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1. what are you watching now? 2. what is it about? 3. why do you like it? 4. anything else you would recommend?
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To those who appreciate Indonesian and Malay songs, this would be our thread. I am Filipino but I am very blessed to experience ASEAN by living/studying/working in Indonesia, Malaysia and now Singapore. Interacting and being open to other cultures especially Malay has been an eye-opener to me and gave positive memories of the three countries I've mentioned. One of the part which made me feel connected with the country are the songs (of course food and the local friends goes 1st and 2nd). Please post your favourites too. My first pick would be: Menhitung Hari by Krisdayanti for Indonesia Bunga-Bunga Cinta by Misha Omar for Malaysia
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Not sure if anyone is into Donghua (Chinese anime). I find them captivating, with profoundly beautiful and heartwarming story line- Just sharing one of the that I've recently binged [with BL (boy's love) theme]: Enjoy! **I'll add more if the response is good 😜 Mo Dao Zu Shi - Grandmaster of demonic cultivation Mo Dao Zu Shi (Chinese: 魔道祖师; pinyin: Mó Dào Zǔ Shī; lit. 'Demonic Way Ancestral Master') is a donghua series based on the novel of the same name written by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu (Chinese: 墨香铜臭). It is produced by Tencent Penguin Pictures and B.C May Pictures. The series depicts a fictional Xianxia world where humans attempt to cultivate to a state of immortality, known as Xian (Chinese: 仙).The protagonist of the series, Wei Wuxian, due to certain circumstances, deviated from the conventional cultivation path to Xian, and eventually created Mo Dao (the Demonic Path).
http://blackhandforce.tumblr.com/post/131435449469/masteralan-%E9%9C%87%E5%8A%A8%E6%A3%92%E6%8F%92%E8%82%9B%E5%88%B0%E6%8A%BD%E6%90%90%E5%8F%A6%E5%A4%96%E8%BF%99%E7%A7%8D%E7%89%B9%E5%88%AB%E7%9A%84%E9%9C%87%E5%8A%A8%E6%A3%92%E5%9C%A8%E5%93%AA%E6%9C%89%E4%B9%B0 Hi, Not sure if allow to share link here. But when I see the vibrator inside ass and making people orgasm i feel shiok Any1 have this or where can we found this in SG
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Looks pretty bad ass if you ask me. Very diffferent from the theatrical cut release 3 years ago. A friend shared this with me and I was shocked. Backstory TLDR - Man of Steel released. Massive earnings, but WB wasn't satisfied, comparing it with the earning of Marvel movies. - DC Universe seen as a dark and gloomy, dull even (I disagree) - Many studio cuts made to the next movie, Batman vs Superman. Poor receptions in theatres. Ultimate cut is better. - Plans for Man of Steel trilogy halted. Justice League 2 shelved. - Justice League started filming. Zack Snyder's (director) daughter commited suicide, left movie. - WB brought Avengers director Joss Whedon to finish the film. 90% reshoot. Tone of film changed. - 2017 release was afrankenstein movie. No storyline, cheap jokes, disaster. - #releasethesnydercut movement gain traction --> HBO Max has taken it up. - Justice League Snyder Cut to be released in 2021. Thoughts? Will it be better?
I need to sign up to create an account in this china apps but the only way to do it is by using phone number specifically china phone number. Does anyone know a way i can get a fake number in order to receive the message that contain the verification code?
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Fantastic Beasts second instalment: The Crimes of Grindelwald anyone watching or following this series? First instalment: Fantastic Beasts and where to find them: I quite like the introduction to the wizarding world with the addition of the “beasts”. Bringing back nostalgic spin-off of Harry Potter. The special effects and cinematography are quite impressive as I recalled. Wonder how the second instalment will turn out.
Anyone else has the song stuck in your head? Watched the show. Heard the song. Downloaded the song. And now it's stuck in my head. Damn!
Anyone a fan of this new Japanese Netflix series? I find the lead Japanese actor cute in a salaryman sort of way. The series follows Lonron salesman, Kenta Sarukawa, and his adventures at the Tokyo branch. Every episode is about how he overcomes spicy food and tries his best to acquire new contracts for his company. Pretty predictable plot but I love the scenes of spicy glorious food boiling in pots and ultimately, savoured by our hero. Watching his expressions and sweaty face is a sight to behold! Food orgasm indeed!
Hi guys. What is your favorite gay movie/film/web series ? Mention it here This is my favorite list Chinese &Thailand gay web series such as : 1. 上瘾 aka Heroin (my fav cp Huang Jingyu x Xu Weizhou) 2. 錯生 (SWAP) CP (Yang YeMing(Leo) x Yao Wang(Lucas) 3. 同樂會 (Happy Together) (Alex x Benny) 4. 从现在到以前 From Now To Past (Short film) 5. 我和X先生 《只为遇见你》S2 (i and Mr.X) 6. 灵界室友 (Ghost Boyfriend) 7.ตัวอย่าง Love Next Door 8. Love Next Door 2 9. Fathers 10. Father and Son
Hey guys, I'm keen to start a movie club. Similar to a book club, all members will be assigned one or a few movies to watch on their own and then we regularly meet up on a fortnightly or monthly basis to discuss and review the movie/s together and for beginner film enthusiasts to learn from more experienced film critics. No Razzie-worthy films of course. I'm thinking more Oscars, Golden Globes, BAFTAs, Screen Actors Guild, Cannes calibre type of films. Perhaps we could start off by finishing all 87 Oscar Best Picture winners, before moving on to other films? Who's keen to join me?
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http://hk.on.cc/hk/bkn/cnt/news/20180619/mobile/bkn-20180619112622914-0619_00822_001.html 成街人大嗌,一定有古怪!網上流傳多條短片,畫面中兩人疑似在上環一個低層單位內「激戰」,完全沒有理會房間的玻璃窗「冇遮冇擋」,吸引大批街坊在樓下圍觀這套愛情動作片。單位內的裸男舉起床上另一人雙腿不停有所動作,地下的花生友則不斷發出驚呼、竊笑聲,仿如為樓上的戰況配音,最後2人完事起身,觀眾驚見兩人均是男子,齊齊大叫「嘩」一聲,表現比起世界盃賽事有人射失12碼的反應更大。 從片中可見,1名裸男一直背着窗外站在床邊「埋頭苦幹」,期間更抓着另一人的雙腳舉起,街上人頭湧湧、喧聲震天,但單位內的人似乎處於忘我狀態,完全沒有理會樓下的人群,不少圍觀者更拿出手機錄下珍貴片段。後來站着的男子轉身拿毛巾為對方擦身體,觀眾均屏息以待,期望一睹另一主角芳容,此時一直只露出雙腿的主角站起身,竟然是另一名壯男,片中即傳來震耳欲聾的「嘩」聲。 網民觀看短片後反應各異,有人質疑片中主角刻意讓人觀看,亦有人開玩笑指他們可能只是在搽藥油、玩瑜伽,有人則笑稱「好睇過世界盃」。 東網記者今日(19日)下午再到事發現場了解,發現涉事單位已「烏燈黑火」,無法看到內部情況。記者巧遇警員在現場巡查及拍照,疑似進行調查,據了解,有大廈的租戶昨傍晚6時許,曾見到1名上身赤裸、下身只圍着毛巾的外籍男子,在涉事單位外走過。 法律界人士龔靜儀指出,短片中兩名男子雖身處私人地方,但若刻意不用窗簾遮掩室內情況,期間裸露身體甚至進行性行為,並讓外面的人看到,屬違法行為。根據《刑事罪行條例》第200章第148條,任何人在無合法權限或辯解下,在公眾地方或公眾可見的情況下猥褻暴露其身體任何部分,即屬犯罪,一經定罪,可處罰款1000港元及監禁6個月。 至於拍片並上載到網上分享的市民,同樣有違法風險,龔靜儀指出,如果片段被評定為不雅,不可向18歲以下人士發布;若屬淫褻物品,更完全不可發布,市民要小心留意。 警方表示,如發現任何違法行為,會視乎實際情況,並根據相關法例,採取適當行動。 網民有話說 謝允彥:能成為密友大慨(概)總帶著愛。 Joan Lem:只覺得而家香港人質素低到唔知點形容,見人地(哋)做野(嘢)就成班企街望實,仲要拍片,仲要好似前世未見過咁 Aida Airosa:最後觀眾一齊驚呼嗰下,比美斯射失十二碼仲慘痛失望。 Chunsang Leung:不敢想像!好似打MMA咁。
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Share your tips on how to kill time and learn new skills! ~ Can be anything! Porn, skills cooking, wanking skills, games, health sports kamasutras etc etc. https://freerice.com http://m.ninjakiwi.com/android.html https://www.ted.com/talks
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Anyone Knows Where I Can Get This Video ? (compiled)
Guest posted a topic in Blowing Wind IT Rest Room
I've been looking for this porn clip, anybody has ? http://xvngay.blog120.fc2.com/blog-entry-1231.html -
The taiwanese film on a gay couple Dear Tenant(2020) was released today in GV. Its about a guy taking care of his boyfriend's son and mother after the boyfriend's death and then got accused of murdering the mother. Has anyone watched the film and felt sad that the main actor was not able to keep his promise to his deceased boyfriend to take care of his son?(i.e. Boyfriend's son with ex wife). I also tend to feel the same homophobic current flowing through the film in SG. Its not that strong but its there. Anyone felt sad/cry after watching the film too?
https://youtu.be/fH9ek9WWk_w Does anyone know where is this clip come from? https://youtu.be/fH9ek9WWk_w
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Broadway Bares: Rock Hard! Highlights Broadway Bares: Rock Hard! Opening http://www.out.com/entertainment/theater-dance/2014/06/24/alex-minksy-and-broadway-studs-bare-all-aidshiv-research
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Truly the gay wedding of the year
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The Magic is All Around You.
I'm looking for porn where the guy is doing something non-sexual, like talking to someone or having a meeting, but has his dick secretly being stroked and sucked by another person (guy or girl doesn't matter), like under the table. Any websites or links can message me if it's not convenient to post them publicly (scared later they get blocked by the police here)? Also, any keywords that I can use for searching this genre of porn? Another genre I like is where the guy seems to be unwilling to have sex, resisting or rejecting sex (maybe because he is shy or he is scared someone may see them) but is secretly enjoying it, with his dick hard and standing. Porn sites have classifications like masturbation, hidden cam, orgy, etc. But unfortunately they don't have the types I'm looking for, as a distinct classification on its own at least. An example of these types of porn is below: Jonathan, a muscular handsome young stud ripped with 6 packs abs, wears a tight shorts and shakes his butt in the kitchen. His godbrother, Ah Wei, a handsome innocent-looking young hunk, stands behind him. Jonathan: "Ah Wei, you are standing too close." Ah Wei: "The kitchen is too small lah." J: "Feels like there is something poking me." Jonathan continues shaking his butt slowly in front of Ah Wei's crotch. A: "Is you bro who is squeezing/pressing against me." Ah Wei touches Jonathan's butt and slowly lifts up his shorts, exposing his black underwear beneath. J: "What are you touching secretly?" A: "Who ask you to.." Jonathan presses his butt against poor little Ah Wei. J: "So hard!" With a sudden surge of impulse, Ah Wei exclaims: "Brother!" and grabs Jonathan's chiseled chest from behind. J: "Wait.. wait.. cannot lah.. cannot lah." Suddenly, Samuel comes in. Jonathan quickly sneaks under, hiding behind the lower cabinets in the kitchen away from Samuel's view. Ah Wei looks flustered by Samuel's unexpected arrival. Samuel: "Ah Wei, what are you doing?" A: "Oh.. mum asked me to help her prepare dinner." S: "Isn't today Jonathan's turn to cook?" A: "Yes. But just nice I today nothing to do mah. So I like to show you all, the things I learnt in my culinary school." S: "Need my help?" A: "Oh, don't need. Just count on me will do. How about you go there and watch TV?" Jonathan from below slowly unzips Ah Wei's jeans. Samuel, not sensing the hanky panky underneath, goes to sit on the sofa and starts reading a magazine. Jonathan continues his naughty business. Ah Wei's dick is now out of the jeans, strongly erected. A: "Wait.. wait.. bro, what are you doing? Cannot lah, cannot." Samuel thinks he heard something and asks: "Ah Wei, did you say something?" A: "Oh, nothing lah." Samuel starts chatting with Ah Wei, while Jonathan secretly strokes Ah Wei's dick underneath. S: "Ah Wei, tonight you can also sleep with me ah." A: "Oh, it's ok (no need lah). I am not a little child anymore." S: "What? Don't tell me you are scared that something will happen?" A: "You don't anyhow anyhow say." Samuel and Ah Wei continues chatting while Jonathan continues stroking Ah Wei's dick and sucking it too. Then Samuel leaves. Ah Wei is relieved and exclaims to Jonathan: "Cannot, cannot lah." J: "Your mouth says cannot but your dick is very alert and strong lo." Jonathan's stroking of Ah Wei's dick is so pleasurable that it causes Ah Wei to bend his knees slightly. Suddenly, Ah Wei, overcome by a surge of lust, pulls Jonathan up and caresses his muscular chest. J: "Samuel will come back one, cannot lah." But that doesn't stop Ah Wei. He starts kissing Jonathan passionately. Jonathan moans louder. Suddenly, there are sound of footsteps. Jonathan kneels down to hide, while Ah Wei pulls up his black underwear. It's Samuel returning back. S: "Ah Wei, why are you sweating so much?" "It's.. it's.. it's a little hot here," Ah Wei stutters. S: "Where is Jonathan?" A: "Oh, he went out to buy groceries." Underneath, Jonathan is secretly sucking Ah Wei's erected and strong dick. Ah Wei moans but afraid that his affairs may get discovered by Samuel, he tries to suppress his moaning. But because of the intense pleasure underneath, he can't control it and his moaning still comes out. S: "Ah Wei, are you ok?" Jonathan strokes Ah Wei's dick playfully. "I am fine," Ah Wei answers pantingly. Jonathan stokes Ah Wei's dick harder, which now becomes rock solid and turns redder. Ah Wei can't help but to moan louder. Samuel looking concerned asks: "Ah Wei, are you really ok?" "Yes, don't worry. It's the.. arghh.. the.. arghh.." Ah Wei's uncontrollable moaning interrupts his sentence. S: "Ah Wei, what happened to you?" A: "No lah, got cockroach here." Samuel bounces back with surprise. S: "Serious? Quickly kill it!" "Wait.. w.. wait.." Ah Wei moans pantingly. S: "What happened? Why are you panting so heavily like this?" A: "Arghh.. arghh.. arghh.. arghh.." S: "Quickly.. quickly kill it!" "I cannot control it anymore. It's going to come out already!" Ah Wei moans. (To Ah Wei and Jonathan, the "it" refers to his going to cum. But Samuel must be thinking the "it" is referring to the cockroach.) S: "What? Is it coming over here?" "Arghh.. arghh.. ARGHHH!!!" Ah Wei's dick, in a series of powerful shots, squirts out plenty of thick white sticky semen on Jonathan's face and on the floor. Samuel, taken aback by Ah Wei's sudden strong and seemingly uncontrollable outburst, asks: "Ah Wei, are you ok?" Samuel walks over to the kitchen slowly. He sees Ah Wei's cum plentifully spilled all over Jonathan's face and the floor. "Jonathan, what did you do to Ah Wei?" Samuel asks shockingly.
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A) FriGate 1. First of all you need Google Chrome 2. Then download this extension called FriGate: 3. Once downloaded, the FriGate icon is now at the top of your Google Chrome browser. Right click on it and and click on 'options' On the Options page: 4. Type in any name in the "list name" and click add list box 5. Once a new folder is created click on the new folder (click on the name) 6. Do u see the "domain" box? Type in www.xtube.com and change simple 'algorithm' to 'proxy always on' 7. Then click add site. Try visiting the site now B) Alternatively, you can try ZenMate (on Google Chrome) 1. Install plugin: https://zenmate.com/ 2. Register your email on the site to get your password and you're ready to go! Hope either one works for you! Enjoy!
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Any1 likes to take video or pictures during their session? What do you use? Handphones or pro equipment?
The Glory Hoes: Tootsie movie screening and drag show
Guest posted a topic in Blowing Wind Main Forum
THIS FRIGAY !!! Come shoot your Magazine Cover at our photo booth, watch Dustin Hoffman gets his TOOTSIE drag on, and then dance the night away #LikeNobodysWatching The Glory Hoes present TOOTSIE (1982) TICKETS HERE>> http://theprojector.sg/filmsandevents/tootsie/ 8pm – Photobooth is OPEN! Scroll right for more cover options! 9.30pm – SCREENING Hosted by Becca D'Bus scream, yell, cheer, hiss but most of all DRINK, there’s a bar IN the theatre. Will you misbehave? We hope so. . 11pm – THE HOE DOWN Your movie ticket also gets you into The Hoe Down. The dance party full of feel-good, unpretentious music for you to get up and dance #LikeNobodysWatching. DJ KiDG and Bobby Luo on the decks, folks! With Performances by Becca D'Bus Arya Dunn and guest GoGo Syazwan Rahmad Tickets: http://theprojector.sg/filmsandevents/tootsie/ #tootsie #dustinhoffman #theprojectorsg #cinemasg-
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