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Anyone mind sharing his juicy stories with mature guy? Can be Twink with mature or Mature with mature. Old thread is dead so thought of starting a new one.
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Hello! We have started our very own Telegram Group for BW, you can join us here: BW (Official) The Blowing Wind Telegram Group Chat https://bit.ly/frmbw Join Group
I have been thinking for quite some time now that we have Singapore's Gay Missed Connection. Why not we make a Malaysia Edition for Malaysian gays?
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Hi, 1. This thread is for users who are encountering problems with accessing Blowing Wind forum normally. You can ask questions on forum features or report technical problems here. Before posting, you may find it useful and often faster to go through the FAQ and help section. If you don't find your answer then, you are welcome to start a new reply here, I will get back to you as soon as I can. Help - http://www.blowingwind.org/forum/index.php?app=core&module=helpFAQ - http://www.blowingwind.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=67 2. This thread is strictly for technical issues pertaining to the forum. You should post your complaints and non-technical queries to the respective moderators. 3. I will be housekeeping this thread regularly to remove any non-related posts. Best regards, Bern
Name : Russell Bodyworks Male Masseur (Local Exotic Indo Chinese) Place : Outcall your place or INCALL@Hotel every saturday Week Nights near Clementi MRT flat plus Sunday afternoon after check out Monday to Friday starting 8 pm nightly Rate : $60 (Hotel included) or $80 your place Technic: Pure Acupressure Sensual Oil Massage Hotel Note: NO checking in. Straight to room. Hp: +65 8239 3846 Email: Russellbodyworks@hotmail.com Facebook: Russell Bodyworks I LOVE my BODY. I may flaunt it BUT my body and soul and my car are NOT for sale. I don't have a problem with my body but I DON'T want my body to be a distraction from my TALENT or my brain. PROFILE: I'm a laid back, open minded, well-educated, nice guy I’m looking to hook up with all cool, CLEAN guys who are into mutually respectful and mutually satisfying hot bodywork. Whether you’re CURIOUS and want to have a NEW experience or experienced and want to have a new experience. CURIOUS? I'd be a fool not to also shamelessly market myself to the curious straight guy out there. Fulfill that fantasy that's played over and over in their heads. You know the fantasy I mean, buddy. The one with you lying naked and some hot shirtless guy standing next to you working you over. That fantasy doesn't go away until you find some balls and go for it...and when you finally do, its even better than you imagined. I celebrate any man, of any age, who allows himself to experience something NEW. That is what life is about, peace. RUSSELL
Hi im a chubby indian boy 27 yrs old and from kl. Any mature daddies into chubby indians please pm me and we can meet hehhee tqq
The Moderating Team is happy to announce our new Moderator, @kalel. Do welcome him!
For the vain guy among us. Some beauty tips from wikihow. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ How to Get Rid of Black Circles Under Your Eyes http://www.wikihow.com/Get-Rid-of-Black-Ci...Under-Your-Eyes Puffiness or skin discoloration under the eyes affects just about everybody at some time or another. For some of us, however, these “bags” or “dark circles” are a near-constant bother. While these conditions are occasionally symptomatic of other illnesses, the usual cause is allergies, tiredness, or, unfortunately, heredity. No matter what the cause, you can still reduce the appearance of puffiness or dark circles, and in some cases, you may be able to get rid of them altogether. Steps 1. Establish whether or not this condition runs in the family. Dark circles in particular are believed to frequently be hereditary. This doesn’t mean that you can’t do anything about the conditions, but you should be prepared for minimal success actually trying to get rid of them. 2. Identify allergens. Allergies may be the most common cause of skin discoloration and puffiness under the eyes. If allergies are the root of your problem, you simply need to treat them or remove the allergen (i.e., the thing to which you are allergic). Seasonal allergy problems such as hay fever can frequently be effectively treated with over-the-counter and prescription medications. For other allergies the best course of action is usually avoidance. If your dark circles or puffiness are constant, you may have an undetected food allergy or an allergy to a chemical in your home or workplace. Talk to a dermatologist for help determining what you may be allergic to. 3. Get plenty of sleep nightly. It’s not entirely clear why inadequate sleep results in dark circles under the eyes, but we’ve all seen it happen either to ourselves or someone we know. For one thing, lack of sleep tends to cause the skin to become paler (thus increasing the appearance of darkness under the eyes), and it reduces circulation. It’s also believed that too little time lying down is a cause in itself. Determine how much sleep you need (it’s usually 7-9 hours per night) and try to get that amount regularly for a couple of weeks to see if that helps. Remember that alcohol and drugs can adversely affect the quality of your sleep; abstain from these products or use only in moderation for best results. 4. Treat your skin while you sleep. There are overnight facial masques available that may help reduce the appearance of puffiness or discoloration, but you can also make your own. Just before you go to bed, take a washcloth and wet it just a bit with cold water. Then squeeze out any excess water and place it over your eyes as you sleep. 5. Apply cool tea bags or cucumber slices to your eyes daily. The tannin in tea bags has been shown to reduce swelling and discoloration, and cucumber slices have long been used to reduce puffiness and refresh the appearance of skin around the eyes. Lie down, preferably in the morning, and leave fresh cucumber slices or cool, damp caffeinated tea bags (you can refrigerate them overnight so they’ll be ready) over your eyes for about 10-15 minutes. Keep your eyes closed. 6. Wash your face with cool to somewhat cold water in the morning or when puffiness occurs. The cold water will cause blood vessels to constrict, and thus reduces swelling. 7. Try to relax the space. You can do this by wetting a Q-tip and then freezing for a little while. Then you should gently wipe under your eyes in the areas where the circles are occurring. When wiping, close your eyes and try not to flinch. 8. Apply an eye cream containing vitamin K and retinol. Dark circles may be caused by a deficiency of vitamin K. Regardless of the cause, however, recent research has shown that skin creams containing these two ingredients reduce puffiness and discoloration significantly in many patients. Long-term daily use seems to have the greatest effect. 9. Avoid rubbing your eyes. Usually rubbing of the eyes is brought on by allergies, but not always. Regardless of the reason, stop doing it. The rubbing irritates the skin and can break tiny capillaries beneath the skin, causing both puffiness and discoloration. 10. Eat a healthy, balanced diet and drink plenty of water. A whole host of cosmetic problems can be attributed to vitamin deficiencies. Dark circles and puffiness are often attributed to lack of vitamin K or inadequate antioxidants. Be sure to get plenty of fruits and vegetables—especially cabbage, spinach, and other leafy green vegetables—and take a daily vitamin supplement if necessary. Get adequate fluids to improve circulation. 11. Reduce salt intake. Excess salt causes the body to retain water in unusual places, and this can result in puffiness under the eyes. Too much salt can also impair your circulation, and cause the blood vessels under the skin to appear bluer. 12. Quit smoking. Smoking causes vascular (blood vessel) problems that can not only threaten your life, but also make your blood vessels appear more prominent and bluer beneath the skin. 13. Cover the problem up with cosmetics. If all else fails use a flesh-toned color which will camouflage the problem. Tips * Food allergies/sensitivities play a major part in under-eye circles. Processed foods with artificial colors and preservatives as well as milk allergies can cause this problem. * The Internet abounds with home remedies. While the most common are cucumbers and tea bags, there are a number of others. Feel free to test them out, as some may work for some people, but use common sense. Warnings * Be careful about what type of teabag you use. If you have allergies a tea bag like chamomile might swell your eyes. * Do not apply ice or extremely cold water directly to the skin around the eyes for more than a couple of seconds. * Exercise caution when using a new cosmetic product or trying a home remedy. If the condition worsens, or if you exhibit other symptoms, discontinue use immediately and contact your primary care physician or dermatologist for severe or persisting symptoms.
Operating hours Monday- Sunday-: 11am onwards till late night subject to availability Location: Yishun for incall Bio: i'm 41 years old. Just a down to earth guy. i been in this field for 4years and still upgrading myself. Please pardon me if i'm not meeting your expectations but will do my best. Look forward your bookings!
hiii!! im looking for more people to meet who used to be or are still active in the band scene in SG!! im personally from Symphonic band right now, so it would be nice to meet more people who have the same interests and passions as me
1. Social Interaction for BW Members Blowingwind Forum has 42K members + many guests. Last week Mod's meeting, the mods discussed on ways we can allow members to engage in Non-Gay Topics (eg Special Interest Groups like Plants, Pets, Karaoke, Food, IT, Travel etc) Something which we tried with mixed results some time back. 2. Try Again ! Introducing Social Clubs Clubs allows MEMBERS to create " User-created popup communities for collaboration. Clubs enable members to create social groups for the BW community. Club owners (any member) can choose an appropriate club (Open, Close, Private) type to determine how much they share with the wider community. While some groups may aim to be fully visible to the community, others dealing with more sensitive subjects may want to be more hidden (from Google and Guest) , and our forum software provides the tools to do so. Click on Menu > Clubs to take a look. Or link by https://www.blowingwind.io/forum/clubs/ 3. Members take charge ! a, For Members who like to create your own "Club", you can go Menu > Clubs > Start a Club b. Create a Topic Name and post information as appropriate. c. We prefer the Clubs to be community driven. If there are existing topics in the forum where you like to move into the club, let the moderators know. d. Any member(s) can create Clubs. However we prefer Clubs to be "NON-SEXUAL" and observe the BW guidelines. Topics can be like Pets, Manga, TV/Netflix Series, health. mental issues, Japanese language, cooking, music, ... The owner of the club have to be responsible for the Club and Drive it by leading discussions and do member recruitment. Moderators have prerogative to shut-down Sexual Content Clubs and also moderate the contents of the club. 4. Pokemon Go As a start, I have created a Pokemon Club. Feel free to join the Pokemon Club and see how it works. A sample Club is attached. 5. Ask This is still in test stage as we are also learning as we we go along. Post queries here. Enjoy ! Hendry Tan Admin cum Moderator
Hi guys! Cute, Tall & Stocky uncle in his late 60s at roxy square level 1. Friendly, good at what he is doing (massage/tuina/sports/accupunture) between S$50-S$70. Uncle always wear fitting polo dri-fit with nipples ‘sticking out’, feels like biting it…haha Has been there several times, try it! He is straight, no happy ending and when u talk abt gay story he’s so alert…I wonder…hmmm…
Just wanna have some story time. This happened really unexpectingly and i feel that despite how 2020 has been to us, i still feel that there is still good left this year. It all began when i was scrolling through Grindr randomly. Was not looking for anything in particular because at this age (i’m turning 30 this year), I was already not expecting much from this app anyway. But then suddenly i saw this profile. He was staying nearby too. His profile pic looks decent and i thought why not say Hie. So i decided to say Hie first. He is 36 this year btw. He replied. The chat started very awkward with all the usual introduction. At this point, i didn’t expect much. He was very interested at the picture i gave him and he said it sure does gave him the attention. At the very beginning the chat started out a bit slow. So i thought to myself, this was going to be another case whereby sooner or later the chat will die out and after that either one of us will ghost each other. But to my surprise, he replied willingly after each replies. We even greeted each other in the morning. Which I find to be very strange in a good way as i was not expecting it to be that way. Days goes by, and we seem to be very interested with our chats that it seem as though we really enjoy each other’s time chatting. As we got to know each other, we decided we wanted to meet. So we exchanged contact with any hesitation. We seem to be so excited to meet as we were eager to finally able to see each other in person. So our first meet up was going jogging with each other. You can tell we were nervous but was trying to cover it up as we kept smiling to each other. We were happy when we finally met. So we had a good run till we ended up having fun somewhere. The session was hot as both of us didn’t had any fun for quite sometime. After that was done, it was not awkward at all. We continue walking back home as we chat. Can tell our conversation didnt stop as we chatted very naturally. I send him over at the mrt and waved goodbye. So days after that first meet up, we continue chatting over at whatsapp. We grew closer to each other each day by making time over our busy schedules to meet up whenever we can. Then came the whole Circuit Breaker period and this was when it really tested the both of us. Due to the strict restrictions, we were not able to see each other. Now this was the real hard part because the only way we got to see each other was through video calls. We both admit to each other that the situation made us miss each other a lot and the most sweetest thing was him using Grab services to deliver food/drinks/desserts for me. I was so touched at first and I returned the favour in doing the same thing too. We continue to tell each other that, once everything is ok, we will definitely see each other again. Fast forward to Phase 2 and when finally we were able to see each other, that is when things got serious. There was a particular day after we met, he asked me a question which led to the truth being told. I lied to him that I didn’t have any social media accounts (i.e. An ig account). He didn’t believe me and didn’t make any sound. Throughout the day, it made me feel guilty because i kept thinking of all the things that he had done for me. I didn’t wanna let him know my instagram account because at that point of time, i was attached with a girl. Yes, i thought I was bi. So before the day ends, I decided to tell him the truth. It was so hard for me to let him know that i broke down in tears trying to explain my situation. Despite him being hurt, he still cares for my feelings and he hugged me. He understand what was i going through and he was glad that i told him earlier before we went on further. That night was the lowest point in my life and for the both of us too. He told me he was cheated before. Just before we chatted, he recently broke up with his ex bf whom he was together with for more than 5 yrs. Can tell that night he was really down. He really thought it could work out between us and he poured out his feelings that night. We couldn’t stop texting each other that night till about 3am. I was crying non stop because we were trying to find a solution for this. We tried so hard to make each other to leave but our hearts really can’t take it. I knew how i felt that day and i knew i had to come out and be true to who i am. I couldn’t lie to myself anymore. This event made me even realise more that at this point in my life, i needed to make a clear direction to where i am going. The next morning we texted each other, our usual good morning. But we both didn’t slept well. I felt so guilty that i ordered his fave coffee delivery to his house. He was touched and he said he misses me. But he couldn’t stand the fact that I am still someone else’s. That was when i realise and made a decision. So i took the huge leap of ending of my r/s with my gf (she is my ex now). I decided not to let her know the real reason but i kept it generic with her. I knew sexually, i was not aroused by females. Once that was settled, I let him know of my decision and he was very supportive of it. He was glad that I looked happier now and that was the only thing he wanted, for me to be happy. After the whole saga, we were chatting even more and going out for dinner when we were finally able to dine out together recently. Till today, we decided not to have any status or told each other that we were dating. I mentioned my feelings to him before till one of the day inside my car when i was sending him off. We kissed goodnight and i accidentally said, ‘i love you’. He was shocked and smile shyly but did not reply. He texted me after that saying that he didn’t wanna sound bad to me but he said he was not ready for another r/s yet. He can’t seem to open his heart yet after what happened to him previously. I totally understand his situation but he felt that it was unfair to me if he would to keep me waiting. So now, we are really just enjoying each other’s company and having ‘fun’ with each other once in a while but we haven made it official yet. I want him to be my boyfriend and i think he also would like to have that but i think his heart was wounded the last time around and so he didn’t want to be hurt again. As of now, we are just going through each day. Are we friends with benefits? Are we dating? Will we be tgt as bf one day? I don’t know, only time will tell. Anyone went through somewhat similar situation? Hehe So what are your thoughts?
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Was jogging along the East Coast when I came towards Fort Road and noticed a whole lot of construction going on. Brought back memories of the 90's when it was a popular place to gather and if you're lucky people watch. I remember taking a 30 minute walk from the entrance to venture deeper to the beautiful beach. And if you're blessed by the heavens you chance upon some nice people sun tanning in the nude or swimming. Back then people were nicer and bolder and would just lay naked on their towels and you could enjoy a great view of their physique and if luckier see some action. I remember many a time just settling down beside on or two nice individual who would let me help apply lotion and then proceed with jacking off or blow jobs or even a massage. I miss the good old days. Any one recall special moments there?
Thread for anytime fitness Malaysia members to chat about all things gym. Please feel free to share your thoughts, experience and stories.
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Blowingwind, The Forum, and all the Moderators assume that Members making a post here have read our Disclaimer Clause as follows: DISCLAIMER Blowingwind, The Forum, and all the Moderators shall not be incited and shall not be liable and shall be free from any responsibility, in any manner whatsoever, including but not limited to breach of trust, claims, demand, loss, damage, injury, actual and/or intentional misconduct arising from the activities posted in this Section with regards (and not limited) to the law to keep, distribute or sell pornographic materials. Members making posts on such topic are fully aware of Section 30 of the Films Act.
Terms and Conditions that governs the posting of threads here in this Sub-Forum. For Service Providers * All NEW threads can ONLY be started by Registered Members. Service Providers who wants to post your commercial activities here, Please Register. * You Need to login to reply and post so that your BW nick does not get abused by Guest. * Flooding / Repeated & Multiple posting in a single day is prohibited. Please post responsibly and allow others a chance to post their Ad. * Moderators have the rights to moderate all post by service providers. For Members and Guest * Members and guest can reply to threads (started by service providers) * Everyone can read and reply in the Massage Sub-forum * Offending postings will be removed if its in violation with BW's Guidelines. * Moderators have the rights to moderate all post by members and guest. The massage forum will be moderated by the existing moderators as in the Main Forum.
Since most gay social app profiles are filled with topless pictures, it got me thinking... Does everyone take picture of their bod/dick? Or is it just me who don't?
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Recently, I was on Grindr and manage to agree to meet this fella who said he could who is as family is away. Dressed up, I left to the location he told me . Fortunately , the location is where I lived once . So I was familiar . I arrived few block away. And as the chat stated lift A for me to wait, there’s a unit on the ground floor . Corner unit . It was a good nice place to have a place , but sadly the owner of the house I would say could have done better . Okay back to the topic, I managed to glance And saw the occupant of the corner house. Luckily he did not see me. I am quite suspicious about the meet up. So I did my smart game . I am familiar with the neighbourhood. I walked away from the meeting point and go to somewhere I could hide and watch the ground floor occupant and the lift area of the entire block. I positioned myself well. And then I sent a grindr text saying, I’m here . Quickly the ground floor occupant ran to his phone to do some texting . And then I received a message asking me whether am I at lift A and what clothings I’m wearing . Then he asked me whether I’m at the correct block . He again text saying it’s LIFT a I should wait. Then he said he coming down to get me . From my position I could see the all level floor lift . Exactly no one came down. But this ground floor guy, I could see every so often peeping out of the window while I could see he keep on texting . The text was for me I indeed. So while wait I observed him and my grindr messages . Then a msg came he’s coming down the stairs to pick me up now. Cut short , the battle of the trickery has been won by me. so to this bapok! And I think the boyfriend , let’s make them famous !! Bapok… good luck to you …. everyone there you go the address . If you happen to be in Jurong, come and visit this bapok and his bf perhaps . They are good trickeries!! [Pic removed by MOD] DO Not post pic of strangers without their permission. address : blk 538 Jurong Ave 1
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T&C: Message Sub Forum / Home Masseur [ House Rules ]
G_M replied to GachiMuchi's topic in Massage & Grooming Services
Anyone Caught Prostituting Or Solicit Payment For Sex Will Be Banned Note to all local home based masseurs, Blowing Wind Forum, besides being a Gay forum, it is also a Moderated, Public Forum. We do not allow blatant solicitation or offer of sexual service here as this might give cause for the authorities to clammed down on such activities, which will in turn give unnecessary trouble to yourselves and other local home based masseurs, but most importantly, it might also give unnecessary problem for volunteer moderators like us here. Those whom are caught doing that will be given warning. If in any case, you do not heed our warnings, we will not hesitate to remove you from the forum. Thank you for your understanding and we hope masseurs and customers alike; whom make use of our BW Massage information here will thank you very much too. GM ======================= 不许卖淫 BW是一个被管理的版。 我们这版是不允许任何人在这打有关性交易的广告。 任何提及有关性交易或卖淫的字眼一律都不能出现在广告里。 如有违反,将会被除掉会员资格而且永远被封杀。 ======================= (In Vietnamese using Google Translator) Lưu ý đến tất cả các nhà nhân viên mát xa dựa trên địa phương, Thổi gió diễn đàn, ngoài việc là một diễn đàn đồng tính, nó cũng là một kiểm duyệt, công diễn đàn. Chúng tôi không cho phép trưng cầu trắng trợn hoặc cung cấp các dịch vụ tình dục ở đây là điều này có thể cung cấp cho nguyên nhân của các cơ quan chức năng im thin thít xuống trên các hoạt động như vậy, mà sẽ lần lượt cung cấp cho rắc rối không cần thiết cho mình và gia đình nhân viên mát xa có trụ sở tại địa phương khác, nhưng quan trọng nhất, nó có thể cũng cho vấn đề không cần thiết để điều hành tình nguyện viên như chúng tôi ở đây. Những người mà bị bắt làm sẽ được đưa ra cảnh báo. Nếu trong trường hợp, bạn không chú ý đến lời cảnh báo của chúng tôi, chúng tôi sẽ không ngần ngại loại bỏ bạn khỏi diễn đàn này. Cảm ơn bạn đã hiểu biết của bạn và chúng tôi hy vọng nhân viên mát xa và khách hàng như nhau, người sử dụng thông tin xa BW của chúng tôi ở đây sẽ cảm ơn bạn rất nhiều quá. =============================== (In Indonesia Using Google Translator) Catatan untuk semua pemijat berbasis rumah lokal, Hembusan angin Forum, selain menjadi forum Gay, juga merupakan Moderated, Forum Publik. Kami tidak mengizinkan ajakan terang-terangan atau menawarkan layanan seksual di sini karena ini mungkin memberikan alasan bagi pemerintah untuk tutup mulut turun pada kegiatan tersebut, yang pada gilirannya akan memberikan masalah yang tidak perlu untuk diri sendiri dan pemijat berbasis rumah lokal lainnya, tetapi yang paling penting, hal itu mungkin juga memberikan masalah yang tidak perlu untuk moderator relawan seperti kami di sini. Mereka yang tertangkap basah melakukan yang akan diberikan peringatan. Jika dalam hal apapun, Anda tidakmengindahkan peringatan kami, kami tidak akan ragu untuk menghapus Anda dari forum. Terima kasih atas pengertian Anda dan kami berharap pemijat dan pelanggan sama, yang memanfaatkan informasiMassage BW kami di sini akan terima kasih banyak juga. GM =============================== เป่าลม Forum นี้ Moderated เกย์เวทีสาธารณะ เราไม่อนุญาตให้ชักชวนหรือข้อเสนอที่เห็นได้ชัดของการให้บริการทางเพศที่นี่เช่นนี้อาจทำให้เกิดการเจ้าหน้าที่ที่จะ clammed ลงบนกิจกรรมดังกล่าวซึ่งในทางกลับกันจะทำให้ปัญหาที่ไม่จำเป็นกับตัวเองและคนอื่น ๆ นวดที่บ้านในท้องถิ่นตาม แต่ที่สำคัญที่สุดก็อาจจะยัง ให้ปัญหาที่ไม่จำเป็นสำหรับผู้ดูแลอาสาสมัครอย่างพวกเราที่นี่ คนที่ถูกจับทำที่จะได้รับการเตือน หากในกรณีใด ๆ ที่คุณไม่ฟังคำเตือนของเราเราจะไม่ลังเลที่จะลบคุณจากฟอรั่ม ขอขอบคุณสำหรับความเข้าใจของคุณและเราหวังว่านวดและลูกค้าเหมือนกัน ผู้ที่ทำให้การใช้งานของข้อมูลที่ BW นวดของเราที่นี่จะขอบคุณมากเกินไป GM -
Details : - 2D1N - Probably leaving on a Sat morning . (4-5 April) - Desaru is a confirmed destination however we are open to other nearby locations as well like Malacca . - We decided to change the location slightly cause the JB hotel is newer and cheaper , but we'll probably still head to Malacca on the first day . - My friend will be driving so that's covered . You'll only need to pay for the hotel and whatever else you'd like to spend there . - We have 3 people now - we're looking for 1 more person to tag along . - We're looking for someone possibly below 30 - mostly because we'd probably have more topics to talk about throughout the whole thing . - So someone that can talk with new people , not too shy ? :x - You're alright with physical contact like cuddles and shiz . - Race doesn't matter . Yeah , so if anyone's interested or have any further questions , you can either leave a comment below or inbox me . Thank you :DD
Hi all, We've been noticing a recent bout of personal ads being posted in the Members' Lounge instead of the Personals sub-forum, albeit mostly from users who are new to the forum. If you are unsure where to post, I highly recommend you to familiarise yourself with this. xoxo
Do you feel that most gays fit into some popular stereotypes? For those of you who have met many gays in real life or over the internet, do you find that most of them/us 1) behaves effeminately 2) very emotional 3) has the gay voice 4) prefers music and art over sports ...Are some of the examples.... of course there are exceptions to everything, but are those stereotypes more of a norm than exceptions?
Have you ever come across someone you ever developed good feeling towards but didn’t have the chance to confess? My story began way back when I was in my primary school. Back then, I had already developed liking towards guys but I was always in denial thinking something must be wrong with me. So there came this tall and tanned school mate whom I came across and whenever I bumped into him, he would wink at me and made some cheeky greeting. My heart always palpitated whenever that happened. Ya, I know, such typical drama scene.. and as expected, I would end up shying away and I couldn’t recall if I ever responded to his friendly gesture. There was this one awkward occasion when we were in the same class, while walking passed him, he suddenly reached out his hand to grope me and he started joking about it with his kakis. I swear I had the shock of my life and was too petrified to react. While I know back then he was just being naughty, I’m sure he would never guess the impact his mischievous act did on me. Perhaps that catalyses my sexual orientation towards men. As we progressed into our secondary level (we were in different schools already), we occasionally bumped into each other in my neighbourhood. Coincidentally, we both were bringing our siblings to school. As usual, he with his super cool greeting as we passed by while again me with my super uncool smile. As I matured, I began to think what would happen if I were a bit more pro-active in responding to his friendly greeting. Would something sparkle between us? Well, my in-denial inner-me continued to stay strong and forbid me to change anything. In the recent years, I spotted him teaching swimming in Tampines Safra while I had my regular swim. We both have aged in our ways and he has aged into such charming and mature man. I wish he could have spotted me and I certainly missed his cheeky smile. I probably would muster enough courage to stay in touch with him if he could recognise me. Well, I realised I probably had fallen for him long ago.. That’s my little life story of secretly falling in love with my school mate. How about you?
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