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So Stressed Living In Singapore!

Guest Stress Singapore Bills

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Guest Stress Singapore Bills

It is almost the middle of the month. In 2 weeks, bills will start to come in..


1-$650 for installment for my 3 room HDB for the next 18 year!

2-$80 for handphone. Sure increase because of Pokemon Go!

3- Starhub TV bill of about $70

4- $55 for Singapore Power

5-$39 for monthly Town Council fee

6-$80 for monthly EZ Link top up

7-$200 for insurance

8-$100 for credit card bill

9-$120 for monthly hair styling

10-$120 for monthly gym membership

11-$80 for massage installment

12-$250 monthly budget for new clothes

13-$300 budget for restaurant dining

14-$300 budget for drinking sessions with fellow stressed out singaporeans

15-$200 monthly budget for taxi rides.


Monies for the above essentials are set aside even before i spend a cent for any food and healthcare bills, magazines, entertainment, shopping, breakdown of electronic goods like ipads, samsung 7 etc.


I find it is getting more stressful by the day living in Singapore..i wish i was born in other countries where life is much less stressful and carefree. 


Recent survey says Singapore is the most expensive country in the world and i truely believe it! Can you believe I am paying $650 for a small 3 room 99 year HDB for the next 18 years? I already paid for 5 years! A oublic housinh which is not even mine i have to pay an arm and a leg for it! 


I cannot understand wht HDB sells public housing at such a high price where we can buy a banglow in JB for the same $$..also government and its companies are charging sky high rentals which cost is passed back to us!


Why are we even paying town council so much every month? Why am i spending $200 every month for insurance? Our taxes and gst shd cover all these essentials!


I can read everywhere from here in Blowing Wind. That people are unhappy. Also i read The Independant, ASS, Wake Up Singapore, Online Citizen and others that so many True Blue Singaporeans are unhappy, stressed and overworked and we are paid so low! I am fed up! Are you True Blue Singaporeans fed up too? 

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4 minutes ago, Traveler3032 said:

Well, you can cut down your spending on hair, massage, taxis, clothes, etc. 

Hi there. Are these not essentials? We are living in 2016 now. This is my basic right as i worked hard and pay my taxes. Problem is rental...huge govt linked companies like capitaland are charging sky high rentals..to them greed for money is their goal, not what is good for then people...example, my hair stylist has to pay abt $10k plus in rental every month, landlord is capitaland. If their rental is about $2000 to $3000, businesses can pass these savings back to us. No wonder we are the most expensive country in the world!

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6 minutes ago, Guest Guest said:

Hi there. Are these not essentials? We are living in 2016 now. This is my basic right as i worked hard and pay my taxes. Problem is rental...huge govt linked companies like capitaland are charging sky high rentals..to them greed for money is their goal, not what is good for then people...example, my hair stylist has to pay abt $10k plus in rental every month, landlord is capitaland. If their rental is about $2000 to $3000, businesses can pass these savings back to us. No wonder we are the most expensive country in the world!

Then don't complain. By the way, paying less than $1,000 per month for your housing is something you should be grateful for! Singapore is not a third world country, so you can't compare it to JB. 

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8 minutes ago, Traveler3032 said:

Then don't complain. By the way, paying less than $1,000 per month for your housing is something you should be grateful for! Singapore is not a third world country, so you can't compare it to JB. 

Did you not read what the poster above you said?


If my HDB cost $30 000 instead of $300 000, i will be paying about $65 monthly which is a resonable price to pay for something which is basically cement! I bet it the cement do not cost $30 000.

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Guest Enbloc
29 minutes ago, Guest Guest said:

Did you not read what the poster above you said?


If my HDB cost $30 000 instead of $300 000, i will be paying about $65 monthly which is a resonable price to pay for something which is basically cement! I bet it the cement do not cost $30 000.


My HDB cost only $9,000.   Then En bloc.  Today valuation is $850,000.

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how come your town council fee is only $39? It should be $41?


insurance is not an expense (if yours is a savings plan). It will still be your money provided the insurer does not collapse. 


How come hair styling $120? Are u a sister?

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1 hour ago, Guest Stress Singapore Bills said:

1-$650 for installment for my 3 room HDB for the next 18 year! - Needs: assuming you are employed staff, your CPF should handle most if not all of it.

2-$80 for handphone. Sure increase because of Pokemon Go! - Wants: if you foresee a surge in usage due to playing game, delete the game! 

3- Starhub TV bill of about $70 - Wants: you can opt for free TV channels

4- $55 for Singapore Power - Needs: your utility bill is pretty healthy

5-$39 for monthly Town Council fee - Needs

6-$80 for monthly EZ Link top up - Needs

7-$200 for insurance - Needs

8-$100 for credit card bill - Needs/Wants: your credit card bill is very healthy too

9-$120 for monthly hair styling - Wants: opt for cheaper salon for less than $50

10-$120 for monthly gym membership - Needs/wants: depends on your goal. You still can opt for free exercise regime like jogging in the park and low cost swimming in public pools

11-$80 for massage installment - Wants!

12-$250 monthly budget for new clothes - Wants! - you don't have to spend every month for clothing I suppose?

13-$300 budget for restaurant dining - Wants/Needs - you can opt for cheaper dining places

14-$300 budget for drinking sessions with fellow stressed out singaporeans - Wants - go for healthy drinking

15-$200 monthly budget for taxi rides.- wants/needs - balance with public transport

hi there, imo, it's a matter of sorting your "needs" & "wants". you can tweak your lifestyle to reduce expenditure and thus reducing the stress to upkeep with it. jiayou! 

Be cool, like a breeze...

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1 hour ago, Guest Guest said:

Hi there. Are these not essentials? We are living in 2016 now. This is my basic right as i worked hard and pay my taxes. Problem is rental...huge govt linked companies like capitaland are charging sky high rentals..to them greed for money is their goal, not what is good for then people...example, my hair stylist has to pay abt $10k plus in rental every month, landlord is capitaland. If their rental is about $2000 to $3000, businesses can pass these savings back to us. No wonder we are the most expensive country in the world!


Yes, rental is expensive but your "essential" items are also not that essential. They're not mutually exclusive. Stop bitching about having no money when you spend the bulk of it on things like massage and gym memberships. I mean seriously, who sets aside a budget for MONTHLY clothes purchases. Not a taitai then don't act like one lah.


EDIT: Also, how is your hair styling more expensive than your cc bill? Who still pays for cable TV in this day and age?! I think what you REALLY need is to factor in some budget for financial management consultation.

Edited by EasleyLim


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To be honest, to each its own. Every country has its pros and cons. Not every bed is made of roses. It is how we learn to cope with the current situation that makes us resilient for future.


My advice for you as follow:

1-$650 for installment for my 3 room HDB for the next 18 year!-> This is a future investment, it MUST be your priority #1.
2-$80 for handphone. Sure increase because of Pokemon Go!-> Pokemon is a fad, it will go away soon. If you want to reduce your data usage, try limit it to WatsApp, LINE or wechat only. Grindr and jackd eats up data, best to use when you have free wifi.
3- Starhub TV bill of about $70- You don't actually need this. Think of this, you are working from morning till evening. Most of us would not have time to watch TV anyway. you may wish to opt out.
4- $55 for Singapore Power- Well, essential bill. No escape.
5-$39 for monthly Town Council fee- Another essential bill.
6-$80 for monthly EZ Link top up- You need this to commute, so no escape too.
7-$200 for insurance-> This is essential to protect in the event any major health issue that may occur in future (touch wood)
8-$100 for credit card bill-> CASH! CASH! CASH!
9-$120 for monthly hair styling-> Drop it.....
10-$120 for monthly gym membership-> Use freelance gym. Not sure if Singapore has it, Malaysia we have KFIT app which allow us to pay RM99 a month but we have access to more than 1000+ classes for gym, yoga, dance, Zumba, corssfit etc. Try SAFRA gym??
11-$80 for massage installment-> Drop it.....
12-$250 monthly budget for new clothes-> Drop it.....you can always mix and match clothes.
13-$300 budget for restaurant dining-> Perhaps consider down scaling a bit.....food court will do, better yet cook yourself. You can google for simple meal recipes. Cook with your housemates or colleagues or friends. Potluck and sleepover is a good idea. You will build stronger bond with them. 
14-$300 budget for drinking sessions with fellow stressed out singaporeans-> See #13, you will save these $300
15-$200 monthly budget for taxi rides.-> Use taxi in case of emergency only. Otherwise use bus and MRT.


There are many ways you can save $$, you can start from today. Hope the above helps. :)

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Just some suggestion for perpetual stressful guest

1-$650 for installment for my 3 room HDB for the next 18 year! ( rent out a room if possible, so that tenant pay for you)

2-$80 for handphone. Sure increase because of Pokemon Go! ( no choice especially Pokemon Go is so essential)

3- Starhub TV bill of about $70 ( no choice, unless pay 9.90 for toggle)

4- $55 for Singapore Power ( quite cheap Liao)

5-$39 for monthly Town Council fee ( hdb no choice, wait until u upgrade to private then you know hdb heart you de)

6-$80 for monthly EZ Link top up ( top up to $100 lah, coz later see point 15)

7-$200 for insurance ( better pay ar , as you know Singapore can die cannot fall sick, hopefully is also an investment plan)

8-$100 for credit card bill ( make good use of the discounts, but good that you Don't rely too much on credit )

9-$120 for monthly hair styling ( honestly quite ex, maybe source for a slightly cheaper stylist or buy their hair cut package to save)

10-$120 for monthly gym membership ( use ur hdb fitness center, dumb bells, SEX, jog, all these also can help u to save)

11-$80 for massage installment ( please dun save on this, you are too stress le, you really need this)

12-$250 monthly budget for new clothes ( you one body need so much clothes meh? Maybe buy bi monthly or re-wear your old clothes)

13-$300 budget for restaurant dining ( cook and eat at home, since u got your own hdb which is paid by your tenant)

14-$300 budget for drinking sessions with fellow stressed out singaporeans ( invite your equally stressful counter part to drink in your hdb which is paid by your tenant )

15-$200 monthly budget for taxi rides ( take bus and mrt lah, anyway now you do most things in your hdb which your tenant paid for, I think should reduce on taxi fare le)


if got balance, save up for your old age, spend 20 % of your savings to buy pure physical gold to keep as investment, don't buy paper cert gold. Yup hope you have a happier life :) 

P.s I swear I never pakat with @xoxo77, just that he post earlier than me hehehehehe 

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Guest Observer

No point trying to talk to these members and government supporters. 


I know your intention in starting these kind of threads to try to made people to think and question. 


But the pro government contributors here will simply refuse to listen and instead ask you to go reflect on your living habits and sort out what is essentials and luxuries needs. 


Basically they are just a group of people who see no wrong in high living cost and mortgages and the best way they can convince people to live and conform to these conditions is simply be obedient to pay whatever the landlords ask of you and don't go out to spend in life. 


That is their thinking. 

It is already reflected in their words here already. 


In the meantime Singaporeans who have migrated and people from other nations have a better work life balance and have more fun and breathing space in life. 


Here only debts and indoctrinations await you. 

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Guest Observer

The gist of this thread is so painfully obvious for all to see. 


Here the thread starter started the first post complaint of the mounting pressure,difficulties and debts of living in Singapore and the subsequent slew of posts that come in is saying you can don't cut hair,you can don't eat,you can dont take taxis,you can don't drink,you can don't have telephone but you cannot don't pay your bills to feed the administrators and businessmen here. 


Might as well don't live then. 

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Guest Observer

^See what I mean? ^_^

Another one with a template rebut to drive the same message into one mind until one is beaten into submission. 


You cannot win a argument in the cyber realm. 


Because they come in legion. 

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37 minutes ago, Guest Observer said:

The gist of this thread is so painfully obvious for all to see. 


Here the thread starter started the first post complaint of the mounting pressure,difficulties and debts of living in Singapore and the subsequent slew of posts that come in is saying you can don't cut hair,you can don't eat,you can dont take taxis,you can don't drink,you can don't have telephone but you cannot don't pay your bills to feed the administrators and businessmen here. 


Might as well don't live then. 

Yes I concur.


Point i am saying is our basic essentials are now becoming the most expensive in the world as singapore is the most expensive city in the world. 


Singapore is such a small country..the government can always put a cap on rentals amd cost. Example if they say...'a cup of brewed coffee can only Singaporeans at a max of $4.00 anywhere' who will say no? Those who do not follow will have their rights to do business revoked.  Biz can charge non singaporeans whatever price they want.


I read from Dr Chee and other academics that all those FTAs etc are all not to our advantage...what we should do is tell these companies that if younwan to trade in singapore you must do as we say or take your biz elsewhere...


I say we must be brave and drive down cost on everything by at least 50% for singaporeans and increase our salary by 75%.



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Guest Tonykoh
8 hours ago, Guest Stress Singapore Bills said:

It is almost the middle of the month. In 2 weeks, bills will start to come in..


1-$650 for installment for my 3 room HDB for the next 18 year!

2-$80 for handphone. Sure increase because of Pokemon Go!

3- Starhub TV bill of about $70

4- $55 for Singapore Power

5-$39 for monthly Town Council fee

6-$80 for monthly EZ Link top up

7-$200 for insurance

8-$100 for credit card bill

9-$120 for monthly hair styling

10-$120 for monthly gym membership

11-$80 for massage installment

12-$250 monthly budget for new clothes

13-$300 budget for restaurant dining

14-$300 budget for drinking sessions with fellow stressed out singaporeans

15-$200 monthly budget for taxi rides.


Monies for the above essentials are set aside even before i spend a cent for any food and healthcare bills, magazines, entertainment, shopping, breakdown of electronic goods like ipads, samsung 7 etc.


I find it is getting more stressful by the day living in Singapore..i wish i was born in other countries where life is much less stressful and carefree. 


Recent survey says Singapore is the most expensive country in the world and i truely believe it! Can you believe I am paying $650 for a small 3 room 99 year HDB for the next 18 years? I already paid for 5 years! A oublic housinh which is not even mine i have to pay an arm and a leg for it! 


I cannot understand wht HDB sells public housing at such a high price where we can buy a banglow in JB for the same $$..also government and its companies are charging sky high rentals which cost is passed back to us!


Why are we even paying town council so much every month? Why am i spending $200 every month for insurance? Our taxes and gst shd cover all these essentials!


I can read everywhere from here in Blowing Wind. That people are unhappy. Also i read The Independant, ASS, Wake Up Singapore, Online Citizen and others that so many True Blue Singaporeans are unhappy, stressed and overworked and we are paid so low! I am fed up! Are you True Blue Singaporeans fed up too? 


9-$120 for monthly hair styling

> go K cuts . 10-12 bucks each time ; cut twice a month 

10-$120 for monthly gym membership

> go neighborhood gym ; less than $30 a month

11-$80 for massage installment

> no need . 

12-$250 monthly budget for new clothes

> buy uniqlo , or other typical brands ; buy when on sale 

13-$300 budget for restaurant dining

> hawker centre saves you at least 70%

14-$300 budget for drinking sessions with fellow stressed out singaporeans

> drink outside 7-11 ; saves you at least 70%

15-$200 monthly budget for taxi rides.

> take mrt / bus


its how you choose to live your life .

there is stress of different kinds in different places you live, depending on your priorities and state of mind . 

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Guest Neutral

I am not a supporter of any party, but myself. I agree to a certain extent that expenses in Singapore are high, simply because the standard of living is high.


The definition of essentials vary between individuals. Besides housing and food, gym and entertainment are essentials to me, simply because they form part of the core in my day to day living. I do not expect myself to live like a refugee, happy with basic food and shelter. I do want to qualify however, that I do not mean spending extravagantly, but reasonably. 

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Guest Bragging lah

TS is basically bragging to us here abt how well he is living ...... Yet has out across to us one he is suffering Bec Singapore is expensive. Look at some of his expenses.. $120 for hair, $300 for restaurants, $300 for drinking...... Really TS! Get a life and stop showing off here!

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27 minutes ago, Guest Bragging lah said:

TS is basically bragging to us here abt how well he is living ...... Yet has out across to us one he is suffering Bec Singapore is expensive. Look at some of his expenses.. $120 for hair, $300 for restaurants, $300 for drinking...... Really TS! Get a life and stop showing off here!


What kind of bragging showcases the person as being unable to support the lifestyle he currently has lol. If anything, it's a call for help because he clearly can't manage his money properly. 



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11 hours ago, Guest Stress Singapore Bills said:

It is almost the middle of the month. In 2 weeks, bills will start to come in..


1-$650 for installment for my 3 room HDB for the next 18 year!

2-$80 for handphone. Sure increase because of Pokemon Go!

3- Starhub TV bill of about $70

4- $55 for Singapore Power

5-$39 for monthly Town Council fee

6-$80 for monthly EZ Link top up

7-$200 for insurance

8-$100 for credit card bill

9-$120 for monthly hair styling

10-$120 for monthly gym membership

11-$80 for massage installment

12-$250 monthly budget for new clothes

13-$300 budget for restaurant dining

14-$300 budget for drinking sessions with fellow stressed out singaporeans

15-$200 monthly budget for taxi rides.


Monies for the above essentials are set aside even before i spend a cent for any food and healthcare bills, magazines, entertainment, shopping, breakdown of electronic goods like ipads, samsung 7 etc.


I find it is getting more stressful by the day living in Singapore..i wish i was born in other countries where life is much less stressful and carefree. 


Recent survey says Singapore is the most expensive country in the world and i truely believe it! Can you believe I am paying $650 for a small 3 room 99 year HDB for the next 18 years? I already paid for 5 years! A oublic housinh which is not even mine i have to pay an arm and a leg for it! 


I cannot understand wht HDB sells public housing at such a high price where we can buy a banglow in JB for the same $$..also government and its companies are charging sky high rentals which cost is passed back to us!


Why are we even paying town council so much every month? Why am i spending $200 every month for insurance? Our taxes and gst shd cover all these essentials!


I can read everywhere from here in Blowing Wind. That people are unhappy. Also i read The Independant, ASS, Wake Up Singapore, Online Citizen and others that so many True Blue Singaporeans are unhappy, stressed and overworked and we are paid so low! I am fed up! Are you True Blue Singaporeans fed up too? 

Walaueh.i feel like scoldng this fela in vulgarities.now i know who says spore is too ex to live in.so many unnecessary expenses n got the cheek to say spore is too expensive.u want to see.my list.u will cry hor. I didnt even complain n can still come here n joke around.

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Guest regret
11 hours ago, Guest Stress Singapore Bills said:

It is almost the middle of the month. In 2 weeks, bills will start to come in..


1-$650 for installment for my 3 room HDB for the next 18 year!

2-$80 for handphone. Sure increase because of Pokemon Go!

3- Starhub TV bill of about $70

4- $55 for Singapore Power

5-$39 for monthly Town Council fee

6-$80 for monthly EZ Link top up

7-$200 for insurance

8-$100 for credit card bill

9-$120 for monthly hair styling

10-$120 for monthly gym membership

11-$80 for massage installment

12-$250 monthly budget for new clothes

13-$300 budget for restaurant dining

14-$300 budget for drinking sessions with fellow stressed out singaporeans

15-$200 monthly budget for taxi rides.


Monies for the above essentials are set aside even before i spend a cent for any food and healthcare bills, magazines, entertainment, shopping, breakdown of electronic goods like ipads, samsung 7 etc.


I find it is getting more stressful by the day living in Singapore..i wish i was born in other countries where life is much less stressful and carefree. 


Recent survey says Singapore is the most expensive country in the world and i truely believe it! Can you believe I am paying $650 for a small 3 room 99 year HDB for the next 18 years? I already paid for 5 years! A oublic housinh which is not even mine i have to pay an arm and a leg for it! 


I cannot understand wht HDB sells public housing at such a high price where we can buy a banglow in JB for the same $$..also government and its companies are charging sky high rentals which cost is passed back to us!


Why are we even paying town council so much every month? Why am i spending $200 every month for insurance? Our taxes and gst shd cover all these essentials!


I can read everywhere from here in Blowing Wind. That people are unhappy. Also i read The Independant, ASS, Wake Up Singapore, Online Citizen and others that so many True Blue Singaporeans are unhappy, stressed and overworked and we are paid so low! I am fed up! Are you True Blue Singaporeans fed up too? 


Yah, many Malaysians regretted after getting Singapore citizenship.  They have to compete not with Singaporeans,  but also with those from China, India and Philippines.   

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Let's do some Mathematics calculation here.

Set the priorities right -

Essentials such as mortgage, utilities, conservancy charges, basic telco  and internet charges, food and transport, insurance


Non-essentials such as dining in restaurants, new clothes, taxi rides, clubbing and drinking (wtf is spending $300 on this item), massage, expensive hair styling, 



If things are put in the right perspective, there should be less whining.  Reduce non-essentials with regular exercising/sports activities and home-cooking. You could obviously trim your expenses by going to  less-expensive places - like SAFRA gyms, hair saloons in your neighbourhood and the list goes on.


If you find living in Singapore is choking you, try (for example) Hong Kong.  You don't even think of whining because it becomes a part of daily life there.



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56 minutes ago, cutejack said:

Walaueh.i feel like scoldng this fela in vulgarities.now i know who says spore is too ex to live in.so many unnecessary expenses n got the cheek to say spore is too expensive.u want to see.my list.u will cry hor. I didnt even complain n can still come here n joke around.


I had the same inclination to scold the fella for his shameful cries about his abuse in lifestyle costing so much money. 

But I rather feel sorry for him, having this illusion that he deserves heaven and earth because...  he does some work and pays some taxes.

With all his activities eating into his pocket, how has he any time to have a decent life?

And his attention and concerns seem to be exclusively for HIMSELF.

Where in his extensive list is any expense to support his parents?

And he has zero budget to support wife and children, which many adults have.

It is nice to see that most posts here don't shown much sympathy for his suffering and hard life.


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12 hours ago, Guest Guest said:

Hi there. Are these not essentials? We are living in 2016 now. This is my basic right as i worked hard and pay my taxes. Problem is rental...huge govt linked companies like capitaland are charging sky high rentals..to them greed for money is their goal, not what is good for then people...example, my hair stylist has to pay abt $10k plus in rental every month, landlord is capitaland. If their rental is about $2000 to $3000, businesses can pass these savings back to us. No wonder we are the most expensive country in the world!


Hi "Guest Guest".  Most of the items in the list ARE NOT essentials.  At least not for people who are not insanely spoiled.

You work SO HARD that you have infinite time to roam these threads.

But I agree with you that rentals are abusive in your island.

Of course people in power (in this case thanks to the demand for rented space) are greedy and only care for their good. 

About the complicity of the government,  you people are not free to vote?

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12 hours ago, Guest Stress Singapore Bills said:

It is almost the middle of the month. In 2 weeks, bills will start to come in..


1-$650 for installment for my 3 room HDB for the next 18 year!

2-$80 for handphone. Sure increase because of Pokemon Go!

3- Starhub TV bill of about $70

4- $55 for Singapore Power

5-$39 for monthly Town Council fee

6-$80 for monthly EZ Link top up

7-$200 for insurance

8-$100 for credit card bill

9-$120 for monthly hair styling

10-$120 for monthly gym membership

11-$80 for massage installment

12-$250 monthly budget for new clothes

13-$300 budget for restaurant dining

14-$300 budget for drinking sessions with fellow stressed out singaporeans

15-$200 monthly budget for taxi rides.


Monies for the above essentials are set aside even before i spend a cent for any food and healthcare bills, magazines, entertainment, shopping, breakdown of electronic goods like ipads, samsung 7 etc.


I find it is getting more stressful by the day living in Singapore..i wish i was born in other countries where life is much less stressful and carefree. 


Recent survey says Singapore is the most expensive country in the world and i truely believe it! Can you believe I am paying $650 for a small 3 room 99 year HDB for the next 18 years? I already paid for 5 years! A oublic housinh which is not even mine i have to pay an arm and a leg for it! 


I cannot understand wht HDB sells public housing at such a high price where we can buy a banglow in JB for the same $$..also government and its companies are charging sky high rentals which cost is passed back to us!


Why are we even paying town council so much every month? Why am i spending $200 every month for insurance? Our taxes and gst shd cover all these essentials!


I can read everywhere from here in Blowing Wind. That people are unhappy. Also i read The Independant, ASS, Wake Up Singapore, Online Citizen and others that so many True Blue Singaporeans are unhappy, stressed and overworked and we are paid so low! I am fed up! Are you True Blue Singaporeans fed up too? 


Indeed the (1) cost of leaving is very high here.....one of my frds chose to give up his 9 years PR status back to his native land. We on the other hand is stuck here.  (2) there are some items in your list that are luxury items - Hair styling & gym for instance.  (3) some of your bills are v low. Like credit card and utility bills.... :):)




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Guest NeedsWants

As far as I can see Sg government services fees are still reasonable, unlike where I am living now in the land down under, things like rental - average $400++ per month, mortgage average $2,000 per month could left you nothing after your pay check. Town council fee starts from $1500++ per year, utilities much more expensive $100++ each, everything else is pretty much the same like Singapore except for makan, (not necessarily a decent meal and in a fancy food court or restaurant as we don't have hawker center) cheapest is around $10 and up. You know living in first world country is not cheap right? Why not cut back non essentials? Teach yourself - self control when it comes to spending, differentiate what's needs and wants.

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$120 for hair cut a month very expensive wor... do away with the hair cut and gym u can pay half your rental ler... if not go find sugar dad lah. U spend soo much to look vain but dun capitalize on it then what for? Bo liaoz.... find a rich sugar dad then what is $650 a month... lolz!!

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Guest NeedsWants

I need to correct the rental in land down under is average $400++ per week not per month and lousy public transport is also more expensive around $3 per short distance journey longer is more. Try living in the land down under, then you will change your mind how still cheap Sg is.

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Guest 蜜糖淑女

$300 for drinking break down: $50 a jar of liquour of choice with mixer + $25 cab fare home x once a week = exactly $300 a month. That's what regular clubbers spend a month.


i say: share cab and jug of liquour with friends to split cost. Car pool with friends if possible.


Cut out the $70 (i guess starhub $24 3 basic groups + $16 HD channels + $25 recordable HD hubstation) cable tv and subscribe to netflix: $10 a month - SO MUCH cheaper!!!!!!


$300 a month on clothes? Er sorry, unless you are a celebrity or lifestyle fashionista with professional image to upkeep, i suggest you shop only during major sales like the GSS, post x'mas, tangs and robinson's bi-annual sales.


$120 a month for "hair styling" translates to $60 hair cuts every 2 weeks by director at a neighbourhood posh salon or junior stylist at orchard posh salon i guess.

Just buy a a hair trimmer and practise on your nephews before attempting trimming your own sides and back - you only need to go salon once a month then. A good haircut can last for at least 2 months if you are not obsessed with looking gay-boyish 24/7.


Most restaurant food ain't worth it anyway. Learn to be discerning or better yet, learn to cook restaurant food in your own kitchen from online videos. Reserve your hard-earned moola for novelty grub once in a while like weekly or something, not every other day!

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Guest Observer

A lot of you miss the point completely. 


I read through the whole thread and the way the thread starter relay his issues across come as a personal opinion of his and you all are having issues with his personal living habits. 


But still there are points worth thinking through. 


Whether a expenditure is a essential or luxury need it is still expensive. 


How come no one question why houses and electricity are expensive in the first place and where these money go to?


How come people can say drinks,cabs,haircuts and gyming are expensive but can only say use these services lesser or totally give up on it but cannot ask why the business cost is so high in the first place?


There is a issue a lot of people are trying very hard to avoid and refuse to face. 


They don't want to look into the source of all these escalating costs and can only choose to change their own ways of life and convince themselves to accept it. 


And lastly I laugh at those who use housing valuation as a line of defence and merit of staying in this place. 


Because valuations is not real money,unless you got the balls to cash out and liquidate your property in the first place. 


And even if you do so where are you going to live then?


You can only migrate or downsize to a smaller unit. 


And I also saw someone wrote financing the houses should be seen as a form of investment which I think is also silly to begin with. 


A house is to be live in and your savings and pensions should be the rightful and more appropriate channels for you to see it as places for investment and security. 



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Guest Observer

To the TS don't overspend and live within your means and yes I'm not denying you your rights of spending your own cash on fun. 


To the rest who bashed him try to see and seek middle ground too. Because if you don't dare to question and ask and only choose to meekly accept whatever that come your way in life then pretty soon the only way of life left for people like you is to work and go home to confine yourselves in for the whole of your lives because your earnings are all drain into the bills and living expenses. 

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Guest Observer

There is a choice if two separate entities control the private business and public business sectors. 


But unfortunately there isn't in this place. 


Here only one single entity control everything and everyone money go to this entity. 


You pay your bills. 

You pay your mortgages. 

You pay your taxes. 


It go into temasek. 


Then temasek use the money to open up tons of shopping malls and charge the businessmen a bomb on rentals and the businessmen transfer the rental and business operating costs back onto the workers,tourists and customers. 


There is only one winner in this animal farm laughing all the way to fiery hell. 


The rest of us are just suckers. 


We really need a more benolevent in charge in our lives. 


I still remember before they came to Lord over us they were once begging on the streets asking for my parents and grandparents to support them and send them into power. 


Now look how unbearable and forgetful these people have become.....



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Guest Tema-Sheik
3 minutes ago, Guest Observer said:

There is a choice if two separate entities control the private business and public business sectors. 


But unfortunately there isn't in this place. 


Here only one single entity control everything and everyone money go to this entity. 


You pay your bills. 

You pay your mortgages. 

You pay your taxes. 


It go into temasek. 


Then temasek use the money to open up tons of shopping malls and charge the businessmen a bomb on rentals and the businessmen transfer the rental and business operating costs back onto the workers,tourists and customers. 


There is only one winner in this animal farm laughing all the way to fiery hell. 


The rest of us are just suckers. 


We really need a more benolevent in charge in our lives. 


I still remember before they came to Lord over us they were once begging on the streets asking for my parents and grandparents to support them and send them into power. 


Now look how unbearable and forgetful these people have become.....




I would rather pay money to Tema-sheik that build the city state into world class standards than what I see in Australia, the cuntry is slowly and surely is in progress to become from first to third world as the cuntry is run mainly by second rate people who share its luck.

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Guest Observer

But then to be fair to people though the world become like this because almost the entire planet is enslaved by the central banks with debts that is impossible to repaid off by now. 


Ever borrow from loanshark and saw how everything spiral put of control in the end?


Basically that is what happening to everyone of us now. 


The money we hold are iou and we have all became slaves to the debts and money. 


The global debts need to be defaulted and the bankers be pull down from power. 


Nowadays the entire globe is connected and events happen very fast and as such everyone feel the effect. 

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Guest Observer

World class standards?

What a joke. 


No my deluded friend. 

Any place that open up it gates to the world of migrants and refugees indiscriminately to feed and blow up the ponzi all eventually came to the same fate. 


Destroying decades of good works and foundations. 


If kangaroo land is regressing then sin island is on the same path too. 


But kangaroo land even if it went belly up is still a continent while sin island is nothing more than a pebble floating in the sea. 


When the rapture come who will die a harder death?


This one is a no brainer to figure out by ourselves. 

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3 minutes ago, Guest Observer said:

But then to be fair to people though the world become like this because almost the entire planet is enslaved by the central banks with debts that is impossible to repaid off by now. 


Ever borrow from loanshark and saw how everything spiral put of control in the end?


Basically that is what happening to everyone of us now. 


The money we hold are iou and we have all became slaves to the debts and money. 


The global debts need to be defaulted and the bankers be pull down from power. 


Nowadays the entire globe is connected and events happen very fast and as such everyone feel the effect. 


Yes, humans are programmed like robots to serve and become slave to the elite.

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Guest ThisTimeNotSoLucky
8 minutes ago, Guest Observer said:

World class standards?

What a joke. 


No my deluded friend. 

Any place that open up it gates to the world of migrants and refugees indiscriminately to feed and blow up the ponzi all eventually came to the same fate. 


Destroying decades of good works and foundations. 


If kangaroo land is regressing then sin island is on the same path too. 


But kangaroo land even if it went belly up is still a continent while sin island is nothing more than a pebble floating in the sea. 


When the rapture come who will die a harder death?


This one is a no brainer to figure out by ourselves. 


Well, kangaroo land has very strict immigration policy yet still can't get it right instead its regressing from now on just like the Joke e-census

as The Lucky Cuntry is a joke

See the difference? You've got better nanny than AU to manage the cuntry.

Kangaroo land is slowly regressing as they wait and see until things happens and jobs that can't be outsourced are reserved for the second rate elites and due to anti competition policy, prices are sky high.


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The exact same thing is happening in Singapore island too and because of landmass size differences the impact and magnitude of these effects is even more evident here. 


You say kangaroo land have strict immigration policies and still can't get it right. 


Here over at sin island the migrant policies is among the most lax and reckless this world have ever seen and what are the chances of the people who are here going to survive through the days to come. 


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Guest Observer

The fallacy of living a simple life. 


While it is good advise but taken to the extremes it too will eventually cause everything to collapse in the end. 


For example you work but you don't have enough to spend so you cope yourselves at homes and streamline your lives and do DIY all the times. 


Whether one can accept being a confined house mice is up to that individual to decide but if the critical mass do that then the business outside cannot thrive and economy law of supply and demand will be screw up and when business can't survive then the people will have less jobs and more people will turn to the nations for social assistance. 


It is a vicious cycle. 


Money cannot be hoard. 

It has to go and flow around. 

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I'm not exactly sure what you're implying. But half of your list contains items that could be easily cut down.


Of course you can argue that you need these "things" to balance out your life. In which case, why then are you complaining? Your life should be pretty happy?


If you're still stressed out, then these luxuries aren't working. Instead, they add to your worries, and you should snip them.

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Guest Guest X 2

Here's the other thing too. While it's hardly as lucrative as before, there are TONS of ways to earn extra cash online. LEGITIMATELY. Without investment or anything.


If you spend less time grouching about things, Pokemoning, surfing hysteria Alt News site, you would have more than enough time to research and work out some passive income.


These wouldn't be much. Wouldn't make you a billionaire. But at least they easily cover hp / utility bills. Of which you are so stressed out by.

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Guest Observer

What exactly are the pros by jacking and escalating up living costs and expenditures? 


Be grateful for what when one has lived through the good times but now are seeing the fall coming?


Am I supposed to be grateful to people who grind me to the bones and feed off my toils?




Dont always just say there are others more unfortunate in this world for the reverse hold true as well. 


There are also people more fortunate than you and I out there too. 


That is a more objective way to look at the world instead of always holing onto a glass half full versus a glass half empty mentality. 



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Guest Observer

Let me describe out things in a very direct and simple way. 


You slog at country A for a set amount of time and you finished paying off your essential needs and items. 


Your houses and cars become freehold and yours to own forever. 


While in country S you slog for a set amount of time and wait for a age criteria and capital threshold in order to get your houses and cars and 10 to 99 years later the terms expired and you have to bid and apply for it all over again and this time inflation and speculations will raise the threshold criteria even higher than the previous round. 


Only this time you are a old coodge already and the ageist job market shun you like the plaque. 


Even if you don't think for yourselves at least think for your own descendants and younger kins. 


A smart person seek ways to cut off the perpetual pattern while a sleeping one willingly accept to be entrapped in a perpetual loop of cycle. 


Be grateful I'm willing to share and express myself out to help you widen your perspectives and horizons instead. 


Don't be grateful to toll collectors who sits at the top demanding a ransom from all of you all the time relentlessly without rest and respite. 


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