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Seeing friends naked


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On 8/11/2022 at 1:02 PM, surreal91 said:

What do people feel about seeing friends naked?


My group of friends wants to go visit yunomori together and i understand that we have to go fully naked there. I have never seen them in the nude before and i just thought it would be kinda awkward to see each other bodies.

Don’t worry as long as you you treat the session as normal and nothing sexual. Tbh, most guys at yunomori are just relax being able to be nude and free. 

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On 8/11/2022 at 1:48 PM, gstringuy26 said:

But if they see your shaved dick, it may give them a different thinking? LOL

At this time, men who shave his dick is rather common. 
However, I do agree with you that some conservative straight men will not be able to accept it if it’s their first time seeing in on someone they know. 

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Seeing friends naked is like seeing their salary slip or bank account. 


It either makes you jealous, angry or stunned. 


Can you imagine if you see their asshole

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Guest Michael
On 8/11/2022 at 1:02 PM, surreal91 said:

What do people feel about seeing friends naked?


My group of friends wants to go visit yunomori together and i understand that we have to go fully naked there. I have never seen them in the nude before and i just thought it would be kinda awkward to see each other bodies.

if you are before National Service this question is valid 


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On 8/11/2022 at 1:48 PM, gstringuy26 said:

But if they see your shaved dick, it may give them a different thinking? LOL

Ahha! How do you know that he has a shaved dick? 

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Guest Whywhy
On 8/11/2022 at 7:11 PM, surreal91 said:

My batch guys are actually quite conservative. So hardly ever seen. 


Got chance to see now better see before they become out of shape once they get married.

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Guest Try and suck
On 8/11/2022 at 1:02 PM, surreal91 said:

What do people feel about seeing friends naked?


My group of friends wants to go visit yunomori together and i understand that we have to go fully naked there. I have never seen them in the nude before and i just thought it would be kinda awkward to see each other bodies.

Good what, see who has the biggest cock and start seducing him from now on

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On 8/11/2022 at 1:02 PM, surreal91 said:

What do people feel about seeing friends naked?


My group of friends wants to go visit yunomori together and i understand that we have to go fully naked there. I have never seen them in the nude before and i just thought it would be kinda awkward to see each other bodies.

I would feel awkward if my friends are not cute. But they are cute, i can't wait to see their naked body. Hahah.

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On 8/11/2022 at 1:48 PM, gstringuy26 said:

But if they see your shaved dick, it may give them a different thinking? LOL

Please lah, me in waxing business. Nowadays men also wax or do IPL to remove pubic or body hair.

To be frank, most sports men are clean waxed. Especially swimmers, water polos and bodybuilders.

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On 8/11/2022 at 8:01 PM, surreal91 said:


Well, I'm a little small there, so i do feel a bit shy.

U mean all men go yunomori r big flaccid ? U mean u will not c small flaccid in tere ? Can those who frequent tere clarify.

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Guest OnsenVisitor

Been to yunomori multiple times before and the men there are highly unbothered about being naked. I’ve visited a few times with a few friends before and we’ve gotten so used to seeing each other naked. In fact, we even hung out naked in our hotel room when we travelled together. Nothing sexual and nothing to be embarrassed about. 

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Normal to see friends naked together in bathhouse. But what you feel when seeing friend coming out of hot pool with a hardon?

Remember before the pandemic at spa1. There were 2 China daddies inside the pool when I went in. I went into the pool and seat diagonally across them. They were talking about business and slowly turning to dirty talk about nightclub and women they met there. After 15mins they were about to leave the pool. Daddy 1 stood up from water and walk towards to exit pool. After 2-3sec, Daddy 2 stood up from water too and he was having a raging hardon. He was not shy and did not even cover it with hand as he walk towards to exit the pool. Both daddies continue their chat as they were drying themselves with towel near the pool. He was really not shy drying himself with a hardon infront his friend.

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On 8/12/2022 at 7:04 AM, Guest Guest said:

Normal to see friends naked together in bathhouse. But what you feel when seeing friend coming out of hot pool with a hardon?

Remember before the pandemic at spa1. There were 2 China daddies inside the pool when I went in. I went into the pool and seat diagonally across them. They were talking about business and slowly turning to dirty talk about nightclub and women they met there. After 15mins they were about to leave the pool. Daddy 1 stood up from water and walk towards to exit pool. After 2-3sec, Daddy 2 stood up from water too and he was having a raging hardon. He was not shy and did not even cover it with hand as he walk towards to exit the pool. Both daddies continue their chat as they were drying themselves with towel near the pool. He was really not shy drying himself with a hardon infront his friend.

U nvr approach him n subside his hardon? It might helped him at that moment.

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On 8/12/2022 at 12:48 AM, Guest Guest said:

Please lah, me in waxing business. Nowadays men also wax or do IPL to remove pubic or body hair.

To be frank, most sports men are clean waxed. Especially swimmers, water polos and bodybuilders.

Thank you for sharing and that’s very encouraging for men who groom themselves. 
I do see more men with no pubic hair these days than 8-10years ago. 

Some of you mentioned about friends going to onsen and seen each other naked. Honestly, in the onsen setting, no one bothers who has a big soft dick, who has a hard on and who is clean shaven. People go there to relax and to chill. The curious ones may take a look at you and look away. Only horny gay men will stare and stare with their jaws drop to the floor. 

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On 8/12/2022 at 12:57 AM, Guest guest said:

U mean all men go yunomori r big flaccid ? U mean u will not c small flaccid in tere ? Can those who frequent tere clarify.


you need to stop asking stupid questions first

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On 8/12/2022 at 1:19 AM, Guest OnsenVisitor said:

Been to yunomori multiple times before and the men there are highly unbothered about being naked. I’ve visited a few times with a few friends before and we’ve gotten so used to seeing each other naked. In fact, we even hung out naked in our hotel room when we travelled together. Nothing sexual and nothing to be embarrassed about. 

Your friends must be not cute or don't have hot body? That's why you don't feel anything sexual.

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On 8/12/2022 at 7:04 AM, Guest Guest said:

Normal to see friends naked together in bathhouse. But what you feel when seeing friend coming out of hot pool with a hardon?

Remember before the pandemic at spa1. There were 2 China daddies inside the pool when I went in. I went into the pool and seat diagonally across them. They were talking about business and slowly turning to dirty talk about nightclub and women they met there. After 15mins they were about to leave the pool. Daddy 1 stood up from water and walk towards to exit pool. After 2-3sec, Daddy 2 stood up from water too and he was having a raging hardon. He was not shy and did not even cover it with hand as he walk towards to exit the pool. Both daddies continue their chat as they were drying themselves with towel near the pool. He was really not shy drying himself with a hardon infront his friend.

Perhaps that guy find it common to have a hardon in a bathhouse, so no need to feel shy and embarrassed. 

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Someone once told me before that straight guys won’t mind naked in front of others. Only gay will hide here and there. Back in the old days when swimming pool don’t have so many cruising action, most guys changed openly and even chat in nude non-chalantly. 

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On 8/12/2022 at 11:44 PM, tyan said:

Someone once told me before that straight guys won’t mind naked in front of others. Only gay will hide here and there. Back in the old days when swimming pool don’t have so many cruising action, most guys changed openly and even chat in nude non-chalantly. 


Not really.

I know some straight guys who will never allow anyone to see them naked.

If they pee, they will always use a cubicle. If they are in a public pool changing room, they will be fully dressed before coming out of the shower cubicle.


And not true that gay guys will "hide here hide there". I'm gay and I dare to use a urinal in a public restroom, even with people around.

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On 8/12/2022 at 11:44 PM, tyan said:

Someone once told me before that straight guys won’t mind naked in front of others. Only gay will hide here and there. Back in the old days when swimming pool don’t have so many cruising action, most guys changed openly and even chat in nude non-chalantly. 

Yes, back in 80s n 90s str8 men changed openly n like u said, even chat in nude. Bcos thinking were much more simple n gays were not so open in those days so people wouldn't tink much when gog nude in shower area. But today, gays r so daring. Public toilets /showers r full of cruisers. Some slutty gays can even do nude catwalk in shower area. Worst, some can even come stand next to u at urinal n stare at ur cock when peeing. With all these behavior str8 men c liao oso quickly close cubicle door change inside or pee inside.

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Guest Try and see
On 8/13/2022 at 12:40 PM, Guest Guest said:

Yes, back in 80s n 90s str8 men changed openly n like u said, even chat in nude. Bcos thinking were much more simple n gays were not so open in those days so people wouldn't tink much when gog nude in shower area. But today, gays r so daring. Public toilets /showers r full of cruisers. Some slutty gays can even do nude catwalk in shower area. Worst, some can even come stand next to u at urinal n stare at ur cock when peeing. With all these behavior str8 men c liao oso quickly close cubicle door change inside or pee inside.


It's not that.

Last time straight guys were tougher and more bo chap; can strip naked in front of each other in the changing room also won't feel weird. Or they can be shirtless in public also won't feel shy.


Nowadays straight guys all very pampered, kuniang and easily offended - if you strip in front of them, they get offended. If they have to strip in front of other guys, they also get offended.

Like you said - if they pee or change in a public changing room/toilet, they will do everything inside a locked cubicle, and will only come out once they are fully clothed, like a diva.

That's why all the public pool changing rooms have cubicles now, if not all the straight guys will complain that they have to shower naked in the open as though that was some kind of barbaric torture.


It has nothing to do with us gay guys. Just that the mentality of people are changing.

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Most of my friends know I sleep naked.

If I happen to share a hotel room with them, before I slip into my bed, I would be in my briefs.  I remove my briefs under the bed covers.


If I have to pee or whatever after I am naked in bed, I just get out of bed as is, and do what I need to do, completely naked.  So far, none of my friends have made a comment on my nudity, nor have I observed them stare at all my bits.  On the other hand, I have not seen any of my friends as nonchalant or as carefree with nudity as I am. 

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On 8/13/2022 at 5:08 PM, yhtang said:

Most of my friends know I sleep naked.

If I happen to share a hotel room with them, before I slip into my bed, I would be in my briefs.  I remove my briefs under the bed covers.


If I have to pee or whatever after I am naked in bed, I just get out of bed as is, and do what I need to do, completely naked.  So far, none of my friends have made a comment on my nudity, nor have I observed them stare at all my bits.  On the other hand, I have not seen any of my friends as nonchalant or as carefree with nudity as I am. 

Same ... Will remove my undie before we of the light. At least we still have quilt to cover our kkj n butt.

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I guess it's likely reflective of how we were raised. The Japanese and Koreans have a public bath culture and quite unfazed by nudity.

I was fortunate to have had a handsome Japanese colleague whom I have a huge crush on take me to an onsen when we were working on a project in Tokyo. The day I dreamed of came!!! Here he was, the desire of my eyes, stark naked in front of me and oblivious of my fantasies! I followed his example and stripped and acted like it was the most natural thing for me to do... but my mouth was dry, my heart was pounding, and I was praying that my autonomic nervous system wouldn't kick into overdrive and embarrass me. All was good but I swear I was leaking in the onsen (sorry!).

But if I were to go to one with colleagues or friends here, I'd probably be queasy about it, as would they, methinks. Those "shame shame" taunts still haunt us.

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On 8/12/2022 at 12:37 PM, StockBottom said:

Went trekking with a group of guy frens. So 3 of us went off to find a place to pee.

One fren just stood facing us and took out his kkj to pee nonchalantly. 

The other fren was like wah lan eh at least dun face us lah. I was happy cos I had a crush on the peeing guy 😚


How nice was his tool? Was it everything you imagined it to be?

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On 8/13/2022 at 3:24 PM, Guest Try and see said:


It's not that.

Last time straight guys were tougher and more bo chap; can strip naked in front of each other in the changing room also won't feel weird. Or they can be shirtless in public also won't feel shy.


Nowadays straight guys all very pampered, kuniang and easily offended - if you strip in front of them, they get offended. If they have to strip in front of other guys, they also get offended.

Like you said - if they pee or change in a public changing room/toilet, they will do everything inside a locked cubicle, and will only come out once they are fully clothed, like a diva.

That's why all the public pool changing rooms have cubicles now, if not all the straight guys will complain that they have to shower naked in the open as though that was some kind of barbaric torture.


It has nothing to do with us gay guys. Just that the mentality of people are changing.

I disagree....

Why are we gays having bad name? Just look at those horny black sheep gays who cruise in public toilets.


On 8/13/2022 at 4:05 PM, Since u r here said:

u sure gunniang now?

i disagree


the complaints of public showers came cos they noticed there r people peeping at them (for a wrong reason)

Precisely...my straight friend working in 1 of the public pool (not going to name the pool) told me they always get complaint of men peeping or having indecent behaviour in the toilet.

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On 8/13/2022 at 7:15 PM, Guest How funny said:

If you are my real friend, you would have shown me your cock. 


Show me how happy you are to be my friend. 


Show me. 


If I were your friend, and I show you how happy I am to be your friend by showing you my cock, will it lead to a happy ending for me from you? 🤣🤣🤣



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On 8/14/2022 at 12:01 PM, Since u r here said:

i felt it strange how could we ppinpoint that straights are more shy to change in full view


They r not shy. They juz dun wan gay men to "eye molest" them. Tat is y they shower n change with cubicle door closed. U tink str8 men inside e toilet can't tell who is gay meh!

I remember a case at raffles pl mrt toilet. Happened last yr when I was peeing at 1 of last 3 urinals at e back. Half way peeing, suddenly a man shouted "u c wat c !" When I turned my head, I saw e guy beside him was quickly zipping up n left. But e man continue using F words to scold him fr his urinal. Tat guy must be embarrassed bcos other men at basin n urinals were looking at him as he was walking towards e exit. Dun play play with str8 men.

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during uni and during first few yrs of works, those so called straight classmates and colleagues (all married with kids now) hj together with me once or few times, a lot of 暧昧 between them that time, the best time of my life. not counted childhood neighbours, primary and secondary school mates...

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On 8/14/2022 at 12:36 PM, Guest guest said:

They r not shy. They juz dun wan gay men to "eye molest" them. Tat is y they shower n change with cubicle door closed. U tink str8 men inside e toilet can't tell who is gay meh!

I remember a case at raffles pl mrt toilet. Happened last yr when I was peeing at 1 of last 3 urinals at e back. Half way peeing, suddenly a man shouted "u c wat c !" When I turned my head, I saw e guy beside him was quickly zipping up n left. But e man continue using F words to scold him fr his urinal. Tat guy must be embarrassed bcos other men at basin n urinals were looking at him as he was walking towards e exit. Dun play play with str8 men.

if really want to peep, be smart and in natural way, few glance from far, like accidentally and not in purpose and no interest to see, if cant see, just gave up, dont stand beside urinal to peep, use mirror reflection when watching hand or walking past, max 2 seconds to do it and continue what you suppose to do. 

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On 8/11/2022 at 8:01 PM, surreal91 said:


Well, I'm a little small there, so i do feel a bit shy.


Most suited would be then some Finnish sauna style...


Running from the hot sauna to plunge into some iced lake or river in cold Finland, even the 8 inchers will be "small there..."



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Guest Try and see
On 8/15/2022 at 10:27 AM, goodboy83 said:

if really want to peep, be smart and in natural way, few glance from far, like accidentally and not in purpose and no interest to see, if cant see, just gave up, dont stand beside urinal to peep, use mirror reflection when watching hand or walking past, max 2 seconds to do it and continue what you suppose to do. 


I agree. Just take a quick glance.

Some gay guys will stare and stare and stare until their eyes look like they're going to pop out. Totally turns people off.

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On 8/15/2022 at 12:42 PM, Guest Try and see said:


I agree. Just take a quick glance.

Some gay guys will stare and stare and stare until their eyes look like they're going to pop out. Totally turns people off.

esp those mrt toilets, those uncles so scary, never take no as answer...too obvious the way they act

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On 8/15/2022 at 10:27 AM, goodboy83 said:

if really want to peep, be smart and in natural way, few glance from far, like accidentally and not in purpose and no interest to see, if cant see, just gave up, dont stand beside urinal to peep, use mirror reflection when watching hand or walking past, max 2 seconds to do it and continue what you suppose to do. 

Some gay men basically not paiseh ! When inside toilet, they treat it like buffet counter full of cocks.

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On 8/15/2022 at 12:42 PM, Guest Try and see said:


I agree. Just take a quick glance.

Some gay guys will stare and stare and stare until their eyes look like they're going to pop out. Totally turns people off.


On 8/15/2022 at 1:01 PM, goodboy83 said:

esp those mrt toilets, those uncles so scary, never take no as answer...too obvious the way they act



remember 1 time at raffles pl toilet peeing, a specky uncle suddenly came standing next to me at the last row of the urinals. His cock was out there hanging but not urinating. He kept pulling his cock and eyes were stuck to my cock. He did not even look at me when I gave a long stare at him for what he was doing. His eyes really didn't left my cock. After my pee I gave him a show, I put up an erection for him to see. Can tell he was so excited upon seeing 😂. Then I put it back in my undie zip up and went to basin. Through mirror, I saw him immediately went to the other urinal to see other man.😂

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  • 5 months later...

i believe the person is spamming the site with all these nude picts which are officially and clearly stated "Not Allow" on site. and worst posting someone with full features without consent. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” imagine yourself in that same position.


and back to topic, i think in this time and age seeing someone we know naked maybe a little awkward at the beginning but i think it also bring the bond closer once we overcome that. i had on occasion bump into my company venture and i was showering after my swim. he sat on the bench and chatted while i finished up. i maybe overthinking but he become "closer" and invited me at a later date for a get together at an open air jazz concert but had to decline. was busy that day but even if free, still better to hold some distant incase a conflict of interest arise since after all we are (so to speak) related by business.

Edited by shyc
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27 minutes ago, Since u r here said:

oh we could show such?

gd but why some of the threads are gone? honestly i m not sure of the censoring standards in BW

is there a thread where i can ref all the whatnots?

Censor haven't seen it yet ...

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