conversations going.  Having a sporting activity would be good too.

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双性或同性恋已婚者所背负的责任, 内心的煎熬挣扎和对家人的愧疚,

不是一般人所能体会了解, 他们所踏出去的每一步都惊心动魄, 一有闪失,

不仅仅会面临两头不到岸的危机, 甚至名誉扫地, 一无所有。

人都有想要追求幸福的权力, 已婚者是否有了家庭的枷锁后就同时丧失了?

理性和感性真的无法同时并存? 人往往身不由己, 多少人能抵抗外界的诱惑?

家家都有一本难念的经, 是否外界对他们除了藐视外就没第二种选择?


我想, 就让他们选自己要走的大道吧, 是孽缘也罢, 如果做了就要有承担的勇气,

怕后悔就三思, 下错一步棋, 足以影响整盘棋的成败。毕竟, 人生很难有两全其美的好事。

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Hi guys, after reading your earlier posts and an idea dawn on me. Would being a part of an interest groups work for us? It would give us the bromance/comrade spirit that we seek. It is not for hook ups or ONS. It would be healthy, decent, and easily integrate into our family lives.


Therefore, I like to do a quick poll here - which of the following would you (married men) be interested to be part of on a regular basis;


Sports and Fitness

- Running / Marathons / Triathlons /  Ironmen and/or etc

- Badminton / Tennis / Table Tennis and/or etc

- Dragonboat / Kayak / Canoe and/or etc

- Bowling

- Rock Climbing / Nature Walks, Expeditions (like climbing Mt KK).

- Gym Classes - Bodypump, Body Combat, TRX, Crossfit, and/or etc

- Soccer / Basketball




- Karaoke

- Clubbing

- Drinking Sessions / Coffee Chats

- Travel (Drive / Short Holidays / Diving / Long haul Holidays) 

- Movies

- Business, Finance, Investment, & Networking

- Parenting Talks / Marriage Talks

- Shore / Sea Fishing


If you have other interests that you like to propose please feel free to let me know so that I can list it up here for the rest to consider. It would be best if you could also state if you are already actively in it.


So to start the ball rolling.... for me would be


1) Dragonboating - how does the idea of forming a married men competitive team sounds to you? :)

2) Running & Marathons - am currently slowly training to be able to do a full marathon... so definitely like to be able to learn from others.



Edited by GymStock

Am here for sincere friends... 

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