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Good morning everyone, I'm brand new to Blowing Wind, and as I read through posts and just observed the topics and discussions, two terms tended to pop up a lot: straight-acting and sissy. The first is heavily desired, seen as superior. The second, viewed like a plague. And that bothered me. I'll admit now that I'm somewhat effeminate, or 'soft', depending on the person judging me. Yeah, I'm no macho man, but it doesn't make me less of a person. Just as being gay doesn't make us less worthy as human beings. We all really need to stop with the "sissy" bashing here, but perhaps we need to first understand why we're so critical of those who are effeminate. sissy |ˈsɪsi| informal noun ( pl. -sies) a person regarded as effeminate or cowardly. • chiefly offensive an effeminate homosexual. effeminate |ɪˈfɛmɪnət| adjective (of a man) having or showing characteristics regarded as typical of a woman; unmanly. It's interesting to see how feminine traits are paired with cowardliness and lack of manhood. Of course, many will argue that a gay man wants a man, not a woman. I'll also admit that I myself do find a masculine disposition attractive. I did ask myself why, many times. There were a lot of really nice, gorgeous and interesting men out there that I didn't feel as attracted to because their mannerisms leaned towards girlishness. This goes beyond the sexual context, because the bashing or rejection occurs even when sex is not an issue. I've experienced it myself. The following excerpt in Madonna's "What It Feels Like For A Girl", made me think about this aversion to 'sissy' mannerism when I first heard it. Girls can wear jeans And cut their hair short Wear shirts and boots 'Cause it's okay to be a boy But for a boy to look like a girl is degrading 'Cause you think that being a girl is degrading But secretly you'd love to know what it's like Wouldn't you What it feels like for a girl Perhaps it goes back to our ingrained misogyny, that men are superior to women — in particular, a man who aspires, or appears to aspire, to be like a woman is especially terrible. The mentality of, "Why would you want to be like the weaker gender? That's so silly! Be a real man!" I believe that a GLBT calling another a sissy is no better than the people who call us faggots. Yes, attraction is complex and we like what we like, but there is no need to insult what we don't. And for that matter, scrap saying straight-acting. That's like saying "cat that pretends it's a dog". If you want a manly, masculine or rugged guy, just say so. I'm sure you don't want someone who denies who he is. So, do you feel like slapping or punching my face already? Let me know your take on this.
A little backstory: I’m nearing my 30s and I’ve yet to lose my virginity (it’s not really a big deal, guess I’m a wizard now) and have not experienced a proper relationship with a partner due to my own insecurities and religion. I don’t really use dating apps due to the fear of being exposed. I’ve never really tried to explore my sexuality as I know since young that I’m gay as fuck. But that’s besides the point. I know I can’t risk getting married to a girl who loves me wholeheartedly while I secretly like men. I mean I tried dating girls but I don’t seem attracted to them at all even if i wanted to. I’ve liked a few guys throughout my life but I’ve never confessed to anyone before, being afraid of rejection and ridiculed. But then I met this guy at work, who is few years younger than me. He’s 6/10 in terms of looks but he’s cute to me at least. He’s slightly taller than me, and he’s not that skinny and has really slender hands (compared to my rough ass hands). I told my self to not crush or fall in love with anyone unnecessarily at work and tried to convince myself that he’s unattractive but apparently that didn’t work. He’s really a gentleman. I shall not go into details (because it’s gonna take awhile) but he’s extremely thoughtful and treat his friends like gems. It’s the little things that he does that made me like him even more than I should have. We talk a lot and got to know each other and eventually became close buddies. I know for a fact that he’s single and straighter than a ruler but i can’t help the fact that I get jealous whenever he talks about girls he’s interested in. All in all, I didn’t let my feelings show and thought through the situation rationally and gave him honest advice. Well, the reason why I decided to rant was that I felt that this was the final time I’m gonna crush on someone( at age 30 no less). He felt like the ONE you know? But alas, he’s straight ;/ Unrequited love hurts like a truck and I do fantasize my dreams and future with him. But I know thats not gonna happen. I do not plan to get married in the future and just live the rest of my life alone peacefully, somewhere quiet I guess. Love comes and goes and I can never forget the ones I gave my heart to. Hey GS, if you’re reading this(which I don’t think will ever happen but oh well), I just want to let you know that I’ve liked you for some time now and I think that you’re really attractive and a great guy. Some people can’t seem to notice how nice of a human being you are and please know that I appreciate you being there for me. Gifting is my love language. So I shall pass you your parting gift (my last gift I swear) which was the item that you wanted. Please do let me know if you ever need anything. Your # 1 fan, MS.
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Is getting annoying as this goes by. I felt like wanting to just confront him. On my side, I don't really care if he's meeting someone else but what really matters is he doesn't have to lie. Should I just crash his party or not?
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Who do you think has more pressure to appear sexy and likable(bottom or tops)
Guest posted a topic in Blowing Wind Main Forum
As the topic says, do bottoms feel more pressure to be sexy and likable or is it the tops? Would love to hear opinions on it. -
Just out of curiosity, I wanted to find out how do guys meet and form into close knit friend groups. For context: For the past 2 years, I have been going to gay clubs and gay events (drag shows/pinkdot) with a lesbian female friend from polytechnic. And I always see groups of gay guys in their friend groups and they look really connected and happy. And sometimes 2 friend groups even know each other, it's like one big popular clique. I lowkey feel like I'm having an outsider experience when I see these things as I always wanted to know/have more gay friends. Anybody knows how the socialising even begins? Is it at clubs or is it probably through some sexual means at first?
Should just stick to their mother tongue. Egs. Want a not? U cry u stop.
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Would you put your phone on urinal during peeing? (Provided have space for you to do so)
Hey, I'm been pretty worried about my non-existent dating life that I'm not really sure where to turn to and hope the guys on this forum would be able to give some advice. I'm in my mid-20s. I've been single for the past few years. The last time I had a boyfriend or dated was in university when it was easy to meet lots of new people. Now I'm starting to worry if there's something wrong with me, or at least, what I can do about my situation. The first thought is maybe I'm unattractive, but I genuinely don't believe that's the whole reason (at least I hope not). I don't think I'm unattractive per se, but maybe...unattractive to gay guys? It seems in Singapore (and most places), gay men are attracted to muscular, masculine jock-types. I'm actually not ugly, I'd say I'm moderately good looking. But the thing is I'm 'cute'. 'Cute' like those K/J/C-Pop flower boys. I've been told this numerous times throughout my life by friends & strangers. Random people would come up to make a comment about me being 'cute' or 'pretty'. When I travel in China or Japan, random people would come and ask to take pictures with me & some would ask if I'm some type of idol. I know it sounds insanely up myself to be saying these things but I really want to convince you that I'm not ugly. In any case, I used to take these comments as a compliment, but now that I'm in my mid-20s, I'm not so sure I want to keep being 'cute'. I'm not overly muscular (but not super skinny either). My personality isn't very feminine, but it's not very butch either. I'd say I'm very average, although I'm a bit short (170cm). It's just my face is very 'sweet'. I look like these guys: In the straight world, people won't say these guys are ugly...but in the gay world, it's not usually the kind of guys most gay men find attractive. So..I'm just kinda wondering...is there a market for guys like this? And if so, where? How do I find them? What do I go to meet them and how do I start dating them? I've been out of the market for so long I really don't know where to start. Please help. Any advice would be really appreciated. Thank you
How would you stay in touch with your new friends?
ahben94 posted a topic in Blowing Wind Main Forum
So I had a few groups of queer friends that I just made before COVID hit. But we grew apart as we went into lockdown. Because I'm quite new in the group, so I didn't have the time to like truly get close with everyone yet. For me, I lost touch because I was switching my jobs and taking care of my mental health. i guess i could've reached out but i was paranoid that they don't like me? when i text some of them i still feel awkward, and i'd be thinking like 'was i annoying?' etc etc. so now i'm just wondering la, like what would y'all do? -
This whole mess of a year has got me thinking about life. Currently in uni and still closeted. It sucks being in denial for so long. Recently been harbouring thoughts of coming out, even to the extent of drafting out a letter lol. So far, no one that I know of suspected anything. I mean, having not talk about girls ever, sometimes I do wonder if they are THAT clueless. I'm always bombarded with when am I getting a GF when meeting up. Tried to have a go with a girl in poly, much to my regret. I felt like such an ass, wasting both her time and mine. Also, being the clueless donkey that I am, I just cannot pick out people of our kind. The thought of picking up and sending the wrong signals still haunts me to this day. Maybe it's the fear of being outed accidentally and people knowing. Now that I have grown and matured somewhat, I do feel like stepping out and making some friends from the community. Still feeling somewhat apprehensive as I have quite a few homophobic friends and fam. SG being so small, it feels like a minefield. Never tried any friend/dating apps for the fear of getting outed. On the other hand, it feels suffocating to not have people to share my problems with. Really admire those who have taken the brave steps of coming out. Currently, I cant risk that as I might end up being homeless lol. Real hopeful for the day I can be liberated from living a life of half truths.
Not many people would be open enough to share that they have such experience of being rejected suddenly or having the person pull a disappearing stunt the exact moment when you turned up at the meeting place. How many of the following "symptoms" do you find familiar? 1. reaching the place to meet but the other person suddenly has a stomachache and is now at the toilet? 2. calling the person several times but suddenly he wont reply or answer? 3. asking you what is the color of the shirt you are wearing but does not disclose any information of his? 4. making you wait long past the arranged meeting time but when u probe him further all you get is a "sorry not my type" and thats the end of it? just to clarify. its is OKAY to not be someone's type, it is OKAY for you to find someone not pleasing to you at the place to meet. however, it is NOT OKAY to suddenly disappear rudely without informing the other person your intention or lack of interest. it is just plain fcking rude. it is NOT OKAY to be rude. yes such things happen all the time but people have to learn not to be so rude about it. not everyone is everyone's type. if the above has happened to you before, tell yourself that it is okay. tough luck. tell yourself that it is okay, cause you have not been cheated of money or other possessions, only time. tell yourself that it is okay, cause you didn't end up sleeping with someone with that kind of upbringing and manners. tell yourself that it is okay, cause you didn't sleep with someone who is a bloody rude person with that kind of personality. tell yourself that it is okay, cause you deserve someone who is better and more polite, even if he rejects you politely, you deserve that kind of treatment. tell yourself that it is okay, cause those rude pricks don't fking deserve you. -you deserve better- what you should do is -not- delete the number you were given, but rename it to something like jerk, asswipe or twat so that in the future you will avoid meeting the same prick for fun again. and one day if you were to successfully train up and become the man of everyone's dream, you can still deny those pricks of the fun that they deprived you of in the first place. safeguard yourself. use their numbers to fill out random survey forms if it makes you feel happy. try to go saunas to look for fun instead. instead of clicking behind the screen and choosing the food you want based on inaccurate or photoshopped pictures of the food which will eventually turn you down, why not go to the sea and hunt your own food for yourself? cause you -definitely- deserve better. seek comfort in knowing that at the very end, when their looks fade, their muscles become saggy and when they cant remain hard for longer than 10 seconds anymore, and with that rotten and rude personality of theirs they can't find a partner to spend the rest of their life with, they will have -nothing- left. but you still have your dignity and your pride with you. thats all i have to say, and i welcome people to share more stories and advice for people who might be feeling low because of such incidence. because no matter what, people deserve the basic courtesy of a polite decline. do not rob people of that right. NOTE: for those people guilty of pulling the above stunts and behavior. fck you and _|_ and here's a pretty finger which i spent effort to type out and i hope that you have enough money to go to the nearest supermarket and buy the largest cucumber that you can find to fck yourself with.
What's On Your Mind.
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https://goodmenproject.com/featured-content/penis-envy-size-shame-game-men-slake/ Penis Envy: The Size & Shame Game Of Men May 8, 2016 by Kyle Benson — Could you imagine if one day you woke up and your penis was gone? What would you do if your penis just got up and left you? You’d probably experience what Sigmund Freud calls castration anxiety. Panic would set in. You’d no longer feel like a “man.” Freud, the father of modern psychology spent a lot of time thinking about penises. He theorized that little boys wanted to kill their fathers so they could hump their mothers, while little girls would spend their entire adult lives secretly wishing they had penises (aka: penis envy). Fortunately, these theories were disregarded as bat-shit crazy. But today’s modern world of porn does cause a lot of penis envy among men. I was reminded of this when a client emailed me about how he hated his average penis. He felt unmanly. Sadly, I know exactly how he feels. ◊♦◊ In fact, in one of my past relationships the girl I was seeing told me that both of her past sexual partners either had a penis that was longer than mine or wider than mine. Since most of my relationship validation came from our sexual relationship, part of me felt sick hearing this. It affected me enough where I bought a book on how to enlarge my penis. I started doing regular “exercises,” and eventually spent $100 on a penis pump. My penis expanded all of a few centimeters. As I discovered over the years, my worth is not measured by my penis size. Granted, I did get harder due to some of the other exercises I was doing, but I didn’t get much bigger. I felt ashamed. Insecure. Doubtful of my ability to be a man. I felt I was destined to be dumped because of my size. Don’t like ads? Become a supporter and enjoy The Good Men Project ad free I don’t know if you’ve ever looked in a mirror, but as a man, we have lots of tools at our disposal. We have hands that can erotically touch, we have mouths that can kiss, and we have tongues to sing romantic songs. We have hearts that bleed love. As I discovered over the years, my worth is not measured by my penis size. But yes, it’s true — penis size does matter. Women do like penises that are slightly longer and thicker than average. Evidence supports this. They fill the vagina a little better, stretch the inner parts of the clitoris (the crura and bulbs), and are more arousing to the female eye and brain. They’re like boobs for men. ◊♦◊ Like my client, most of us men overestimate how important our pee-wee size is to women. If we were a species where females selected males just for penis size, we would have tiny brains, no sense of humor, no civilization, no love, and no dating process. . . . we grossly underestimate our penis size relative to our “perception” of the average man, which is equally overestimated, relative to what most women actually want. All we would have to do is stand naked and point to our “third leg.” All tinder profiles would be penis pics. If this were true, sexual selection would have given us massive penises and little desire (or ability) to even read an article on penises or do much else for that matter. But the struggle for men is real. The struggle is not physical, it’s mental. Our modern culture of porn surrounds us in a virtual world of “gifted” men. As a result, we grossly underestimate our penis size relative to our “perception” of the average man, which is equally overestimated, relative to what most women actually want. This is formally known as the Porn Bias Effect. ◊♦◊ Here’s how it works: when it comes to penis size, porn producers select male stars who are in the top 1% of penis wealth. Aka the Bill Gates of Penis. The more we jerk our little things to some manufactured image on a screen, the more warped our conception of the average penis size becomes. Thus, our porn-produced penis envy makes men easy prey for penis-enlargement products. You know what I’m talking about – the ones conveniently blinking in bright colors next to your porn video. This One Pill Made My Penis 9 Inches Bigger. Try For Free. Since our blood is in the wrong head, some of us click on these links and buy things we regret. After diligently using the “products,” we soon realize that we were sold a bunch of bullshit. ◊♦◊ Here’s the truth: Herbal supplements don’t work. Vacuum “penis enlargers” can temporarily boost your size while your penis is in the vacuum chamber, but it does not produce any permanent enlargement. Not to mention vacuum penis enlargers can burst blood vessels, making your penis look diseased. Yikes! If we’re looking at the long-term results you’re left with a medical bill and the same size penis. Surgery can cut a suspensory ligament so your dick hangs lower when it’s limp, but it won’t make it any bigger when it’s erect. Not to mention it will be erect at a lower angle. Surgical injections can temporarily increase the girth of the penis with filler materials, but it takes a really good surgeon to not make your dick look like The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Not to mention the fillers tend to get reabsorbed into the body. If we’re looking at the long-term results you’re left with a medical bill and the same size penis. Viagra doesn’t make you bigger, either. It only makes you harder and easier to get hard, stay hard and improve your hardness recovery rate after you shoot your baby tadpoles into the world. ◊♦◊ Ironically there are a lot of male “scientists” who, like Freud, have many studies about penis size. The data is pretty telling. The average American’s erect penis is a tad bigger than 5 inches long (as measured from the top side of the penis to the tip to the public bone at the base). Don’t like ads? Become a supporter and enjoy The Good Men Project ad free If you want to measure this, stop watching porn on your iPhone and place your phone on top of your penis. The iPhone is 5.5 inches long. Only about 20% of men have penises longer than an iPhone when erect. Only 3% have penises longer than 8 inches. Only 1 in 10,000 has a ten-inch erection, and only about 5,000 men in the world have genuine twelve-inch erections. So you can stop trying to measure from behind your ball sack like women who tell you how tall they are while wearing heels. There’s no need to pump up the numbers. Your dick is what it is. ◊♦◊ The best way to make your dick look bigger is to take care of yourself. Give it a little trimmy-trim-trim, and lose fat so your dick isn’t buried by your FUPA (Fat Upper Pubic Area). But even fit guys have penis envy. Speaking from experience, I learned that my obsession of penis size was due to other areas of my life making me feel inadequate. As obesity continues to climb among young men, a lot of specialists are seeing “buried penis syndrome,” where gut fat and pubic fat hide the penis so it looks small. Removing the pubic fat above and around the penis will do wonders for your “size” issues. Not to mention it will give a woman something firm, not squishy, to grind her clit against when you’re fucking her. Don’t like ads? Become a supporter and enjoy The Good Men Project ad free But even fit guys have penis envy. Speaking from experience, I learned that my obsession of penis size was due to other areas of my life making me feel inadequate. I wanted something to blame and there’s nothing easier for a man to blame than the thing he can’t change. ◊♦◊ If you are feeling shame about your penis, take a moment to reflect on other areas that make you feel inadequate. Are you in a dead-end job? Does your girlfriend get dick pics from other guys? Are you living at odds with yourself? Once I removed the items that made me feel inadequate, my penis envy went with it. As men, our worth is much more than the 5 inches between our legs. Women fall in love with us for more than how big we feel inside them. They fall in love with our ability to emotionally connect with them. To support them. For our dreams. For our kindness. And if some woman tells you she’s breaking up with you cause you’re too small, realize how superficial she is and how empty a relationship with her will be.
The recent Daryl Aiden Yow saga https://mothership.sg/2018/06/daryl-aiden-yow-instagram-photos-singapore/ https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/singapore-photographer-daryl-aiden-yow-sorry-for-passing-off-stock-images-as-his-own-on Sia suay that he is one of us. Why must so dishonest!
A few guys in my gym love to blink when there is eye contact. Not wink. Straight but so petty. Donno what is the world becoming.
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With the year closing, I just want to get something off my chest. Not sure if it's appropriate to post this here but since it deals somewhat with my gay issue, so here I am. Not really a happy topic, do move on, least it spoils your mood Ma, I'm gay. It's so easy to say, now that you are not here. I had flirted with those words in my mind, but had decided long ago to stuff them deep inside me. You have had a hard life. Your cheating husband who suddenly died on you. A poorly educated widow with three young children. I was only five then and I still remember your tears and anguish like it was yesterday. I remember the days when you have to start your day at three-thirty in the morning and only to rest at ten in the night. The long and hungry days you endure, so that your children do not go hungry. I was 11, when you told me that of all my siblings, I am the one you will live with in the future. Since then, I have always picture myself marrying a caring wife and taking care of you into old age. But Ma.... I'm gay... and it's soul crushing. So I decided to be alone. And it's soul crushing. When brother and sister both got married, I looked at myself. And it's soul crushing. I'm sorry for the dark days of my depression and could not tell you why. It's a habit you see, of always having to guard a secret. Darks thoughts lingers in my heart and eats me from the within. Although I know you will accept me in the end, but the memory of your tears kept everything deep inside. I'm sorry for my resentment and the pain I caused you. I am not a good son. I am useless as a human being. For the last twenty years of my life, I wished I was never born. I was secretly preparing for my end, making sure you have minimal burdens when the time comes. I was going to leave you, in a most desparate and unfilial act. It was a long time in planning. Years of waiting for the right moment, when I can make sure you have best support after I'm gone. Just a few weeks before the my appointed time... you just fell ill and pass away... It's been 8 months now, I still cannot process. Oh fate, are you cruel or kind? I cannot tell. Ma, if you are listening. Hear me. Don't worry about me, I bear my darkness with pride, for I am human. You need to go towards the highest high, into the brightest light. Seek me out in lives after lives, when I am the strongest. Come to me then, and I shall give you the greatest of happiness you deserve. With Gratitude, Your son.
Have you guys Had hookups that left you thinking "wtf?", or having mixed feelings, or left you needing to rant to someone about it? Cus I sure did. I broke up with my bf 3mths ago and decided to try grindr for the first time. I was amazed at how fast somebody asked me how I was! "Seek" No face pic but I was horny so fuck it I decided to have a jo session at his place. Not the best decision I have made in my life btw. He wasn't bad, but he wasn't good either. Kept kissing me and wasn't playing with my nips or my erection well. He wanted me to bj him but his dick had the pungent stale dick smell even though he claims “我很干净”. Even yo mama would say you dirty. damn, even his body didn't taste clean. Go take a hygiene class back in primary school. Thank the heavens he didn't ask me to fuck him. Who knows where that booty has been. I thought he wanted to cum tgt but turns out he came alr prior to the hook up. So like what did you ask me over there for? (Or perhaps I was bad as well. *shrugs*) in the end he just jacked me off, licked my cum, and I left (feeling no satisfaction whatsoever). thought the quickie could help me get over my ex, but it made me miss him and our better sex sessions more. Grrr. Or maybe I just don't do hook ups?
hey i hope this doesn't come out as being attention seeking because i am not. it's just that i have been feeling weird lately and i think i might need help. and i guess i chose this platform because people here are more genuine and less judgemental? i would describe myself as someone who is happy go lucky and not let anything bother me. but for the past few weeks, i feel horrible. it's almost hard to describe but one moment i am perfectly normal, and in the other i feel horrible and stressed and sad. these moodswings are affecting me and i am aware of how it affects others. i started to hate on people (colleagues mostly) and being very hypocritical. i used to blog happy things, but all i write now are like sad things. actually, i don't even write now; i don't even have the feel. i have become really sensitive. sometimes i starve myself, sometimes i don't but there are times i binge eat. i am laughing lesser and i have become really two-faced. i feel bad. and i feel bad for feeling bad. i am aware of these changes. and i am more than aware that i am not suicidal. i tried making myself feel better by doing something i like, like reading and gaming and watch more movies. and i swear nothing i working. i tried reading motivational quotes and also to no avail. nothing is wrong in my family. i have a small family, pa, ma and i. we are ok. and nothing happened at work. i refused to tell anyone verbally. and i refuse to think i have depression. but i just dk what is happening. i have heard (from anna akana on her video confession on how she is on anti-depressants) that anti-depressants work, but i worry it's a temporary thing. any thoughts? p.s i have been doing tarot reading for ppl. does it like affect me?
So many people here are cruisers and privacy and modesty violators. When we see a guy defending his right to not be harassed (peeing in peace, for example), people here are ready to flame him and defend their right to peek, stare and make rude sexual advances. People here are sharing cruising spots and doing all sorts of sexual acts in public, sharing them as stories and even sharing exhibitionist photos. They are all highly encouraged. Yet when two guys were caught having sex in the gym and arrested, people here only blame them for being stupid and getting caught, with no hint of the actual morality of the wrongdoing. The "wrong" in the wrongdoing is getting caught...Some even condemn these people who got caught, all the while relishing in stories and encounters that are illegal or bordering on illegal. One guy even said law is law and those guys who did it in public flouted the law so they must be punished. While he recognises the difference between the sexual act in public (against the law) and the one in private (still against the law but no longer liable to getting caught), he completely ignores the fact that so many sexual threads here are about acts that are in flagrant violation of the law. I hope to get the remaining decent guys to speak out and not have immoral, overly selfish people defend their wrongdoing as usual - the very people who cast stones upon those who get caught.
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Many of us live in a perpetual state of wanting more. That is not to say there is something wrong with enjoying material things. So long when one can afford, not by him deceive, lie nor steal, it does not matter what others think. As Jack London once said, "The proper function of man is to live, not to exist." However, there are more to life than these material things - the house, the car, the IT gadgets, the career, the apparels, etc. Then there are those intangibles that define us too. That make us to live. That shape our destiny. That carve our future. That mold our attitudes and forge our characters. I learn a great deal that the best thing in life is free, that does not cost a single cent. Love, for instance, creates my life at where I am today. Not only for the love that I receive but the love that I create that gives me to experience life and to enjoy it to the fullest. Let's add on to the list of things that we love about life - minus all the material things. Hopefully, the list will inspire us to be happy inside out. What we feel from within will only be the conviction to assume the way of life. Let me start: 01. The love and the comfort of my friends. 02. The faith of my family members, friends and clients who never give up on me. 03. BW the Forum that provides the space for learning. ......... Your turn ..
http://deadspin.com/heres-a-guy-with-two-fully-functional-penises-nsfw-1492986433 2014 is one damn day old, and Reddit might have the scoop of the year. A redditor going by DoubleDickDude went ahead and answered a question every man has pondered: What if you had two dicks? Apparently, it's pretty great. (Yes, there is a photo.) Since it's why you're here, here's the link to the photo. NSFW, obviously. In the AMA, the guy says that they are more symmetrical than they appear in the photo. Even if they weren't, holy shit, everyone, everyone must go into this thinking that one's going to be a tiny baby phallus off to the side. But, nope, he apparently has a condition known as diphallia, or duplication of the penis. According to a 2006 newspaper report, since scrubbed from Reuters, there have been about 100 cases of this worldwide, with an occurrence of about 1 in 5.5 million American men. The redditor in question claims that he ejaculates and urinates out of both simultaneously, and we can't find any literature to prove otherwise. We don't know if this is a hoax, but frankly, that photo is rather compelling, as are the others in the original thread that started this and the one of him mostly erect (again, extremely NSFW, obviously), and the DoubleDickDude has been forthright throughout, though some of his sexual exploits strain credulity. Still, we'll update you if anything turns up. As of this post, the AMA has been up for five hours and has a shade over 8300 responses. So it's become a bit unwieldy to navigate. Here is a selection of some of the best questions and answers, though if you have the time, you'd really be well served to go through it yourself. On first impressions: beedee4: How do women react when they find out? DoubleDickDude: varies from girl to girl. Some have been like WOW. some have been like THATS FAKE! some have freaked out like, called me names. Most are pretty curious, but i dont have casual sex anymore, i stopped a few years back. Didnt like the empty feeling inside after a 1 night stand. did a lot of those in my late teens. A LOT of them. but for the most part, girls were nervous and some changed their mind at the last minute. dudes NEVER change their mind, they always want it even if they're freaked out a little. lol On comfort: FlipWhispers: I honestly expected to see one teensy extra wiener when I clicked on the link yesterday but was surprised to see they were similar in size. Are you happy they are that way or would a lil one have been easier to deal with? DoubleDickDude: I like them the way they are. They're more proportionate to each other than they look in photos. im limited to holding the camera myself. If one had been smaller, it'd be more difficult to deal with. So yeah I like that they're the way they are. On sartorial concerns: thiney49: Do they both hang to one side of your pants, or do they split the seam? DDD: when i go commando, which is almost always except in winter, they take their own sides. the seam can be a pain sometimes because the skin between them is a little delicate and sensitive. On multitasking: 32BitWhore: Have you ever been given a double fisted reach around? Sorry for the vulgarity, but the first thing that popped into my head when I saw the pictures the other day was "Next level reach around if you're into dudes." DDD: LOL actually yeah, i've had a guy pounding into me reach around with both hands and 'go skiing' On nature and nurture: MagnumPunk: How did your parents handle your situation? Did they tell you right away that your condition wasn't the norm? Also, do you think your polyamorous relationship would have happened if you didn't have two dicks? DDD: They said I had two for a reason. I knew from an early age I was special. I don't think being bisexual had anything to do with my cocks. On introductions: thederpmeister: How do you break the news to girls you're hooking up with? Is it a "prepare yourself, mortal" or more of a "ooooooHELLOWTF" type of deal? DDD: I did both for a while, but I dont date anymore, i'm in a relationship with a guy and a girl, and have been for a while. back in my teens i tried both ways and it was never predictable. the easy girls sometimes screamed and ran (literally once) as much as the virgins did. never could figure that out. But guys, guys NEVER run and ALWAYS follow through. Mostly straight guys, and they always at the very least touch and play with them a little. Some have even sucked me off so THAT was always the wild thing, the straight guys giving me head. On measurables: Hero_of_the_internet: How big are they when fully erect? Surely you've measured them. DDD: bigger one is 7 give or take on how horny i am, smaller one is 6 give or take. On naming rights: viper1aa: Have you named them? DDD: lol no comment On interval training: Jukior: Do you normally masturbate with 1 or both of them and if the answer is both, can you answer my next question? I after I finish jizzing I am usually snapped right out of the mood, so if you finish with one dick do you feel you have to finish with the other or do you do you feel you are done. DDD: I have multiple orgasms, like I can shoot a load out of my right cock and cum oozes out of my left one. I milk it out and then can keep going with either and make another load within a few minutes. I think it may have a lot to do with the internal plumbing but I've shot about 10 loads in a 4 hour period before. On DIY ingenuity: ping_pong_platypus: Have you ever considered getting one surgically removed or attached to the first penis to making a doubley long dick? DDD: Nope. And it wouldn't work. On Divine Right: SmashMetal: Sorry if I'm late to the party with this one, but this has absolutely baffled me since the first post about it whenever it was, so thanks for doing this My question: Was there a reason your parents didn't consider having the 'second' one removed when you were a kid? DDD: Yeah. Because I was born with it for a reason. My mom admitted recently she had no idea what that reason was, but it's there so it stays there. Glad she did, after everything because I really am one in millions. besides the ego boost it really makes a person feel special knowing there is likely no one else like you alive right now. And if they are, they are probably all fucked up with other problems. On real estate: Waffles_bro: seems like a stupid question but when you have sex, can you do all the position, because i guess you must use only one of your penis and the other one must be kind of in the way if its also hard. DDD: my bf and gf can take both in them, so it's pretty standard. but in the past with partners who had smaller or tighter holes, i had to start off using one but by the time i was done i had used both.
K,this might sound like a pretty stupid question but it's not for someone like me who doesn't have any gay clique to associate with. How do gay cliques form? It seems every gay guy I see on Insta have their own happy little clique while I am already finding it hard enough to make friends in the gay community... How is it that everyone in our community seems to be somehow linked to everyone else while people like me are left to wonder what we're doing wrong that we don't have a clique to call our own? I've been to Pink Dot too,and it's evident that most gay guys have their own cliques. You might say being in a clique isn't important in life and all,but for me it does cause it just ain't the same gushing over hot guys and talking about LGBT stuff to my straight peers. Online,I try to chat people up by saying "Hi" or "Hey" yet most guys don't even reply to that! I mean,what do you expect me to start the convo with? "Hey,what are you seeking?".... And it's not like my profile's a faceless one either. Neither am I too fat nor too ugly (this shouldn't matter but in the superficial community that we're in,you've to admit your face and body are currency. Even for friendships apparently....) I'm not socially inept or what either,mind you.. So yea,how did you end up in the clique that you're in? Through online apps? Events like Pink Dot? Do gay cliques have a lot of drama and fuck around? (at least that's what I hear from here and there..) What advice do you have for someone like me looking to have a clique to belong to?
- 10 replies
Recently, during my long stay in a Hotel, the house-keeping maid kindly asked why didn't I take away certain things, certain toiletries items like shampoo, conditioner, soaps, shaving kit, tooth paste. She made perfect sense as these were already paid-for free items. She even asked me to keep them away daily those sachets of coffee, tea and sugar, and all the toiletries items as they were replenished every day. There was kindness in her voice. She said "give them to others when you go back". It touched me and made me to re-think. I used to take some of these items till I read Louise Hay's books. According to her, taking things that aren't yours will only manifest in one's life. Though such things are (technically) paid-for, would you take them even if you do not need them?