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Hot/Cute Guys Reactivated (images ONLY) + Yahoo's #Fitspo series - TikTok & Twitter are not allowed! (Please read the first post for instructions)


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Sunday Times Hot Bod (15 March 2015)

Jason Seow, 27
Procurement executive




Height: 1.68m


Weight: 66kg


Exercise Regimen: I do to the gym four times a week and alternate between upper and lower body workouts. I do compound lifts which work out more than one muscle. Some examples are overhead presses, deadlifts and squats. Once a week, I do a cardio workout that consists of 30-second sprints followed by a 30-second walk over 20 minutes.


Diet: I cook all my meals daily since it allows me to control my calorie intake. I hardly eat fast food an I minimise the amount of fried food, sugary drinks and sweet food that I consume. I get hungry easily so I eat 5-6 smaller meals throughout the day.



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Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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Sunday Times Hot Bod (8 March 2015)


Ng U-Jin, 28Entrepreneur




Height: 1.80m


Weight: 82kg


Exercise Regimen: I train five days a week. I rest one day and have an active recovery day, where I normally play frisbee or learn a new sport. My CrossFit workout, including weightlifting, cardio and gymnastics at a high intensity, lasts about an hour. My focus is to improve athletic performance.


Diet: I use the Paleo diet as a template and eat meat, vegetables, nuts and seeds. I avoid eating processed carbohydrates and sugars. I have three full meals and two snacks a day.

Hot dude...

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Sunday Times Hot Bod (15 March 2015)


Jason Seow, 27

Procurement executive




Height: 1.68m


Weight: 66kg


Exercise Regimen: I do to the gym four times a week and alternate between upper and lower body workouts. I do compound lifts which work out more than one muscle. Some examples are overhead presses, deadlifts and squats. Once a week, I do a cardio workout that consists of 30-second sprints followed by a 30-second walk over 20 minutes.


Diet: I cook all my meals daily since it allows me to control my calorie intake. I hardly eat fast food an I minimise the amount of fried food, sugary drinks and sweet food that I consume. I get hungry easily so I eat 5-6 smaller meals throughout the day.



Straits Times standard of hot hunks at times very puzzling

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They are all looking for hot model Kpop look alike hunks that's why disappointed with some of these average joes.

To me I admire and respect their discipline and diet and rigorous training in the gym.

Even for those who are not in the dept of good looks or are mature gymmers at least they bother to train hard and live a healthy lifestyle as best as possible. Cheers!

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Jason Seow's look and bod definitely above average. Perhaps the guest above finds it puzzling here is the fact that he works out four times weekly plus he is very careful and selective in his diet, yet his bod looks like some one who doesn't gym.

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Guest pacer91

Perhaps it could also be the lighting. I used to see him at the gym on most weekdays after work. Very friendly guy and he definitely puts in a lot of effort into living a healthy lifestyle.

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Sunday Times Hot Bod (22 March 2015)

Bryan Chong Wei Ren, 21
University undergraduate




Height: 1.8m


Weight: 80kg


Exercise Regimen: I do weight training four times a week in which I prefer to focus on compound exercises such as squats, bench presses and dead-lifts for overall strength and muscle. I also like to swim leisurely twice a week for cardio and to de-stress.


Diet: I eat four meals a day - usually breakfast and two lunches before dinner. I try to prepare my own food, which consists of mainly chicken breast, white rice, oatmeal and green vegetables such as spinach in order to be in control of my nutrients intake. I do indulge in hawker food once a week in moderation, usually on weekends.



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Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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Just from the smile, I wld say that old Tan is a more outgoing and chatty guy whereas young Tan is more reserve. I can't decide which one to tackle leh....both are so dishy. I suspect old Tan is the playful one who wld be good to play edging with whereS young Tan is the slow fuck up yr ass until you beg him to shoot type......

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Sunday Times Hot Bod (22 March 2015)


Bryan Chong Wei Ren, 21

University undergraduate




Height: 1.8m


Weight: 80kg


Exercise Regimen: I do weight training four times a week in which I prefer to focus on compound exercises such as squats, bench presses and dead-lifts for overall strength and muscle. I also like to swim leisurely twice a week for cardio and to de-stress.


Diet: I eat four meals a day - usually breakfast and two lunches before dinner. I try to prepare my own food, which consists of mainly chicken breast, white rice, oatmeal and green vegetables such as spinach in order to be in control of my nutrients intake. I do indulge in hawker food once a week in moderation, usually on weekends.



Big contrast against the non hunk featured last week

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Big contrast against the non hunk featured last week

Erm...... These people train hard and deserve an applause. I bet again -guest- is fxxking hot and pumped up to be worthy of making such remarks. Looking forward to see your pictures, just remember to suxk in your stomach before snapping.

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Don't judge one's fitness by his outer appearance / muscle definition.


It's call Sunday Times Hot Bod. It has to be hot. If looks not the issue there's Mind Your Body section in the last page to appear every Thursday.

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Sunday Times Hot Bod (29 March 2015)

Hanis Jafni Khusairi, 26
Business developer




Height: 1.75m


Weight: 70kg


Exercise Regimen: I am a cheerleader and practice almost daily. Near competition season, I train about four times a week. Practice usually consists of heavy lifting and cardio-based workouts. When I am not training for competitions, I play tennis at least once a week and football once very two weeks. I do not like to jog but do activities which involve a lot of running.


Diet: I have a heavy bread-based breakfast to start the day and eat fruit after every meal. I usually ask for more vegetables during meals and have yoghurt as dessert regularly. I stay away from deep-fried food by indulge in fast food every few weeks.



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Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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Straits Times - Mind Your Body (2 April 2015)

Dhillon Poh, 21

SMU student




Height: 1.78m


Weight: 72kg


If healthy living is passed on through the genes, then it must run in Mr Poh's family.


Golf is his 60-year-old father's sport of choice while the other three family members like to hit the gym. His mum, also 60, also does yoga and his 28-year-old sister worked out regularly before her first pregnancy.


As for the first-year economics student at the Singapore Management University, he has set sights on becoming a group exercise instructor at Fitness First, where he has worked out for the past year.


After he completes a series of instructor courses starting next month, he plans to teach the moderate-weight, high-intensity aerobic conditioning classes at the gym, juggling it with schoolwork.


He has a gameplan to schedule his school timetable so that it does not clash with teaching gym class.


This Sunday, the bachelor will be taking part in the 10km category of he NTUC Income RUN 350, organised by Young NTUC.


This run is in line with the global 350 movement, an awareness campaign to lower the amount dioxide particles in the atmosphere to below 350 parts per million. To prepare for the race, he is doing 5km to 10km morning runs two or three times  a week to improve his stamina.



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Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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Straits Times - Mind Your Body (2 April 2015)


Dhillon Poh, 21

SMU student




Height: 1.78m


Weight: 72kg


If healthy living is passed on through the genes, then it must run in Mr Poh's family.


Golf is his 60-year-old father's sport of choice while the other three family members like to hit the gym. His mum, also 60, also does yoga and his 28-year-old sister worked out regularly before her first pregnancy.


As for the first-year economics student at the Singapore Management University, he has set sights on becoming a group exercise instructor at Fitness First, where he has worked out for the past year.


After he completes a series of instructor courses starting next month, he plans to teach the moderate-weight, high-intensity aerobic conditioning classes at the gym, juggling it with schoolwork.


He has a gameplan to schedule his school timetable so that it does not clash with teaching gym class.


This Sunday, the bachelor will be taking part in the 10km category of he NTUC Income RUN 350, organised by Young NTUC.


This run is in line with the global 350 movement, an awareness campaign to lower the amount dioxide particles in the atmosphere to below 350 parts per million. To prepare for the race, he is doing 5km to 10km morning runs two or three times  a week to improve his stamina.


Quite popular move nowadays with the recent hype of group classes at fitnessfirst..i like how he makes himself a role model to keep fit.

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Sunday Times Hot Bod (5 April 2015)

Scott Lai, 24




Height: 1.72m


Weight: 66kg


Exercise Regimen: Generally I go to the gym up to four times a week and each session lasts up to 1 1/2 hours. On some days, I swim in the evenings. Also I play tennis every other Sunday.


Diet: I just try to eat healthier on weekdays, with fewer carbohydrates and less sugar whenever possible, but more fruits.On weekends, I usually go all out and tend to indulge with ice cream and waffles because I have a super-sweet tooth.



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Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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Sunday Times Hot Bod (5 April 2015)


Scott Lai, 24





Height: 1.72m


Weight: 66kg


Exercise Regimen: Generally I go to the gym up to four times a week and each session lasts up to 1 1/2 hours. On some days, I swim in the evenings. Also I play tennis every other Sunday.


Diet: I just try to eat healthier on weekdays, with fewer carbohydrates and less sugar whenever possible, but more fruits.On weekends, I usually go all out and tend to indulge with ice cream and waffles because I have a super-sweet tooth.


ooo..the legendary scott lai

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Straits Times Sports Section (9 April 2015)



A triumphant ACJC team dunking their coach Paul Tan moments after winning a hard fought final against RI.



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Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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Sunday Times Hot Bod (12 April 2015)

Alfie D'Silva, 41
Shipping agent




Height: 1.8m


Weight: 75kg


Exercise Regimen: On weekends, I practise krav maga (an Israeli martial art) for about an hour, followed by compound and resistance training with weights for about 1 1/2 hours in the gym. I used to do this about four times a week but because of my studies, I go to the gym about twice a week nowadays.


Diet: I eat five meals a day. I take mostly white meat like chicken and fish for protein. I have a portion of fruits and vegetables at every meal and sometimes I have yoghurt with almonds. I'm more relaxed on weekends and have cheat meals like fast food, ice-cream and pizza.



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Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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Sunday Times Hot Bod (19 April 2015)

Tan Chun Leng, 24




Height: 1.76m


Weight: 80kg


Exercise Regimen: I train up to 10 times a week - four dragonboat, three canoeing and two weightlifting sessions in the gym. Dragonboat and canoeing training is mostly cardiovascular in nature and keeps me lean and fit.


Diet: My meals contain high amounts of carbohydrates and protein. For example, brown rice supplies energy for my intensive training. Protein from eggs, soy and protein shakes aid in muscle recovery. I avoid fried and oily food but I believe eating them once or twice a week is acceptable due to the training I do.



Edited by sphere
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Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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Sunday Times Hot Bod (19 April 2015)


Tan Chun Leng, 24





Height: 1.76m


Weight: 80kg


Exercise Regimen: I train up to 10 times a week - four dragonboat, three canoeing and two weightlifting sessions in the gym. Dragonboat and canoeing training is mostly cardiovascular in nature and keeps me lean and fit.


Diet: My meals contain high amounts of carbohydrates and protein. For example, brown rice supplies energy for my intensive training. Protein from eggs, soy and protein shakes aid in muscle recovery. I avoid fried and oily food but I believe eating them once or twice a week is acceptable due to the training I do.



This is by far the hottest specimen Sunday Times Hot Bod offered this year!


Who says looks and body cannot go together? Isn't he one fine example?


This guy is a multi-sports competitor. However, everybody has 7 days in a week and he can train 10 times? It sounds good too be true especially doesn't he need to work or study like everybody else?


The Sunday Times ought to maintain this standard by introducing to readers real hot bods like Chun Leng every week.


10/10 perfect score for face and body.


PS: Is he one of us?

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This is by far the hottest specimen Sunday Times Hot Bod offered this year!

Who says looks and body cannot go together? Isn't he one fine example?

This guy is a multi-sports competitor. However, everybody has 7 days in a week and he can train 10 times? It sounds good too be true especially doesn't he need to work or study like everybody else?

The Sunday Times ought to maintain this standard by introducing to readers real hot bods like Chun Leng every week.

10/10 perfect score for face and body.

PS: Is he one of us?

Hence no one wants to be put there to be speculated.

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This is by far the hottest specimen Sunday Times Hot Bod offered this year!


Who says looks and body cannot go together? Isn't he one fine example?


This guy is a multi-sports competitor. However, everybody has 7 days in a week and he can train 10 times? It sounds good too be true especially doesn't he need to work or study like everybody else?


The Sunday Times ought to maintain this standard by introducing to readers real hot bods like Chun Leng every week.


10/10 perfect score for face and body.


PS: Is he one of us?

I don't think so..but i know everyone wish that he was

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This Tan Chun Leng used to compete in bodybuilding before. Looking at his old photos, he looks kinda overtly big comparatively. 


what do you mean by "overtly big comparatively"?

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